6,294 research outputs found

    A real-time visualization of AN/PSS-14 audio alert signals for land mine detection validation

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    The central idea of the current research is visualization of audio alerts from AN/PSS-14. A visualization device connected to the arm of PSS-14 will show real-time display of MD and GPR Audio Alert signals from PSS-14. This visualization device displays both amplitude-time and spectral frequency-time formats of the signals. The latter format achieves visual separation of combined, simultaneous, MD and GPR alerts. The joint occurrence of MD and GPR signals in a specific time window confirms the presence of landmine. This window is defined by the time of occurrence of MD peak and time of occurrence GPR diffraction from onset edge of buried landmine. The visual recognition of this window on a visualization device validates the presence of landmine and helps in clutter rejection --Abstract, page iii

    Modeling Autonomous Agents In Military Simulations

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    Simulation is an important tool for prediction and assessment of the behavior of complex systems and situations. The importance of simulation has increased tremendously during the last few decades, mainly because the rapid pace of development in the field of electronics has turned the computer from a costly and obscure piece of equipment to a cheap ubiquitous tool which is now an integral part of our daily lives. While such technological improvements make it easier to analyze well-understood deterministic systems, increase in speed and storage capacity alone are not enough when simulating situations where human beings and their behavior are an integral part of the system being studied. The problem with simulation of intelligent entities is that intelligence is still not well understood and it seems that the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a long way to go before we get computers to think like humans. Behavior-based agent modeling has been proposed in mid-80\u27s as one of the alternatives to the classical AI approach. While used mainly for the control of specialized robotic vehicles with very specific sensory capabilities and limited intelligence, we believe that a behavior-based approach to modeling generic autonomous agents in complex environments can provide promising results. To this end, we are investigating a behavior-based model for controlling groups of collaborating and competing agents in a geographic terrain. In this thesis, we are focusing on scenarios of military nature, where agents can move within the environment and adversaries can eliminate each other through use of weapons. Different aspects of agent behavior like navigation to a goal or staying in group formation, are implemented by distinct behavior modules and the final observed behavior for each agent is an emergent property of the combination of simple behaviors and their interaction with the environment. Our experiments show that while such an approach is quite efficient in terms of computational power, it has some major drawbacks. One of the problems is that reactive behavior-based navigation algorithms are not well suited for environments with complex mobility constraints where they tend to perform much worse than proper path planning. This problem represents an important research question, especially when it is considered that most of the modern military conflicts and operations occur in urban environments. One of the contributions of this thesis is a novel approach to reactive navigation where goals and terrain information are fused based on the idea of transforming a terrain with obstacles into a virtual obstacle-free terrain. Experimental results show that our approach can successfully combine the low run-time computational complexity of reactive methods with the high success rates of classical path planning. Another interesting research problem is how to deal with the unpredictable nature of emergent behavior. It is not uncommon to have situations where an outcome diverges significantly from the intended behavior of the agents due to highly complex nonlinear interactions with other agents or the environment itself. Chances of devising a formal way to predict and avoid such abnormalities are slim at best, mostly because such complex systems tend to be be chaotic in nature. Instead, we focus on detection of deviations through tracking group behavior which is a key component of the total situation awareness capability required by modern technology-oriented and network-centric warfare. We have designed a simple and efficient clustering algorithm for tracking of groups of agent suitable for both spatial and behavioral domain. We also show how to detect certain events of interest based on a temporal analysis of the evolution of discovered clusters

    Exploring Gesture Recognition in the Virtual Reality Space

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    This thesis presents two novel modifications to a gesture recognition systemfor virtual reality devices and applications. In doing this it evaluates usersmovements in VR when presented with gestures and uses this information todevelop a continuous tracking system that can detect the start and end of gestures.It also expands on previous work with gestures in games with an implementationof an adaptive database system that has been seen to improve accuracy rates.The database allows users to immediately start using the system with no priortraining and will improve accuracy rates as they spend more time in the game.Furthermore it evaluates both the explicit and continuous recognition systemsthrough user based studies. The results from these studies show promise for theusability of gesture based interaction systems for VR devices in the future. Theyalso provide findings that suggest that for the use case of games continuous systemcould be too cumbersome for users

    Development of augmented reality serious games with a vibrotactile feedback jacket

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    Background: In the past few years, augmented reality (AR) has rapidly advanced and has been applied in different fields. One of the successful AR applications is the immersive and interactive serious games, which can be used for education and learning purposes. Methods: In this project, a prototype of an AR serious game is developed and demonstrated. Gamers utilize a head-mounted device and a vibrotactile feedback jacket to explore and interact with the AR serious game. Fourteen vibration actuators are embedded in the vibrotactile feedback jacket to generate immersive AR experience. These vibration actuators are triggered in accordance with the designed game scripts. Various vibration patterns and intensity levels are synthesized in different game scenes. This article presents the details of the entire software development of the AR serious game, including game scripts, game scenes with AR effects design, signal processing flow, behavior design, and communication configuration. Graphics computations are processed using the graphics processing unit in the system. Results /Conclusions: The performance of the AR serious game prototype is evaluated and analyzed. The computation loads and resource utilization of normal game scenes and heavy computation scenes are compared. With 14 vibration actuators placed at different body positions, various vibration patterns and intensity levels can be generated by the vibrotactile feedback jacket, providing different real-world feedback. The prototype of this AR serious game can be valuable in building large-scale AR or virtual reality educational and entertainment games. Possible future improvements of the proposed prototype are also discussed in this article

    Comparing Training Performance With Vibrotactile Hit Alerts vs. Audio Alerts

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    Live, virtual, and constructive training that integrates dismounted warfighter training with convoy training, pilot training, and other systems has been demonstrated to reduce training time, and studies have shown that a high level of immersion and the illusion of presence in a VR environment contribute to this success. However, current force-on-force training simulators lack one major quality that is needed to impart this strong sense of presence for warfighters: the consequence of getting shot. Simulated return-fire systems have been developed for different purposes including military, police and entertainment. Some use projectiles, but that approach is usually limited to a shoot house configuration rather than outdoors. Other methods use on-body electrodes to provide electric shock or tactors that physically strike the body using solenoids or pneumatics. These systems face challenges of either low body localization (with a small number of tactors) or tethering (if a real-time connection to electricity or air is needed to power the tactors). In this paper, a tactile vest containing commercially available vibrating pagers is evaluated. These pagers allow a focused alert to be given to a Warfighter, indicating the bodily location of the shot and appropriate direction for return fire. They are also cost-effective and easily replaceable. The evaluation included a simple training mission while receiving either vibrotactile feedback vs. auditory spoken alerts of virtual sniper hits and direction of fire. Results showed that a tactile vest made from commercial off-the-shelf pagers performed well as an indicator of fire and could be viable option for integration with future LVC training, especially given its low cost. Also, results suggested that there may be strong individual differences between people in terms of their ability to process vibrotactile vs. auditory feedback while cognitively loaded

    Somatic ABC's: A Theoretical Framework for Designing, Developing and Evaluating the Building Blocks of Touch-Based Information Delivery

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    abstract: Situations of sensory overload are steadily becoming more frequent as the ubiquity of technology approaches reality--particularly with the advent of socio-communicative smartphone applications, and pervasive, high speed wireless networks. Although the ease of accessing information has improved our communication effectiveness and efficiency, our visual and auditory modalities--those modalities that today's computerized devices and displays largely engage--have become overloaded, creating possibilities for distractions, delays and high cognitive load; which in turn can lead to a loss of situational awareness, increasing chances for life threatening situations such as texting while driving. Surprisingly, alternative modalities for information delivery have seen little exploration. Touch, in particular, is a promising candidate given that it is our largest sensory organ with impressive spatial and temporal acuity. Although some approaches have been proposed for touch-based information delivery, they are not without limitations including high learning curves, limited applicability and/or limited expression. This is largely due to the lack of a versatile, comprehensive design theory--specifically, a theory that addresses the design of touch-based building blocks for expandable, efficient, rich and robust touch languages that are easy to learn and use. Moreover, beyond design, there is a lack of implementation and evaluation theories for such languages. To overcome these limitations, a unified, theoretical framework, inspired by natural, spoken language, is proposed called Somatic ABC's for Articulating (designing), Building (developing) and Confirming (evaluating) touch-based languages. To evaluate the usefulness of Somatic ABC's, its design, implementation and evaluation theories were applied to create communication languages for two very unique application areas: audio described movies and motor learning. These applications were chosen as they presented opportunities for complementing communication by offloading information, typically conveyed visually and/or aurally, to the skin. For both studies, it was found that Somatic ABC's aided the design, development and evaluation of rich somatic languages with distinct and natural communication units.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Computer Science 201

    Development and Human Factors Evaluation of a Portable Auditory Localization Acclimation Training System

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    Auditory situation awareness (ASA) is essential for safety and survivability in military operations where many of the hazards are not immediately visible. Unfortunately, the Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs) required to operate in these environments can impede auditory localization performance. Promisingly, recent studies have exhibited the plasticity of the human auditory system by demonstrating that training can improve auditory localization ability while wearing HPDs, including military Tactical Communications and Protective Systems (TCAPS). As a result, the U.S. military identified the need for a portable system capable of imparting auditory localization acquisition skills at similar levels to those demonstrated in laboratory environments. The purpose of this investigation was to develop and validate a Portable Auditory Localization Acclimation Training (PALAT) system equipped with an improved training protocol against a proven laboratory grade system referred to as the DRILCOM system and subsequently evaluate the transfer-of-training benefit in a field environment. In Phase I, a systems decision process was used to develop a prototype PALAT system consisting of an expandable frame housing 32-loudspeakers operated by a user-controlled tablet computer capable of reproducing acoustically accurate localization cues similar to the DRILCOM system. Phase II used a within-subjects human factors experiment to validate whether the PALAT system could impart similar auditory localization training benefits as the DRILCOM system. Results showed no significant difference between the two localization training systems at each stage of training or in training rates for the open ear and with two TCAPS devices. The PALAT system also demonstrated the ability to detect differences in localization accuracy between listening conditions in the same manner as the DRILCOM system. Participant ratings indicated no perceived difference in localization training benefit but significantly preferred the PALAT system user interface which was specifically designed to improve usability features to meet requirements of a user operable system. The Phase III investigation evaluated the transfer-of-training benefit imparted by the PALAT system using a broadband stimulus to a field environment using gunshot stimulus. Training under the open ear and in-the-ear TCAPS resulted in significant differences between the trained and untrained groups from in-office pretest to in-field posttest

    Development and Human Factors Evaluation of a Portable Auditory Localization Acclimation Training System

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    Auditory situation awareness (ASA) is essential for safety and survivability in military operations where many of the hazards are not immediately visible. Unfortunately, the Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs) required to operate in these environments can impede auditory localization performance. Promisingly, recent studies have exhibited the plasticity of the human auditory system by demonstrating that training can improve auditory localization ability while wearing HPDs, including military Tactical Communications and Protective Systems (TCAPS). As a result, the U.S. military identified the need for a portable system capable of imparting auditory localization acquisition skills at similar levels to those demonstrated in laboratory environments. The purpose of this investigation was to develop and validate a Portable Auditory Localization Acclimation Training (PALAT) system equipped with an improved training protocol against a proven laboratory grade system referred to as the DRILCOM system and subsequently evaluate the transfer-of-training benefit in a field environment. In Phase I, a systems decision process was used to develop a prototype PALAT system consisting of an expandable frame housing 32-loudspeakers operated by a user-controlled tablet computer capable of reproducing acoustically accurate localization cues similar to the DRILCOM system. Phase II used a within-subjects human factors experiment to validate whether the PALAT system could impart similar auditory localization training benefits as the DRILCOM system. Results showed no significant difference between the two localization training systems at each stage of training or in training rates for the open ear and with two TCAPS devices. The PALAT system also demonstrated the ability to detect differences in localization accuracy between listening conditions in the same manner as the DRILCOM system. Participant ratings indicated no perceived difference in localization training benefit but significantly preferred the PALAT system user interface which was specifically designed to improve usability features to meet requirements of a user operable system. The Phase III investigation evaluated the transfer-of-training benefit imparted by the PALAT system using a broadband stimulus to a field environment using gunshot stimulus. Training under the open ear and in-the-ear TCAPS resulted in significant differences between the trained and untrained groups from in-office pretest to in-field posttest

    Development and Human Factors Evaluation of a Portable Auditory Localization Acclimation Training System

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    Auditory situation awareness (ASA) is essential for safety and survivability in military operations where many of the hazards are not immediately visible. Unfortunately, the Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs) required to operate in these environments can impede auditory localization performance. Promisingly, recent studies have exhibited the plasticity of the human auditory system by demonstrating that training can improve auditory localization ability while wearing HPDs, including military Tactical Communications and Protective Systems (TCAPS). As a result, the U.S. military identified the need for a portable system capable of imparting auditory localization acquisition skills at similar levels to those demonstrated in laboratory environments. The purpose of this investigation was to develop and validate a Portable Auditory Localization Acclimation Training (PALAT) system equipped with an improved training protocol against a proven laboratory grade system referred to as the DRILCOM system and subsequently evaluate the transfer-of-training benefit in a field environment. In Phase I, a systems decision process was used to develop a prototype PALAT system consisting of an expandable frame housing 32-loudspeakers operated by a user-controlled tablet computer capable of reproducing acoustically accurate localization cues similar to the DRILCOM system. Phase II used a within-subjects human factors experiment to validate whether the PALAT system could impart similar auditory localization training benefits as the DRILCOM system. Results showed no significant difference between the two localization training systems at each stage of training or in training rates for the open ear and with two TCAPS devices. The PALAT system also demonstrated the ability to detect differences in localization accuracy between listening conditions in the same manner as the DRILCOM system. Participant ratings indicated no perceived difference in localization training benefit but significantly preferred the PALAT system user interface which was specifically designed to improve usability features to meet requirements of a user operable system. The Phase III investigation evaluated the transfer-of-training benefit imparted by the PALAT system using a broadband stimulus to a field environment using gunshot stimulus. Training under the open ear and in-the-ear TCAPS resulted in significant differences between the trained and untrained groups from in-office pretest to in-field posttest
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