3 research outputs found

    TreeSketchNet: From Sketch To 3D Tree Parameters Generation

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    3D modeling of non-linear objects from stylized sketches is a challenge even for experts in Computer Graphics (CG). The extrapolation of objects parameters from a stylized sketch is a very complex and cumbersome task. In the present study, we propose a broker system that mediates between the modeler and the 3D modelling software and can transform a stylized sketch of a tree into a complete 3D model. The input sketches do not need to be accurate or detailed, and only need to represent a rudimentary outline of the tree that the modeler wishes to 3D-model. Our approach is based on a well-defined Deep Neural Network (DNN) architecture, we called TreeSketchNet (TSN), based on convolutions and able to generate Weber and Penn parameters that can be interpreted by the modelling software to generate a 3D model of a tree starting from a simple sketch. The training dataset consists of Synthetically-Generated \revision{(SG)} sketches that are associated with Weber-Penn parameters generated by a dedicated Blender modelling software add-on. The accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated by testing the TSN with both synthetic and hand-made sketches. Finally, we provide a qualitative analysis of our results, by evaluating the coherence of the predicted parameters with several distinguishing features

    Development of complex geometric surface with geomatics techniques. Processing of TLS data of the silos of Burjassot

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    [ES] La documentación del estado del patrimonio cultural es indispensable para realizar estudios científicos y generar medidas de protección que lo conserven, evitando que le afecten los trabajos que se realicen en él. El láser escáner es una tecnología muy eficaz para este tipo de trabajos que en los últimos años se ha convertido en habitual, ya que proporciona densas nubes de puntos 3D de la superficie del objeto con alta precisión. Además, los drones con cámara integrada son otro método novedoso que ofrece nuevas oportunidades tales como procedimientos automáticos de orientación y medición, generación de datos en 3D, ortofotografías digitales y modelos digitales de superficies. En este proyecto, se explica la toma de datos tridimensionales, procesamiento, almacenamiento y gestión de los mismos, así como los productos finales que pueden ser generados para facilitar la tarea de la documentación del patrimonio.[EN] The documentation of cultural heritage status is indispensable for scientific studies and generates protective measures to preserve its, avoiding effect that the work carried out there. Laser scanner is a very effective technology for this type of work and in recent years has become common because it provides dense clouds of 3D points of the object surface with high precision. In addition, UAV with camera drones are another new method that offers new opportunities such as automatic orientation and measurement procedures, 3D data, generation digital orthophotos and digital surface models. In this project, making three-dimensional data, processing, storage and management thereof as well as the final products that can be generated to facilitate the task of documentation of heritage explained.[CA] La documentació de l'estat del patrimoni cultural és indispensable per a realitzar estudis científics i generar mesures de protecció que ho conserven, evitant que li afecten els treballs que es realitzen en ell. El làser escàner és una tecnologia molt eficaç per a aquest tipus de treballs que en els últims anys s'ha convertit en habitual, ja que proporciona densos núvols de punts 3D de la superfície de l'objecte amb alta precisió. A més, els drons amb càmera integrada són un altre mètode nou que ofereix noves oportunitats tals com procediments automàtics d'orientació i mesurament, generació de dades en 3D, ortofotografies digitals i models digitals de superfícies. En aquest projecte, s'explica la presa de dades tridimensionals, processament, emmagatzematge i gestió dels mateixos, així com els productes finals que poden ser generats per a facilitar la tasca de la documentació del patrimoni.Montalvá España, D. (2016). Desarrollo de una superficie geométrica compleja con técnicas geomáticas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77759.TFG

    The evaluation of hand-crafted and learned-based features in Terrestrial Laser Scanning – Structure-from Motion (TLS-SfM) indoor point cloud registration – the case study of cultural heritage objects and public interiors

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    Modern technologies are commonly used to inventory different architectural or industrial objects (especially cultural heritage objects and sites) to generate architectural documentation or 3D models. The Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) method is one of the standard technologies researchers investigate for accurate data acquisition and processing required for architectural documentation. The processing of TLS data to generate high-resolution architectural documentation is a multi-stage process that begins with point cloud registration. In this step, it is a common practice to identify corresponding points manually, semi-manually or automatically. There are several challenges for the TLS point cloud processing in the data registration process: correct spatial distribution, marking of control points, automation, and robustness analysis. This is particularly important when large, complex heritage sites are investigated, where it is impossible to distribute marked control points. On the other hand, when orientating multi-temporal data, there is also the problem of corresponding reference points. For this reason, it is necessary to use automatic tie-point detection methods. Therefore, this article aims to evaluate the quality and completeness of the TLS registration process using 2D raster data in the form of spherical images and Affine Hand-crafted and Learned-based detectors in the multi-stage TLS point cloud registration as test data; point clouds were used for the historic 17th-century cellars of the Royal Castle in Warsaw without decorative structures, two baroque rooms in the King John III Palace Museum in Wilanów with decorative elements, ornaments and materials on the walls and flat frescoes, and two modern test fields, narrow office, and empty shopping mall. The extended Structure-from-Motion was used to determine the tie points for the complete TLS registration and reliability analysis. The evaluation of detectors demonstrates that for the test sites exhibiting rich textures and numerous ornaments, a combination of AFAST, ASURF, ASIFT, SuperGlue and LoFTR can be effectively employed. For the point cloud registration of less textured buildings, it is advisable to use AFAST/ASIFT. The robust method for point cloud registration exhibits comparable outcomes to the conventional target-based and Iterative Closest Points methods