9 research outputs found

    Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Through The Application Of Total Physical Response (TPR) Method

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    The aims of this study were to find out the extent to which TPR method contribute to students mastery of vocabulary. The research employed quantitative method with quasi-experimental design, control, and experimental group involved in pre-test and post-test. The research was carried out at SDN 1 Bonebone Baubau. Forty two students were purposively selected for samples divided in to two groups. Twenty one students were assigned for each group. Pre and posttest on vocabulary were presented on experimental and control group. Data were analyzed with statistical analysis and the use of independent t-sample and frequency test. The result indicated that TPR method contributed to the students’ vocabulary mastery. It was confirmed that the experimental group had better performance than control group. The analysis of posttest using independent sample t-test showed the probability value was 0.026 and it was less than 0.05 (0.026 ≤ 0.05). there were significant differences of posttest result between the experimental and control group

    Movement and Action: Action-Based learning in the Classroom

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    The purpose of this literature review is to explain what action-based learning is, how does action-based-learning fit within the classroom, and what are the effects it has on English Language learners and students who are placed in academic support programs in the classroom. The hope of this literature review is to gain more knowledge about what is action-based learning and to gain insight on how educators can effectively implement action-based learning within their classrooms. After analyzing the literature on this topic, the results of the analysis determined the effectiveness of action-based learning within the classroom on English Language Learners and students who are placed in academic support programs by increasing their on-task behavior, understanding abstract ideas, and improving English Language Learners acquisition to English

    Total Physical Response and the Natural Approach to teaching foreign language to students with disabilities

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using the instructional strategies of Total Physical Response (TPR) and Natural Approach (NA) on the foreign language acquisition of students with learning disabilities (LD) in an inclusion Spanish classroom. The study utilized an ABAB single subject design, and was designed to build on the research recommendation of Duran (1993) to examine the effect of a combined approach utilizing TPR and NA strategies to teach foreign language to students with LD. Results reveal that the daily language acquisition scores of two of the four students increased during both intervention phases, and that students were satisfied with the intervention. Findings suggest that TPR and NA are more effective for students with ADHD than students with communication impairments

    Investigating student preferences on gesture-based interactions in a vocabulary game

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    There is evidence from second-language learning research that acting out vocabulary can improve learning and recall. Gesture-based language learning games have the potential to support this method of learning. A within-subjects design was used to explore student preferences for interaction styles in vocabulary games. Three types of game interaction technologies were examined: a gesture-based game in which the student points to select the vocabulary; an acting game in which the student acts out the meaning of the word to select the vocabulary; and a mouse-based game. The goal was to explore students’ interaction preferences and the reasons behind their preferences as well as issues that could occur while acting out the (abstract and concrete) vocabularies. Thirty-six participants (16 males and 20 females) aged 7–9 played each of the three games in a randomly assigned order. The play sessions were video-recorded, and students participated in a short interview and survey after playing all three games. Overall, most participants enjoyed playing the acting game, suggesting that this interaction approach could be pursued in future educational game design

    Effective Whole Group Literacy Instruction For Teaching English Language Newcomers Through Total Physical Response And The Use Of Visuals

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    The purpose of this curriculum development was to create whole group literacy lessons that would benefit all students, especially English Language newcomers. In-depth research in Total Physical Response, the use of visuals, literacy and English Language newcomers drove the findings to implement the use of three vocabulary words at the beginning of each lesson. There are a total of twenty lessons, five lessons in four units, with the implementation of three vocabulary words at the beginning using TPR and visuals to get the meaning across to students. There are assessments to better support English Language newcomers within each unit

    Exploring the association memory method to make Chinese learnable for beginning learners in Australian schools : a novice Mandarin teacher's collaborative action research

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    Improving learning efficiency of Chinese and making Chinese learning easier have been two of the most difficult issues in front of every Chinese language teacher around the world in years. In this case, the research aimed at applying association memory methods into Chinese teaching, which is to associate students’ prior knowledge with Chinese phonetic, semantic and cultural parts to increase their impression on newly learnt Chinese knowledge and maximize their learning efficiency. In this collaborative action research, the teacher-researcher observed students’ performance at two participant schools during her teaching period and wrote reflection journal every week to record students’ behavior as well as her professional teaching skills. In the meantime, she interviewed the classroom teacher in each school and received their feedback about association memory methods to verify her research. Based on her four terms’ study, association memory methods have been proved as a valid teaching method in Chinese language teaching through the analysis of the data and effectively improves students’ learning efficiency during teaching process, which also can be implemented into other language teaching fields

    Teaching literacy skills with graphic novels to elementary students: curriculum unit for grades 1-6

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    Master's Project (M.Ed.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017Today, many elementary educators praise teaching graphic novels to all kinds of learners, because they inspire students to build healthy reading habits. Yet, there is a lack of resources for elementary teachers to utilize this genre to teach the literacy skills students need. Those same literacy skills are applied when reading the visual elements of graphic novels. How can elementary teachers use graphic novels in their classroom curriculum to increase student achievement on comprehension skills and strategies? To answer this question I created a multi-grade level curriculum for four to ten students, four days a week, for eight weeks. The graphic novel I used is comprised of seven different graphic stories and authors, and shows different ways graphic novels use layout, visuals, and words. The structure of the curriculum is that each story focuses on one visual element of graphic novels and relates that to a specific literacy comprehension skills and strategy. The resulting curriculum showed the ability for students to significantly increase their motivation and achievement when applying comprehension skills and strategies in a new genre of literature. In conclusion, this paper and curriculum project provides elementary educators with the knowledge and tools needed to implement graphic novels into the classroom curriculum