13,867 research outputs found

    A process of developing a national practice assessment document

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    This paper will share how one country within the United Kingdom (UK) collaborated on a national partnership approach in developing a consistent pre-registration undergraduate nursing practice learning assessment document. In 2011 the Scottish Heads of Academic Nursing and Allied Health Professionals (SHANAHP, now Council of Deans Scotland, CoDS) agreed to support the development of a Scottish national approach to practice learning assessment document (the “Scottish Ongoing Achievement Record”). Whilst no direct funding was received to support this work, each HEI agreed that this work would be recognised via the release of staff time to enable completion. Utilising a communities of practice approach to collaborative working, the national group incorporated the collective knowledge and experience of representatives from all Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Scotland that provided undergraduate pre-registration nurse education. The work of the group will be described in four phases, Mapping of Influential Drivers; Guiding Principles and Good Practice; Document development; and Implementation. Appraisal of the advantages of this approach in light of international literature will be considered alongside challenges encountered during development and implementation

    Web 2.0 @ BU – Use of Wikis within the School of Health & Social Care

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    The aim of the Web 2.0 @ BU project is to investigate current good practice and to map the use of Web 2.0 technologies within Bournemouth University. This paper aims to communicate the findings from the School of Health & Social Care project team during the academic year 2007/2008 concerning the use of wikis in three distinct areas: Reviewing The Literature Wiki - A teaching session on reviewing the literature is included as a part of the Masters Research Unit - Principles of Enquiry Unit 1. This case study concerns using a wiki as a replacement for PowerPoint and as a separate study guide. LIMBIC Project Wiki - The aim of the LIMBIC project is to evaluate an inter-professional approach linking practice based learning with the principles and methods of healthcare improvement. This case study examines how an external project group wiki could be utilised to enable collaboration between non-technical healthcare users. Teamworking and Communication in Health and Social Care Unit Wiki - The purpose of this third year unit is to provide students with the opportunity to undertake interprofessional project work and, through this develop their skills of working collaboratively in teams and to communicate and function more effectively within their role. This case study looks at how effective small student group wikis are as a part of a long, thin unit where students sometimes find that they vary their contribution according to the time that they have. The paper hopes to share knowledge and experience of utilising wikis, enabling teachers and practitioners to be in a stronger position to respond and react to the changing demands of using innovative new learning technologies

    Supporting teachers in collaborative student modeling: a framework and an implementation

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    Collaborative student modeling in adaptive learning environments allows the learners to inspect and modify their own student models. It is often considered as a collaboration between students and the system to promote learners’ reflection and to collaboratively assess the course. When adaptive learning environments are used in the classroom, teachers act as a guide through the learning process. Thus, they need to monitor students’ interactions in order to understand and evaluate their activities. Although, the knowledge gained through this monitorization can be extremely useful to student modeling, collaboration between teachers and the system to achieve this goal has not been considered in the literature. In this paper we present a framework to support teachers in this task. In order to prove the usefulness of this framework we have implemented and evaluated it in an adaptive web-based educational system called PDinamet.Postprint (author's final draft

    Bots, Seeds and People: Web Archives as Infrastructure

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    The field of web archiving provides a unique mix of human and automated agents collaborating to achieve the preservation of the web. Centuries old theories of archival appraisal are being transplanted into the sociotechnical environment of the World Wide Web with varying degrees of success. The work of the archivist and bots in contact with the material of the web present a distinctive and understudied CSCW shaped problem. To investigate this space we conducted semi-structured interviews with archivists and technologists who were directly involved in the selection of content from the web for archives. These semi-structured interviews identified thematic areas that inform the appraisal process in web archives, some of which are encoded in heuristics and algorithms. Making the infrastructure of web archives legible to the archivist, the automated agents and the future researcher is presented as a challenge to the CSCW and archival community

    Changing Stakeholder Needs and Changing Evaluator Roles: The Central Valley Partnership of the James Irvine Foundation

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    This case study describes the evolution of the evaluator's role as the program evolved and developed, and as the needs of the client and intended users changed over time. The initiative aimed to assist immigrants in California's Central Valley. The case illustrates important tensions among accountability, learning and capacity building purposes of evaluation

    Structuring Wikipedia Articles with Section Recommendations

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    Sections are the building blocks of Wikipedia articles. They enhance readability and can be used as a structured entry point for creating and expanding articles. Structuring a new or already existing Wikipedia article with sections is a hard task for humans, especially for newcomers or less experienced editors, as it requires significant knowledge about how a well-written article looks for each possible topic. Inspired by this need, the present paper defines the problem of section recommendation for Wikipedia articles and proposes several approaches for tackling it. Our systems can help editors by recommending what sections to add to already existing or newly created Wikipedia articles. Our basic paradigm is to generate recommendations by sourcing sections from articles that are similar to the input article. We explore several ways of defining similarity for this purpose (based on topic modeling, collaborative filtering, and Wikipedia's category system). We use both automatic and human evaluation approaches for assessing the performance of our recommendation system, concluding that the category-based approach works best, achieving precision@10 of about 80% in the human evaluation.Comment: SIGIR '18 camera-read

    ConceptMapWiki - a collaborative framework for agglomerating pedagogical knowledge

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    We propose a new educational framework,ConceptMapWiki, that is a wiki representing pedagogicalknowledge with a collection of concept maps which iscollaboratively created, edited and browsed. The learners andeducators provide complementing contribution to evolvingshared knowledge structures that are stored in a relationaldatabase forming together inter-connected overlappingontologies. Every contribution is stored supplied with timestamps and a user profile enabling to analyze maturing ofknowledge according to various learner-driven criteria.Pedagogically motivated learning paths can be collaborativelydefined and evaluated, and educational games can beincorporated based on browsing and editing concept maps.The proposed framework is believed to be the first wikiarchitecture of it's kind, designed for personalized learningwith an evolving knowledge repository relying on adaptivevisual representations and sound pedagogical motivation.Initial experiments with a functional online prototype indicatepromising educational gain and suggest further research.Peer reviewe
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