48 research outputs found

    Reconstructing Provenance

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    Towards Reconstructing the Provenance of Clinical Guidelines

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    Abstract. Understanding the provenance of clinical guidelines is important for both practitioners and researchers as it allows for deeper understanding of the provided recommendations and could potentially provide a basis for updating guidelines. Often such provenance is incomplete or unavailable. We describe a prototype of a multi-signal pipeline for reconstructing provenance and show preliminary results of reconstructing dependencies between documents in the context of clinical guidelines and associated documents. 1 Prototype description Broadly, we target the problem of reconstructing provenance of files in a shared folder setting, in which several authors can create or edit files at different moments, and only standard filesystem metadata is available. In a previous work [3] we proposed a content-based approach that is able to reconstruct provenance automatically, leveraging several similarity measures and edit distance algorithms, which are then adapted and integrated them into a multi-signal pipeline. Here, we present an improved version of this prototype applied to a clinical guideline and associated biomedical documents. The architecture of our prototype is shown in Fig. 1. <2,4

    The lifecycle of provenance metadata and its associated challenges and opportunities

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    This chapter outlines some of the challenges and opportunities associated with adopting provenance principles and standards in a variety of disciplines, including data publication and reuse, and information sciences

    Enabling automatic provenance-based trust assessment of web content

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    Data Provenance Inference in Logic Programming: Reducing Effort of Instance-driven Debugging

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    Data provenance allows scientists in different domains validating their models and algorithms to find out anomalies and unexpected behaviors. In previous works, we described on-the-fly interpretation of (Python) scripts to build workflow provenance graph automatically and then infer fine-grained provenance information based on the workflow provenance graph and the availability of data. To broaden the scope of our approach and demonstrate its viability, in this paper we extend it beyond procedural languages, to be used for purely declarative languages such as logic programming under the stable model semantics. For experiments and validation, we use the Answer Set Programming solver oClingo, which makes it possible to formulate and solve stream reasoning problems in a purely declarative fashion. We demonstrate how the benefits of the provenance inference over the explicit provenance still holds in a declarative setting, and we briefly discuss the potential impact for declarative programming, in particular for instance-driven debugging of the model in declarative problem solving

    Active Data: A Data-Centric Approach to Data Life-Cycle Management

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    International audienceData-intensive science offers new opportunities for innovation and discoveries, provided that large datasets can be handled efficiently. Data management for data-intensive science applications is challenging; requiring support for complex data life cycles, coordination across multiple sites, fault tolerance, and scalability to support tens of sites and petabytes of data. In this paper, we argue that data management for data-intensive science applications requires a fundamentally different management approach than the current ad-hoc task centric approach. We propose Active Data, a fundamentally novel paradigm for data life cycle management. Active Data follows two principles: data-centric and event-driven. We report on the Active Data programming model and its preliminary implementation, and discuss the benefits and limitations of the approach on recognized challenging data-intensive science use-cases.Les importants volumes de données produits par la science présentent de nouvelles opportunités d'innovation et de découvertes. Cependant ceci sera conditionné par notre capacité à gérer efficacement de très grands jeux de données. La gestion de données pour les applications scientifiques data-intensive présente un véritable défi~; elle requière le support de cycles de vie très complexes, la coordination de plusieurs sites, de la tolérance aux pannes et de passer à l'échelle sur des dizaines de sites avec plusieurs péta-octets de données. Dans cet article nous argumentons que la gestion des données pour les applications scientifiques data-intensive nécessite une approche fondamentalement différente de l'actuel paradigme centré sur les tâches. Nous proposons Active Data, un nouveau paradigme pour la gestion du cycle de vie des données. Active Data suit deux principes~: il est centré sur les données et à base d'événements. Nous présentons le modèle de programmation Active Data, un prototype d'implémentation et discutons des avantages et limites de notre approche à partir d'étude de cas d'applications scientifiques

    Web-scale provenance reconstruction of implicit information diffusion on social media

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    Fast, massive, and viral data diffused on social media affects a large share of the online population, and thus, the (prospective) information diffusion mechanisms behind it are of great interest to researchers. The (retrospective) provenance of such data is equally important because it contributes to the understanding of the relevance and trustworthiness of the information. Furthermore, computing provenance in a timely way is crucial for particular use cases and practitioners, such as online journalists that promptly need to assess specific pieces of information. Social media currently provide insufficient mechanisms for provenance tracking, publication and generation, while state-of-the-art on social media research focuses mainly on explicit diffusion mechanisms (like retweets in Twitter or reshares in Facebook).The implicit diffusion mechanisms remain understudied due to the difficulties of being captured and properly understood. From a technical side, the state of the art for provenance reconstruction evaluates small datasets after the fact, sidestepping requirements for scale and speed of current social media data. In this paper, we investigate the mechanisms of implicit information diffusion by computing its fine-grained provenance. We prove that explicit mechanisms are insufficient to capture influence and our analysis unravels a significant part of implicit interactions and influence in social media. Our approach works incrementally and can be scaled up to cover a truly Web-scale scenario like major events. We can process datasets consisting of up to several millions of messages on a single machine at rates that cover bursty behaviour, without compromising result quality. By doing that, we provide to online journalists and social media users in general, fine grained provenance reconstruction which sheds lights on implicit interactions not captured by social media providers. These results are provided in an online fashion which also allows for fast relevance and trustworthiness assessment

    A methodology to take account of diversity in collective adaptive system

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    Collective Adaptive Systems (CASs) are comprised of a heterogeneous set of components often developed in a distributed manner. Their users are diverse with respect to their profiles, preferences, interests and goals, and hence, have different requirements. We propose a typology for the diversity of these components, users, and their requirements. We then present a methodology which provides steps to integrate features that record diversity to support accountability. The foundation of accountability is provided by provenance data, and a CAS vocabulary, these knowledge representation languages provide the core vocabulary that can be exploited by agents and services