3 research outputs found

    A definition-by-example approach and visual language for activity patterns in engineering disciplines

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    Modeling tools are well established in software development. A model is the result of a series of modeling activities. The ability to recognize when a user is working on a certain modeling activity opens up a range of possibilities for context-sensitive support. One possible way to support the user is offering the auto-completion of the current task. The recognition of modeling activities is typically carried out by matching event patterns against events emitted by a user's editing operations. A user that intends to add or customize auto-completions must be able to easily understand and create activity definitions. However, defining the currently required complex event patterns is a challenging and error-prone task even for a person with an intensive knowledge of event-processing languages. In this paper, we propose the visual definition language VisPaRec accompanied by a method that allows creating activity definitions in a semi-automated and graphical way. We evaluate our visual definition language in a comparative user study against the generic event-processing language Rapide. We found that the proposed visual representation increases comprehensibility while reducing time for constructing and modifying activity definitions significantly

    Recommender systems in model-driven engineering: A systematic mapping review

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    Recommender systems are information filtering systems used in many online applications like music and video broadcasting and e-commerce platforms. They are also increasingly being applied to facilitate software engineering activities. Following this trend, we are witnessing a growing research interest on recommendation approaches that assist with modelling tasks and model-based development processes. In this paper, we report on a systematic mapping review (based on the analysis of 66 papers) that classifies the existing research work on recommender systems for model-driven engineering (MDE). This study aims to serve as a guide for tool builders and researchers in understanding the MDE tasks that might be subject to recommendations, the applicable recommendation techniques and evaluation methods, and the open challenges and opportunities in this field of researchThis work has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 813884 (Lowcomote [134]), by the Spanish Ministry of Science (projects MASSIVE, RTI2018-095255-B-I00, and FIT, PID2019-108965GB-I00) and by the R&D programme of Madrid (Project FORTE, P2018/TCS-431