27,621 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Computing: innovative technology for scientific community

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    43 p.Reconfigurable Computing marks a revolutionary and hot topic that bridges the gap between the separate worlds of hardware and software design. The key feature of reconfigurable computing is its groundbreaking ability to perform computations in hardware to increase performance while retaining the flexibility of a software solution. Reconfigurable computers serve as affordable, fast, and accurate tools for developing designs ranging from single chip architectures to multi-chip and embedded systems. Given the architecture and design flexibility, reconfigurable computing has catalyzed the progress in hardware-software code sign technology and a vast number of application areas such as scientific computing, biological computing, artificial intelligence, signal processing, security computing and control oriented design. We give an overview of the hardware architectures of reconfigurable computing machines, and the software that targets these machines, such as compilation tools. Also, we consider the issues involved in run-time reconfigurable systems, which re-use the configurable hardware during program executio

    Lunar Applications in Reconfigurable Computing

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    NASA s Constellation Program is developing a lunar surface outpost in which reconfigurable computing will play a significant role. Reconfigurable systems provide a number of benefits over conventional software-based implementations including performance and power efficiency, while the use of standardized reconfigurable hardware provides opportunities to reduce logistical overhead. The current vision for the lunar surface architecture includes habitation, mobility, and communications systems, each of which greatly benefit from reconfigurable hardware in applications including video processing, natural feature recognition, data formatting, IP offload processing, and embedded control systems. In deploying reprogrammable hardware, considerations similar to those of software systems must be managed. There needs to be a mechanism for discovery enabling applications to locate and utilize the available resources. Also, application interfaces are needed to provide for both configuring the resources as well as transferring data between the application and the reconfigurable hardware. Each of these topics are explored in the context of deploying reconfigurable resources as an integral aspect of the lunar exploration architecture

    Self-Partial and Dynamic Reconfiguration Implementation for AES using FPGA

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    This paper addresses efficient hardware/software implementation approaches for the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm and describes the design and performance testing algorithm for embedded system. Also, with the spread of reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) embedded cryptographic hardware became cost-effective. Nevertheless, it is worthy to note that nowadays, even hardwired cryptographic algorithms are not so safe. From another side, the self-reconfiguring platform is reported that enables an FPGA to dynamically reconfigure itself under the control of an embedded microprocessor. Hardware acceleration significantly increases the performance of embedded systems built on programmable logic. Allowing a FPGA-based MicroBlaze processor to self-select the coprocessors uses can help reduce area requirements and increase a system's versatility. The architecture proposed in this paper is an optimal hardware implementation algorithm and takes dynamic partially reconfigurable of FPGA. This implementation is good solution to preserve confidentiality and accessibility to the information in the numeric communication

    Prototyping a robotic manipulator and controller

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    Journal ArticleBuilding a robot and its environment (control, software, hardware, simulation, etc) is a complex task that requires the efforts of an experienced engineering team. Once a robot model has been chosen and a design has been agreed upon, it becomes difficult to make design changes without affecting the manufactured parts, actuators and sensors. Therefore, developing an environment that enables flexible design and reconfigurable links, joints, actuators, and sensors would be an essential step for efficient prototyping. Such an environment should have the right "mix" of software and hardware components for designing the physical parts and controllers and for the algorithmic control and specifications of the kinematics, inverse kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning, analog control and computer (digital) control of the manipulator. Specifying object-based communications and catalog mechanisms between the software (control, simulation, and monitoring) modules, PPL hardware controllers, physical parts' CAD designs, and actuator and sensor components is a necessary step in the prototyping activities. We discuss and present a framework and intermediate results in the process of prototyping an experimental reconfigurable 3-link robot in this report.

    The development of a node for a hardware reconfigurable parallel processor

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    This dissertation concerns the design and implementation of a node for a hardware reconfigurable parallel processor. The hardware that was developed allows for the further development of a parallel processor with configurable hardware acceleration. Each node in the system has a standard microprocessor and reconfigurable logic device and has high speed communications channels for inter-node communication. The design of the node provided high-speed serial communications channels allowing the implementation of various network topographies. The node also provided a PCI master interface to provide an external interface and communicate with local nodes on the bus. A high speed RlSC processor provided communication and system control functions and the reconfigurable logic device provided communication interfaces and data processing functions. The node was designed and implemented as a PCI card that interfaced a standard PCI bus. VHDL designs for logic devices that provided system support were developed, VHDL designs for the reconfigurable logic FPGA and software including drivers and system software were written for the node. The 64-bit version Linux operating system was then ported to the processor providing a UNIX environment for the system. The node functioned as specified and parallel and hardware accelerated processing was demonstrated. The hardware acceleration was shown to provide substantial performance benefits for the system

    A formal semantics for control and data flow in the gannet service-based system-on-chip architecture

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    There is a growing demand for solutions which allow the design of large and complex reconfigurable Systems-on- Chip (SoC) at high abstraction levels. The Gannet project proposes a functional programming approach for high-abstraction design of very large SoCs. Gannet is a distributed service-based SoC architecture, i.e. a network of services offered by hardware or software cores. The Gannet SoC is task-level reconfigurable: it performs tasks by executing functional task description programs using a demand-driven dataflow mechanism. The Gannet architecture combines the flexible connectivity offered by a Networkon- Chip with the functional language paradigm to create a fully concurrent distributed SoC with the option to completely separate data flows from control flows. This feature is essential to avoid a bottleneck at he controller for run-time control of multiple high-throughput data flows. In this paper we present the Gannet architecture and language and introduce an operational semantics to formally describe the mechanism to separate control and data flows

    Rationale for and design of a generic tiled hierarchical phased array beamforming architecture

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    The purpose of the phased array beamforming project is to develop a generic flexible efficient phased array receiver platform, using a mixed signal hardware/software-codesign approach. The results will be applicable to any radio (RF) system, but we will focus on satellite receiver (DVB-S) and radar applications. We will present a preliminary mapping of beamforming processing on a tiled architecture and determine its scalability.\ud \ud The functionality, size and cost constraints imply an integrated mixed signal CMOS solution. For a generic flexible multi-standard solution, a software defined radio approach is taken. Because a scalable and dependable solution is needed, a tiled hierarchical architecture is proposed with reconfigurable hardware to regain flexibility. A mapping is provided of beamforming on the proposed architecture. The advantages and disadvantages of each solution are discussed with respect to applicability and scalability.\ud \ud Different beamforming processing solutions can be mapped on the same proposed tiled hierarchical architecture. This provides a flexible, scalable and reconfigurable solution for a wide application domain. Beamforming is a data-driven streaming process which lends itself well for a regular scalable architecture. Beamsteering on the other hand is much more control-oriented and future work will focus on how to support beamsteering on the proposed architecture as well

    A polymorphic reconfigurable emulator for parallel simulation

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    Microprocessor and arithmetic support chip technology was applied to the design of a reconfigurable emulator for real time flight simulation. The system developed consists of master control system to perform all man machine interactions and to configure the hardware to emulate a given aircraft, and numerous slave compute modules (SCM) which comprise the parallel computational units. It is shown that all parts of the state equations can be worked on simultaneously but that the algebraic equations cannot (unless they are slowly varying). Attempts to obtain algorithms that will allow parellel updates are reported. The word length and step size to be used in the SCM's is determined and the architecture of the hardware and software is described