573 research outputs found

    Composing dynamic programming tree-decomposition-based algorithms

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    Given two integers β„“\ell and pp as well as β„“\ell graph classes H1,…,Hβ„“\mathcal{H}_1,\ldots,\mathcal{H}_\ell, the problems GraphPart(H1,…,Hβ„“,p)\mathsf{GraphPart}(\mathcal{H}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{H}_\ell,p), VertPart(H1,…,Hβ„“)\mathsf{VertPart}(\mathcal{H}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{H}_\ell), and EdgePart(H1,…,Hβ„“)\mathsf{EdgePart}(\mathcal{H}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{H}_\ell) ask, given graph GG as input, whether V(G)V(G), V(G)V(G), E(G)E(G) respectively can be partitioned into β„“\ell sets S1,…,Sβ„“S_1, \ldots, S_\ell such that, for each ii between 11 and β„“\ell, G[Vi]∈HiG[V_i] \in \mathcal{H}_i, G[Vi]∈HiG[V_i] \in \mathcal{H}_i, (V(G),Si)∈Hi(V(G),S_i) \in \mathcal{H}_i respectively. Moreover in GraphPart(H1,…,Hβ„“,p)\mathsf{GraphPart}(\mathcal{H}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{H}_\ell,p), we request that the number of edges with endpoints in different sets of the partition is bounded by pp. We show that if there exist dynamic programming tree-decomposition-based algorithms for recognizing the graph classes Hi\mathcal{H}_i, for each ii, then we can constructively create a dynamic programming tree-decomposition-based algorithms for GraphPart(H1,…,Hβ„“,p)\mathsf{GraphPart}(\mathcal{H}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{H}_\ell,p), VertPart(H1,…,Hβ„“)\mathsf{VertPart}(\mathcal{H}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{H}_\ell), and EdgePart(H1,…,Hβ„“)\mathsf{EdgePart}(\mathcal{H}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{H}_\ell). We show that, in some known cases, the obtained running times are comparable to those of the best know algorithms

    Leaf-reconstructibility of phylogenetic networks

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    An important problem in evolutionary biology is to reconstruct the evolutionary history of a set XX of species. This history is often represented as a phylogenetic network, that is, a connected graph with leaves labelled by elements in XX (for example, an evolutionary tree), which is usually also binary, i.e. all vertices have degree 1 or 3. A common approach used in phylogenetics to build a phylogenetic network on XX involves constructing it from networks on subsets of XX. Here we consider the question of which (unrooted) phylogenetic networks are leaf-reconstructible, i.e. which networks can be uniquely reconstructed from the set of networks obtained from it by deleting a single leaf (its XX-deck). This problem is closely related to the (in)famous reconstruction conjecture in graph theory but, as we shall show, presents distinct challenges. We show that some large classes of phylogenetic networks are reconstructible from their XX-deck. This includes phylogenetic trees, binary networks containing at least one non-trivial cut-edge, and binary level-4 networks (the level of a network measures how far it is from being a tree). We also show that for fixed kk, almost all binary level-kk phylogenetic networks are leaf-reconstructible. As an application of our results, we show that a level-3 network NN can be reconstructed from its quarnets, that is, 4-leaved networks that are induced by NN in a certain recursive fashion. Our results lead to several interesting open problems which we discuss, including the conjecture that all phylogenetic networks with at least five leaves are leaf-reconstructible

    Treewidth, crushing, and hyperbolic volume

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    We prove that there exists a universal constant cc such that any closed hyperbolic 3-manifold admits a triangulation of treewidth at most cc times its volume. The converse is not true: we show there exists a sequence of hyperbolic 3-manifolds of bounded treewidth but volume approaching infinity. Along the way, we prove that crushing a normal surface in a triangulation does not increase the carving-width, and hence crushing any number of normal surfaces in a triangulation affects treewidth by at most a constant multiple.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. V2: Section 4 has been rewritten, as the former argument (in V1) used a construction that relied on a wrong theorem. Section 5.1 has also been adjusted to the new construction. Various other arguments have been clarifie

    Compatibility of unrooted phylogenetic trees is FPT

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    Abstract A collection of T 1 , T 2 , . . . , T k of unrooted, leaf labelled (phylogenetic) trees, all with different leaf sets, is said to be compatible if there exists a tree T such that each tree T i can be obtained from T by deleting leaves and contracting edges. Determining compatibility is NP-hard, and the fastest algorithm to date has worst case complexity of around (n k ) time, n being the number of leaves. Here, we present an O(nf (k)) algorithm, proving that compatibility of unrooted phylogenetic trees is fixed parameter tractable (FPT) with respect to the number k of trees
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