3,012 research outputs found

    The Flip Diameter of Rectangulations and Convex Subdivisions

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    We study the configuration space of rectangulations and convex subdivisions of nn points in the plane. It is shown that a sequence of O(nlogn)O(n\log n) elementary flip and rotate operations can transform any rectangulation to any other rectangulation on the same set of nn points. This bound is the best possible for some point sets, while Θ(n)\Theta(n) operations are sufficient and necessary for others. Some of our bounds generalize to convex subdivisions of nn points in the plane.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, an extended abstract has been presented at LATIN 201

    Edge Routing with Ordered Bundles

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    Edge bundling reduces the visual clutter in a drawing of a graph by uniting the edges into bundles. We propose a method of edge bundling drawing each edge of a bundle separately as in metro-maps and call our method ordered bundles. To produce aesthetically looking edge routes it minimizes a cost function on the edges. The cost function depends on the ink, required to draw the edges, the edge lengths, widths and separations. The cost also penalizes for too many edges passing through narrow channels by using the constrained Delaunay triangulation. The method avoids unnecessary edge-node and edge-edge crossings. To draw edges with the minimal number of crossings and separately within the same bundle we develop an efficient algorithm solving a variant of the metro-line crossing minimization problem. In general, the method creates clear and smooth edge routes giving an overview of the global graph structure, while still drawing each edge separately and thus enabling local analysis

    Orthogonal polygon reconstruction from stabbing information

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    AbstractReconstruction of polygons from visibility information is known to be a difficult problem in general. In this paper, we consider a special case: reconstruction of orthogonal polygons from horizontal and vertical visibility information and show that this reconstruction can be performed in O(nlogn) time


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    The knowledge of roof shapes is essential for the creation of 3D building models. Many experts and researchers use 3D building models for specialized tasks, such as creating noise maps, estimating the solar potential of roof structures, and planning new wireless infrastructures. Our aim is to introduce a technique for automating the creation of topologically correct roof building models using outlines and aerial image data. In this study, we used building footprints and vertical aerial survey photographs. Aerial survey photographs enabled us to produce an orthophoto and a digital surface model of the analysed area. The developed technique made it possible to detect roof edges from the orthophoto and to categorize the edges using spatial relationships and height information derived from the digital surface model. This method allows buildings with complicated shapes to be decomposed into simple parts that can be processed separately. In our study, a roof type and model were determined for each building part and tested with multiple datasets with different levels of quality. Excellent results were achieved for simple and medium complex roofs. Results for very complex roofs were unsatisfactory. For such structures, we propose using multitemporal images because these can lead to significant improvements and a better roof edge detection. The method used in this study was shared with the Czech national mapping agency and could be used for the creation of new 3D modelling products in the near future

    Reconstruction of Weakly Simple Polygons from their Edges

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    Given n line segments in the plane, do they form the edge set of a weakly simple polygon; that is, can the segment endpoints be perturbed by at most epsilon, for any epsilon > 0, to obtain a simple polygon? While the analogous question for simple polygons can easily be answered in O(n log n) time, we show that it is NP-complete for weakly simple polygons. We give O(n)-time algorithms in two special cases: when all segments are collinear, or the segment endpoints are in general position. These results extend to the variant in which the segments are directed, and the counterclockwise traversal of a polygon should follow the orientation. We study related problems for the case that the union of the n input segments is connected. (i) If each segment can be subdivided into several segments, find the minimum number of subdivision points to form a weakly simple polygon. (ii) If new line segments can be added, find the minimum total length of new segments that creates a weakly simple polygon. We give worst-case upper and lower bounds for both problems

    Space-Time Trade-offs for Stack-Based Algorithms

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    In memory-constrained algorithms we have read-only access to the input, and the number of additional variables is limited. In this paper we introduce the compressed stack technique, a method that allows to transform algorithms whose space bottleneck is a stack into memory-constrained algorithms. Given an algorithm \alg\ that runs in O(n) time using Θ(n)\Theta(n) variables, we can modify it so that it runs in O(n2/s)O(n^2/s) time using a workspace of O(s) variables (for any so(logn)s\in o(\log n)) or O(nlogn/logp)O(n\log n/\log p) time using O(plogn/logp)O(p\log n/\log p) variables (for any 2pn2\leq p\leq n). We also show how the technique can be applied to solve various geometric problems, namely computing the convex hull of a simple polygon, a triangulation of a monotone polygon, the shortest path between two points inside a monotone polygon, 1-dimensional pyramid approximation of a 1-dimensional vector, and the visibility profile of a point inside a simple polygon. Our approach exceeds or matches the best-known results for these problems in constant-workspace models (when they exist), and gives the first trade-off between the size of the workspace and running time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first general framework for obtaining memory-constrained algorithms

    Multiresolution analysis as an approach for tool path planning in NC machining

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    Wavelets permit multiresolution analysis of curves and surfaces. A complex curve can be decomposed using wavelet theory into lower resolution curves. The low-resolution (coarse) curves are similar to rough-cuts and high-resolution (fine) curves to finish-cuts in numerical controlled (NC) machining.;In this project, we investigate the applicability of multiresolution analysis using B-spline wavelets to NC machining of contoured 2D objects. High-resolution curves are used close to the object boundary similar to conventional offsetting, while lower resolution curves, straight lines and circular arcs are used farther away from the object boundary.;Experimental results indicate that wavelet-based multiresolution tool path planning improves machining efficiency. Tool path length is reduced, sharp corners are smoothed out thereby reducing uncut areas and larger tools can be selected for rough-cuts