1,607 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-aware Food Recommendation

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    Food recommender systems play an important role in assisting users to identify the desired food to eat. Deciding what food to eat is a complex and multi-faceted process, which is influenced by many factors such as the ingredients, appearance of the recipe, the user's personal preference on food, and various contexts like what had been eaten in the past meals. In this work, we formulate the food recommendation problem as predicting user preference on recipes based on three key factors that determine a user's choice on food, namely, 1) the user's (and other users') history; 2) the ingredients of a recipe; and 3) the descriptive image of a recipe. To address this challenging problem, we develop a dedicated neural network based solution Hierarchical Attention based Food Recommendation (HAFR) which is capable of: 1) capturing the collaborative filtering effect like what similar users tend to eat; 2) inferring a user's preference at the ingredient level; and 3) learning user preference from the recipe's visual images. To evaluate our proposed method, we construct a large-scale dataset consisting of millions of ratings from AllRecipes.com. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms several competing recommender solutions like Factorization Machine and Visual Bayesian Personalized Ranking with an average improvement of 12%, offering promising results in predicting user preference for food. Codes and dataset will be released upon acceptance

    CoSoLoRec: Joint factor model with content, social, location for heterogeneous point-of-interest recommendation

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2016. The pervasive use of Location-based Social Networks calls for more precise Point-of-Interest recommendation. The probability of a user’s visit to a target place is influenced by multiple factors. Though there are several fusion models in such fields, heterogeneous information are not considered comprehensively. To this end, we propose a novel probabilistic latent factor model by jointly considering the social correlation, geographical influence and users’ preference. To be specific, a variant of Latent Dirichlet Allocation is leveraged to extract the topics of both user and POI from reviews which is denoted as explicit interest. Then, Probabilistic Latent Factor Model is introduced to depict the implicit interest. Moreover, Kernel Density Estimation and friend-based Collaborative Filtering are leveraged to model user’s geographic allocation and social correlation respectively. Thus, we propose CoSoLoRec, a fusion framework, to ameliorate the recommendation. Experiments on two real-word datasets show the superiority of our approach over the state-of-the-art methods

    Explainable Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs for Recommendation

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    Incorporating knowledge graph into recommender systems has attracted increasing attention in recent years. By exploring the interlinks within a knowledge graph, the connectivity between users and items can be discovered as paths, which provide rich and complementary information to user-item interactions. Such connectivity not only reveals the semantics of entities and relations, but also helps to comprehend a user's interest. However, existing efforts have not fully explored this connectivity to infer user preferences, especially in terms of modeling the sequential dependencies within and holistic semantics of a path. In this paper, we contribute a new model named Knowledge-aware Path Recurrent Network (KPRN) to exploit knowledge graph for recommendation. KPRN can generate path representations by composing the semantics of both entities and relations. By leveraging the sequential dependencies within a path, we allow effective reasoning on paths to infer the underlying rationale of a user-item interaction. Furthermore, we design a new weighted pooling operation to discriminate the strengths of different paths in connecting a user with an item, endowing our model with a certain level of explainability. We conduct extensive experiments on two datasets about movie and music, demonstrating significant improvements over state-of-the-art solutions Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding and Neural Factorization Machine.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, AAAI-201