16 research outputs found

    Reconstruction from Spatio-Spectrally Coded Multispectral Light Fields

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    In dieser Arbeit werden spektral codierte multispektrale Lichtfelder, wie sie von einer Lichtfeldkamera mit einem spektral codierten Mikrolinsenarray aufgenommen werden, untersucht. FĂŒr die Rekonstruktion der codierten Lichtfelder werden zwei Methoden entwickelt und im Detail ausgewertet. ZunĂ€chst wird eine vollstĂ€ndige Rekonstruktion des spektralen Lichtfelds entwickelt, die auf den Prinzipien des Compressed Sensing basiert. Um die spektralen Lichtfelder spĂ€rlich darzustellen, werden 5D-DCT-Basen sowie ein Ansatz zum Lernen eines Dictionary untersucht. Der konventionelle vektorisierte Dictionary-Lernansatz wird auf eine tensorielle Notation verallgemeinert, um das Lichtfeld-Dictionary tensoriell zu faktorisieren. Aufgrund der reduzierten Anzahl von zu lernenden Parametern ermöglicht dieser Ansatz grĂ¶ĂŸere effektive AtomgrĂ¶ĂŸen. Zweitens wird eine auf Deep Learning basierende Rekonstruktion der spektralen Zentralansicht und der zugehörigen DisparitĂ€tskarte aus dem codierten Lichtfeld entwickelt. Dabei wird die gewĂŒnschte Information direkt aus den codierten Messungen geschĂ€tzt. Es werden verschiedene Strategien des entsprechenden Multi-Task-Trainings verglichen. Um die QualitĂ€t der Rekonstruktion weiter zu verbessern, wird eine neuartige Methode zur Einbeziehung von Hilfslossfunktionen auf der Grundlage ihrer jeweiligen normalisierten GradientenĂ€hnlichkeit entwickelt und gezeigt, dass sie bisherige adaptive Methoden ĂŒbertrifft. Um die verschiedenen RekonstruktionsansĂ€tze zu trainieren und zu bewerten, werden zwei DatensĂ€tze erstellt. ZunĂ€chst wird ein großer synthetischer spektraler Lichtfelddatensatz mit verfĂŒgbarer DisparitĂ€t Ground Truth unter Verwendung eines Raytracers erstellt. Dieser Datensatz, der etwa 100k spektrale Lichtfelder mit dazugehöriger DisparitĂ€t enthĂ€lt, wird in einen Trainings-, Validierungs- und Testdatensatz aufgeteilt. Um die QualitĂ€t weiter zu bewerten, werden sieben handgefertigte Szenen, so genannte Datensatz-Challenges, erstellt. Schließlich wird ein realer spektraler Lichtfelddatensatz mit einer speziell angefertigten spektralen Lichtfeldreferenzkamera aufgenommen. Die radiometrische und geometrische Kalibrierung der Kamera wird im Detail besprochen. Anhand der neuen DatensĂ€tze werden die vorgeschlagenen RekonstruktionsansĂ€tze im Detail bewertet. Es werden verschiedene Codierungsmasken untersucht -- zufĂ€llige, regulĂ€re, sowie Ende-zu-Ende optimierte Codierungsmasken, die mit einer neuartigen differenzierbaren fraktalen Generierung erzeugt werden. DarĂŒber hinaus werden weitere Untersuchungen durchgefĂŒhrt, zum Beispiel bezĂŒglich der AbhĂ€ngigkeit von Rauschen, der Winkelauflösung oder Tiefe. Insgesamt sind die Ergebnisse ĂŒberzeugend und zeigen eine hohe RekonstruktionsqualitĂ€t. Die Deep-Learning-basierte Rekonstruktion, insbesondere wenn sie mit adaptiven Multitasking- und Hilfslossstrategien trainiert wird, ĂŒbertrifft die Compressed-Sensing-basierte Rekonstruktion mit anschließender DisparitĂ€tsschĂ€tzung nach dem Stand der Technik

    Reconstruction from Spatio-Spectrally Coded Multispectral Light Fields

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    In dieser Arbeit werden spektral kodierte multispektrale Lichtfelder untersucht, wie sie von einer Lichtfeldkamera mit einem spektral kodierten Mikrolinsenarray aufgenommen werden. FĂŒr die Rekonstruktion der kodierten Lichtfelder werden zwei Methoden entwickelt, eine basierend auf den Prinzipien des Compressed Sensing sowie eine Deep Learning Methode. Anhand neuartiger synthetischer und realer DatensĂ€tze werden die vorgeschlagenen RekonstruktionsansĂ€tze im Detail evaluiert

    Reconstruction from Spatio-Spectrally Coded Multispectral Light Fields

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    In this work, spatio-spectrally coded multispectral light fields, as taken by a light field camera with a spectrally coded microlens array, are investigated. For the reconstruction of the coded light fields, two methods, one based on the principles of compressed sensing and one deep learning approach, are developed. Using novel synthetic as well as a real-world datasets, the proposed reconstruction approaches are evaluated in detail

    Reconstruction from Spatio-Spectrally Coded Multispectral Light Fields

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    In this work, spatio-spectrally coded multispectral light fields, as taken by a light field camera with a spectrally coded microlens array, are investigated. For the reconstruction of the coded light fields, two methods, one based on the principles of compressed sensing and one deep learning approach, are developed. Using novel synthetic as well as a real-world datasets, the proposed reconstruction approaches are evaluated in detail

    Advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition Technology

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    For many decades, researchers have been trying to make computers’ analysis of images as effective as the system of human vision is. For this purpose, many algorithms and systems have previously been created. The whole process covers various stages, including image processing, representation and recognition. The results of this work can be applied to many computer-assisted areas of everyday life. They improve particular activities and provide handy tools, which are sometimes only for entertainment, but quite often, they significantly increase our safety. In fact, the practical implementation of image processing algorithms is particularly wide. Moreover, the rapid growth of computational complexity and computer efficiency has allowed for the development of more sophisticated and effective algorithms and tools. Although significant progress has been made so far, many issues still remain, resulting in the need for the development of novel approaches

    Algorithms, Hardware Systems, and Virtual Environments for Perception-Guided Robotic Weed Management

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    Weed competition is one of the most limiting factors affecting yield and profitability in crop production. In addition to the shortage and cost of labor for weed management, the widespread occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds due to the heavy reliance on herbicides is threatening agricultural sustainability and global food security. The introduction of robot-based automation for weed management has great potential to effectively address weed issues and reduce the drudgery of manual labor. The progress with robotic weed control requires improvements in the robots’ perception to understand complex agricultural environments and weed control actuators. Vision-based robot perception, a process of identifying and interpreting visual information in order to represent and understand the environment, is one of the most promising routes toward robotic weed management. This dissertation aims to develop algorithms and systems for perception-guided robotic weed management, where effective weed detection is essential. Despite the promise of robotic weed management, several technological advances must be made in the areas of plant detection and weeding actuation before robots are fully capable of autonomous weeding. In this regard, this dissertation has four specific objectives towards achieving precision weed management. The first objective is to study the influence of image quality and light consistency on the performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for weed detection. State-of-the-art CNNs rely on a vast number of training images, which are time-consuming and expensive to collect and annotate. The second objective is to develop an image synthesis and semi-supervised learning pipeline to reduce the need for annotated training images for weed detection. Virtual environments are powerful tools and have been widely used for developing robotic systems. However, virtual environments for agriculture are lacking. The third objective is to develop a photometric-based framework to facilitate the synthesis of 3D agricultural vegetation scenes that are both geometrically and optically detailed. In the fourth objective, algorithms and hardware systems have been developed for vision-guided automatic micro-volume herbicide spray using linearly actuated nozzles on a mobile robot platform. The system precisely applies a micro-volume of herbicide liquid on every single weed plant. Compared to the traditional application approach where herbicides are broadcasted, the system greatly reduces herbicide usage

    Deep learning for texture and dynamic texture analysis

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    Texture is a fundamental visual cue in computer vision which provides useful information about image regions. Dynamic Texture (DT) extends the analysis of texture to sequences of moving scenes. Classic approaches to texture and DT analysis are based on shallow hand-crafted descriptors including local binary patterns and filter banks. Deep learning and in particular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have significantly contributed to the field of computer vision in the last decade. These biologically inspired networks trained with powerful algorithms have largely improved the state of the art in various tasks such as digit, object and face recognition. This thesis explores the use of CNNs in texture and DT analysis, replacing classic hand-crafted filters by deep trainable filters. An introduction to deep learning is provided in the thesis as well as a thorough review of texture and DT analysis methods. While CNNs present interesting features for the analysis of textures such as a dense extraction of filter responses trained end to end, the deepest layers used in the decision rules commonly learn to detect large shapes and image layout instead of local texture patterns. A CNN architecture is therefore adapted to textures by using an orderless pooling of intermediate layers to discard the overall shape analysis, resulting in a reduced computational cost and improved accuracy. An application to biomedical texture images is proposed in which large tissue images are tiled and combined in a recognition scheme. An approach is also proposed for DT recognition using the developed CNNs on three orthogonal planes to combine spatial and temporal analysis. Finally, a fully convolutional network is adapted to texture segmentation based on the same idea of discarding the overall shape and by combining local shallow features with larger and deeper features

    Object recognition using fractal geometry and fuzzy logic.

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    Treatise on Hearing: The Temporal Auditory Imaging Theory Inspired by Optics and Communication

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    A new theory of mammalian hearing is presented, which accounts for the auditory image in the midbrain (inferior colliculus) of objects in the acoustical environment of the listener. It is shown that the ear is a temporal imaging system that comprises three transformations of the envelope functions: cochlear group-delay dispersion, cochlear time lensing, and neural group-delay dispersion. These elements are analogous to the optical transformations in vision of diffraction between the object and the eye, spatial lensing by the lens, and second diffraction between the lens and the retina. Unlike the eye, it is established that the human auditory system is naturally defocused, so that coherent stimuli do not react to the defocus, whereas completely incoherent stimuli are impacted by it and may be blurred by design. It is argued that the auditory system can use this differential focusing to enhance or degrade the images of real-world acoustical objects that are partially coherent. The theory is founded on coherence and temporal imaging theories that were adopted from optics. In addition to the imaging transformations, the corresponding inverse-domain modulation transfer functions are derived and interpreted with consideration to the nonuniform neural sampling operation of the auditory nerve. These ideas are used to rigorously initiate the concepts of sharpness and blur in auditory imaging, auditory aberrations, and auditory depth of field. In parallel, ideas from communication theory are used to show that the organ of Corti functions as a multichannel phase-locked loop (PLL) that constitutes the point of entry for auditory phase locking and hence conserves the signal coherence. It provides an anchor for a dual coherent and noncoherent auditory detection in the auditory brain that culminates in auditory accommodation. Implications on hearing impairments are discussed as well.Comment: 603 pages, 131 figures, 13 tables, 1570 reference