3,619 research outputs found

    Curve Skeleton and Moments of Area Supported Beam Parametrization in Multi-Objective Compliance Structural Optimization

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    This work addresses the end-to-end virtual automation of structural optimization up to the derivation of a parametric geometry model that can be used for application areas such as additive manufacturing or the verification of the structural optimization result with the finite element method. A holistic design in structural optimization can be achieved with the weighted sum method, which can be automatically parameterized with curve skeletonization and cross-section regression to virtually verify the result and control the local size for additive manufacturing. is investigated in general. In this paper, a holistic design is understood as a design that considers various compliances as an objective function. This parameterization uses the automated determination of beam parameters by so-called curve skeletonization with subsequent cross-section shape parameter estimation based on moments of area, especially for multi-objective optimized shapes. An essential contribution is the linking of the parameterization with the results of the structural optimization, e.g., to include properties such as boundary conditions, load conditions, sensitivities or even density variables in the curve skeleton parameterization. The parameterization focuses on guiding the skeletonization based on the information provided by the optimization and the finite element model. In addition, the cross-section detection considers circular, elliptical, and tensor product spline cross-sections that can be applied to various shape descriptors such as convolutional surfaces, subdivision surfaces, or constructive solid geometry. The shape parameters of these cross-sections are estimated using stiffness distributions, moments of area of 2D images, and convolutional neural networks with a tailored loss function to moments of area. Each final geometry is designed by extruding the cross-section along the appropriate curve segment of the beam and joining it to other beams by using only unification operations. The focus of multi-objective structural optimization considering 1D, 2D and 3D elements is on cases that can be modeled using equations by the Poisson equation and linear elasticity. This enables the development of designs in application areas such as thermal conduction, electrostatics, magnetostatics, potential flow, linear elasticity and diffusion, which can be optimized in combination or individually. Due to the simplicity of the cases defined by the Poisson equation, no experts are required, so that many conceptual designs can be generated and reconstructed by ordinary users with little effort. Specifically for 1D elements, a element stiffness matrices for tensor product spline cross-sections are derived, which can be used to optimize a variety of lattice structures and automatically convert them into free-form surfaces. For 2D elements, non-local trigonometric interpolation functions are used, which should significantly increase interpretability of the density distribution. To further improve the optimization, a parameter-free mesh deformation is embedded so that the compliances can be further reduced by locally shifting the node positions. Finally, the proposed end-to-end optimization and parameterization is applied to verify a linear elasto-static optimization result for and to satisfy local size constraint for the manufacturing with selective laser melting of a heat transfer optimization result for a heat sink of a CPU. For the elasto-static case, the parameterization is adjusted until a certain criterion (displacement) is satisfied, while for the heat transfer case, the manufacturing constraints are satisfied by automatically changing the local size with the proposed parameterization. This heat sink is then manufactured without manual adjustment and experimentally validated to limit the temperature of a CPU to a certain level.:TABLE OF CONTENT III I LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS V II LIST OF SYMBOLS V III LIST OF FIGURES XIII IV LIST OF TABLES XVIII 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 RESEARCH DESIGN AND MOTIVATION 6 1.2 RESEARCH THESES AND CHAPTER OVERVIEW 9 2. PRELIMINARIES OF TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 12 2.1 MATERIAL INTERPOLATION 16 2.2 TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION 17 2.3 MULTI-OBJECTIVE TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH THE WEIGHTED SUM METHOD 18 3. SIMULTANEOUS SIZE, TOPOLOGY AND PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION OF WIREFRAMES WITH B-SPLINE CROSS-SECTIONS 21 3.1 FUNDAMENTALS IN WIREFRAME OPTIMIZATION 22 3.2 SIZE AND TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH PERIODIC B-SPLINE CROSS-SECTIONS 27 3.3 PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION EMBEDDED IN SIZE OPTIMIZATION 32 3.4 WEIGHTED SUM SIZE AND TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 36 3.5 CROSS-SECTION COMPARISON 39 4. NON-LOCAL TRIGONOMETRIC INTERPOLATION IN TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 41 4.1 FUNDAMENTALS IN MATERIAL INTERPOLATIONS 43 4.2 NON-LOCAL TRIGONOMETRIC SHAPE FUNCTIONS 45 4.3 NON-LOCAL PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION WITH TRIGONOMETRIC SHAPE FUNCTIONS 49 4.4 NON-LOCAL AND PARAMETER-FREE MULTI-OBJECTIVE TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 54 5. FUNDAMENTALS IN SKELETON GUIDED SHAPE PARAMETRIZATION IN TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 58 5.1 SKELETONIZATION IN TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 61 5.2 CROSS-SECTION RECOGNITION FOR IMAGES 66 5.3 SUBDIVISION SURFACES 67 5.4 CONVOLUTIONAL SURFACES WITH META BALL KERNEL 71 5.5 CONSTRUCTIVE SOLID GEOMETRY 73 6. CURVE SKELETON GUIDED BEAM PARAMETRIZATION OF TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION RESULTS 75 6.1 FUNDAMENTALS IN SKELETON SUPPORTED RECONSTRUCTION 76 6.2 SUBDIVISION SURFACE PARAMETRIZATION WITH PERIODIC B-SPLINE CROSS-SECTIONS 78 6.3 CURVE SKELETONIZATION TAILORED TO TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH PRE-PROCESSING 82 6.4 SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION USING LOCAL STIFFNESS DISTRIBUTION 86 7. CROSS-SECTION SHAPE PARAMETRIZATION FOR PERIODIC B-SPLINES 96 7.1 PRELIMINARIES IN B-SPLINE CONTROL GRID ESTIMATION 97 7.2 CROSS-SECTION EXTRACTION OF 2D IMAGES 101 7.3 TENSOR SPLINE PARAMETRIZATION WITH MOMENTS OF AREA 105 7.4 B-SPLINE PARAMETRIZATION WITH MOMENTS OF AREA GUIDED CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK 110 8. FULLY AUTOMATED COMPLIANCE OPTIMIZATION AND CURVE-SKELETON PARAMETRIZATION FOR A CPU HEAT SINK WITH SIZE CONTROL FOR SLM 115 8.1 AUTOMATED 1D THERMAL COMPLIANCE MINIMIZATION, CONSTRAINED SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 118 8.2 AUTOMATED 2D THERMAL COMPLIANCE MINIMIZATION, CONSTRAINT SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 120 8.3 USING THE HEAT SINK PROTOTYPES COOLING A CPU 123 9. CONCLUSION 127 10. OUTLOOK 131 LITERATURE 133 APPENDIX 147 A PREVIOUS STUDIES 147 B CROSS-SECTION PROPERTIES 149 C CASE STUDIES FOR THE CROSS-SECTION PARAMETRIZATION 155 D EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 15

    Spatial Reconstruction of Biological Trees from Point Cloud

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    Trees are complex systems in nature whose topology and geometry ar

    Multimodal Three Dimensional Scene Reconstruction, The Gaussian Fields Framework

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    The focus of this research is on building 3D representations of real world scenes and objects using different imaging sensors. Primarily range acquisition devices (such as laser scanners and stereo systems) that allow the recovery of 3D geometry, and multi-spectral image sequences including visual and thermal IR images that provide additional scene characteristics. The crucial technical challenge that we addressed is the automatic point-sets registration task. In this context our main contribution is the development of an optimization-based method at the core of which lies a unified criterion that solves simultaneously for the dense point correspondence and transformation recovery problems. The new criterion has a straightforward expression in terms of the datasets and the alignment parameters and was used primarily for 3D rigid registration of point-sets. However it proved also useful for feature-based multimodal image alignment. We derived our method from simple Boolean matching principles by approximation and relaxation. One of the main advantages of the proposed approach, as compared to the widely used class of Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithms, is convexity in the neighborhood of the registration parameters and continuous differentiability, allowing for the use of standard gradient-based optimization techniques. Physically the criterion is interpreted in terms of a Gaussian Force Field exerted by one point-set on the other. Such formulation proved useful for controlling and increasing the region of convergence, and hence allowing for more autonomy in correspondence tasks. Furthermore, the criterion can be computed with linear complexity using recently developed Fast Gauss Transform numerical techniques. In addition, we also introduced a new local feature descriptor that was derived from visual saliency principles and which enhanced significantly the performance of the registration algorithm. The resulting technique was subjected to a thorough experimental analysis that highlighted its strength and showed its limitations. Our current applications are in the field of 3D modeling for inspection, surveillance, and biometrics. However, since this matching framework can be applied to any type of data, that can be represented as N-dimensional point-sets, the scope of the method is shown to reach many more pattern analysis applications

    Optimum Slice Reduction Algorithm For Fast Surface Reconstruction From Contour Slices

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    Tesis ini memfokus kepada pembinaan semula permukaan daripada siri hirisan kontur, dengan tujuan mempercepatkan proses pembinaan semula di samping mengekalkan kualiti output pada tahap yang boleh diterima. This thesis is concerned with the reconstruction of surface from a series of contour slices, with the aim to speed up the reconstruction process while preserving the output quality at an acceptable level

    Statistical Medial Model dor Cardiac Segmentation and Morphometry

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    In biomedical image analysis, shape information can be utilized for many purposes. For example, irregular shape features can help identify diseases; shape features can help match different instances of anatomical structures for statistical comparison; and prior knowledge of the mean and possible variation of an anatomical structure\u27s shape can help segment a new example of this structure in noisy, low-contrast images. A good shape representation helps to improve the performance of the above techniques. The overall goal of the proposed research is to develop and evaluate methods for representing shapes of anatomical structures. The medial model is a shape representation method that models a 3D object by explicitly defining its skeleton (medial axis) and deriving the object\u27s boundary via inverse-skeletonization . This model represents shape compactly, and naturally expresses descriptive global shape features like thickening , bending , and elongation . However, its application in biomedical image analysis has been limited, and it has not yet been applied to the heart, which has a complex shape. In this thesis, I focus on developing efficient methods to construct the medial model, and apply it to solve biomedical image analysis problems. I propose a new 3D medial model which can be efficiently applied to complex shapes. The proposed medial model closely approximates the medial geometry along medial edge curves and medial branching curves by soft-penalty optimization and local correction. I further develop a scheme to perform model-based segmentation using a statistical medial model which incorporates prior shape and appearance information. The proposed medial models are applied to a series of image analysis tasks. The 2D medial model is applied to the corpus callosum which results in an improved alignment of the patterns of commissural connectivity compared to a volumetric registration method. The 3D medial model is used to describe the myocardium of the left and right ventricles, which provides detailed thickness maps characterizing different disease states. The model-based myocardium segmentation scheme is tested in a heterogeneous adult MRI dataset. Our segmentation experiments demonstrate that the statistical medial model can accurately segment the ventricular myocardium and provide useful parameters to characterize heart function

    Optimum Slice Reduction Algorithm For Fast Surface Reconstruction From Contour slices [QA571. T164 2007 f rb].

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    Tesis ini memfokus kepada pembinaan semula permukaan daripada siri hirisan kontur, dengan tujuan mempercepatkan proses pembinaan semula di samping mengekalkan kualiti output pada tahap yang boleh diterima. Teknik yang dicadangkan dalam tesis ini memproses hirisan-hirisan kontur sebelum pembinaan semula permukaan. This thesis is concerned with the reconstruction of surface from a series of contour slices, with the aim to speed up the reconstruction process while preserving the output quality at an acceptable level. The proposed technique in this thesis, preprocesses the slices of contour prior to surface reconstruction

    Reconstruction de formes tubulaires à partir de nuages de points : application à l’estimation de la géométrie forestière

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    Les capacités des technologies de télédétection ont augmenté exponentiellement au cours des dernières années : de nouveaux scanners fournissent maintenant une représentation géométrique de leur environnement sous la forme de nuage de points avec une précision jusqu'ici inégalée. Le traitement de nuages de points est donc devenu une discipline à part entière avec ses problématiques propres et de nombreux défis à relever. Le coeur de cette thèse porte sur la modélisation géométrique et introduit une méthode robuste d'extraction de formes tubulaires à partir de nuages de points. Nous avons choisi de tester nos méthodes dans le contexte applicatif difficile de la foresterie pour mettre en valeur la robustesse de nos algorithmes et leur application à des données volumineuses. Nos méthodes intègrent les normales aux points comme information supplémentaire pour atteindre les objectifs de performance nécessaire au traitement de nuages de points volumineux.Cependant, ces normales ne sont généralement pas fournies par les capteurs, il est donc nécessaire de les pré-calculer.Pour préserver la rapidité d'exécution, notre premier développement a donc consisté à présenter une méthode rapide d'estimation de normales. Pour ce faire nous avons approximé localement la géométrie du nuage de points en utilisant des "patchs" lisses dont la taille s'adapte à la complexité locale des nuages de points. Nos travaux se sont ensuite concentrés sur l’extraction robuste de formes tubulaires dans des nuages de points denses, occlus, bruités et de densité inhomogène. Dans cette optique, nous avons développé une variante de la transformée de Hough dont la complexité est réduite grâce aux normales calculées. Nous avons ensuite couplé ces travaux à une proposition de contours actifs indépendants de leur paramétrisation. Cette combinaison assure la cohérence interne des formes reconstruites et s’affranchit ainsi des problèmes liés à l'occlusion, au bruit et aux variations de densité. Notre méthode a été validée en environnement complexe forestier pour reconstruire des troncs d'arbre afin d'en relever les qualités par comparaison à des méthodes existantes. La reconstruction de troncs d'arbre ouvre d'autres questions à mi-chemin entre foresterie et géométrie. La segmentation des arbres d'une placette forestière est l'une d’entre elles. C'est pourquoi nous proposons également une méthode de segmentation conçue pour contourner les défauts des nuages de points forestiers et isoler les différents objets d'un jeu de données. Durant nos travaux nous avons utilisé des approches de modélisation pour répondre à des questions géométriques, et nous les avons appliqué à des problématiques forestières.Il en résulte un pipeline de traitements cohérent qui, bien qu'illustré sur des données forestières, est applicable dans des contextes variés.Abstract : The potential of remote sensing technologies has recently increased exponentially: new sensors now provide a geometric representation of their environment in the form of point clouds with unrivalled accuracy. Point cloud processing hence became a full discipline, including specific problems and many challenges to face. The core of this thesis concerns geometric modelling and introduces a fast and robust method for the extraction of tubular shapes from point clouds. We hence chose to test our method in the difficult applicative context of forestry in order to highlight the robustness of our algorithms and their application to large data sets. Our methods integrate normal vectors as a supplementary geometric information in order to achieve the performance goal necessary for large point cloud processing. However, remote sensing techniques do not commonly provide normal vectors, thus they have to be computed. Our first development hence consisted in the development of a fast normal estimation method on point cloud in order to reduce the computing time on large point clouds. To do so, we locally approximated the point cloud geometry using smooth ''patches`` of points which size adapts to the local complexity of the point cloud geometry. We then focused our work on the robust extraction of tubular shapes from dense, occluded, noisy point clouds suffering from non-homogeneous sampling density. For this objective, we developed a variant of the Hough transform which complexity is reduced thanks to the computed normal vectors. We then combined this research with a new definition of parametrisation-invariant active contours. This combination ensures the internal coherence of the reconstructed shapes and alleviates issues related to occlusion, noise and variation of sampling density. We validated our method in complex forest environments with the reconstruction of tree stems to emphasize its advantages and compare it to existing methods. Tree stem reconstruction also opens new perspectives halfway in between forestry and geometry. One of them is the segmentation of trees from a forest plot. Therefore we also propose a segmentation approach designed to overcome the defects of forest point clouds and capable of isolating objects inside a point cloud. During our work we used modelling approaches to answer geometric questions and we applied our methods to forestry problems. Therefore, our studies result in a processing pipeline adapted to forest point cloud analyses, but the general geometric algorithms we propose can also be applied in various contexts