881 research outputs found

    Recognizing Degraded Handwritten Characters

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    In this paper, Slavonic manuscripts from the 11th century written in Glagolitic script are investigated. State-of-the-art optical character recognition methods produce poor results for degraded handwritten document images. This is largely due to a lack of suitable results from basic pre-processing steps such as binarization and image segmentation. Therefore, a new, binarization-free approach will be presented that is independent of pre-processing deficiencies. It additionally incorporates local information in order to recognize also fragmented or faded characters. The proposed algorithm consists of two steps: character classification and character localization. Firstly scale invariant feature transform features are extracted and classified using support vector machines. On this basis interest points are clustered according to their spatial information. Then, characters are localized and eventually recognized by a weighted voting scheme of pre-classified local descriptors. Preliminary results show that the proposed system can handle highly degraded manuscript images with background noise, e.g. stains, tears, and faded characters

    Feature Extraction Methods for Character Recognition

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    Sophrosyne in Aeschylus

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    This is a study on the semantics of sophrosyne, and the importance of this culturally significant term for the political vocabulary of Aeschylus. The author argues that the core of the semantics of sophrosyne is the status-based behavioral propriety within a hierarchy. By examining all the occurrences of the term’s cognates in the Aeschylean corpus, the author concludes that Aeschylus used sophrosyne as a tool in a pro-democratic rhetoric. Given that the deviance from status-based propriety in Aeschylean tragedy results in socio-political catastrophes, the monarchic societies of Greek myth and Persia are presented as political environments that endanger sophrosyne, whereas democratic processes as its bulwark

    Biometrics Writer Recognition for Arabic language: Analysis and Classification techniques using Subwords Features

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    Handwritten text in any language is believed to convey a great deal of information about writers’ personality and identity. Indeed, handwritten signature has long been accepted as an authentication of the writer’s physical stamp on financial and legal deals as well official/personal documents and works of art. Handwritten documents are frequently used as evidences in forensic tasks. Handwriting skills is learnt and developed from the early schooling stages. Research interest in behavioral biometrics was the main driving force behind the growth in research into Writer Identification (WI) from handwritten text, but recent rise in terrorism associated with extreme religious ideologies spreading primarily, but not exclusively, from the middle-east has led to a surge of interest in WI from handwritten text in Arabic and similar languages. This thesis is the main outcome of extensive research investigations conducted with the aim of developing an automatic identification of a person from handwritten Arabic text samples. My motivations and interests, as an Iraqi researcher, emanate from my multi-faceted desires to provide scientific support for my people in their fight against terrorism by providing forensic evidences, and as contribute to the ongoing digitization of the Iraqi National archive as well as the wealth of religious and historical archives in Iraq and the middle-east. Good knowledge of the underlying language is invaluable in this project. Despite the rising interest in this recognition modality worldwide, Arabic writer identification has not been addressed as extensively as Latin writer identification. However, in recent years some new Arabic writer identification approaches have been proposed some of which are reviewed in this thesis. Arabic is a cursive language when handwritten. This means that each and every writer in this language develops some unique features that could demonstrate writer’s habits and style. These habits and styles are considered as unique WI features and determining factors. Existing dominating approaches to WI are based on recognizing handwriting habits/styles are embedded in certain parts/components of the written texts. Although the appearance of these components within long text contain rich information and clues to writer identity, the most common approaches to WI in Arabic in the literature are based on features extracted from paragraph(s), line(s), word(s), character(s), and/or a part of a character. Generally, Arabic words are made up of one or more subwords at the end of each; there is a connected stroke with a certain style of which seem to be most representative of writers habits. Another feature of Arabic writing is to do with diacritics that are added to written words/subwords, to add meaning and pronunciation. Subwords are more frequent in written Arabic text and appear as part of several different words or as full individual words. Thus, we propose a new innovative approach based on a seemingly plausible hypothesis that subwords based WI yields significant increase in accuracy over existing approaches. The thesis most significant contributions can be summarized as follows: - Developed a high performing segmentation of scanned text images, that combines threshold based binarisation, morphological operation and active shape model. - Defined digital measures and formed a 15-dimensional feature vectors representations of subwords that implicitly cover its diacritics and strokes. A pilot study that incrementally added features according to writer discriminating power. This reduced subwords feature vector dimension to 8, two of which were modelled as time series. - For the dependent 8-dimensional WI scheme, we identify the best performing set of subwords (best 22 subwords out of 49 then followed by best 11 out of these 22 subwords). - We established the validity of our hypothesis for different versions of subwords based WI schemes by providing empirical evidence when testing on a number of existing text dependent and in text-dependent databases plus a simulated text-in text-dependent DB. The text-dependent scenario results exhibited possible present of the Doddington Zoo phenomena. - The final optimal subword based WI scheme, not only removes the need to include diacritics as part of the subword but also demonstrating that including diacritics within subwords impairs the WI discriminating power of subwords. This should not be taken to discredit research that are based on diacritics based WI. Also in this subword body (without diacritics) base WI scheme, resulted in eliminating the presence of Doddington Zoo effect. - Finally, a significant but un-intended consequence of using subwords for WI is that there is no difference between a text-independent scenario and text-dependent one. In fact, we shall demonstrate that the text-dependent database of the 27-words can be used to simulate the testing of the scheme for an in text-dependent database without the need to record such a DB. Finally, we discussed ways of optimising the performance of our last scheme by considering possible ways of complementing our scheme using the addition of various image texture analysis features to be extracted from subwords, lines, paragraphs or entire file of the scabbed image. These included LBP and Gabor Filter. We also suggested the possible addition of few more features

    Handwritten Digit Recognition and Classification Using Machine Learning

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    In this paper, multiple learning techniques based on Optical character recognition (OCR) for the handwritten digit recognition are examined, and a new accuracy level for recognition of the MNIST dataset is reported. The proposed framework involves three primary parts, image pre-processing, feature extraction and classification. This study strives to improve the recognition accuracy by more than 99% in handwritten digit recognition. As will be seen, pre-processing and feature extraction play crucial roles in this experiment to reach the highest accuracy

    Writer identification using curvature-free features

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    Feature engineering takes a very important role in writer identification which has been widely studied in the literature. Previous works have shown that the joint feature distribution of two properties can improve the performance. The joint feature distribution makes feature relationships explicit instead of roping that a trained classifier picks up a non-linear relation present in the data. In this paper, we propose two novel and curvature-free features: run-lengths of local binary pattern (LBPruns) and cloud of line distribution (COLD) features for writer identification. The LBPruns is the joint distribution of the traditional run-length and local binary pattern (LBP) methods, which computes the run-lengths of local binary patterns on both binarized and gray scale images. The COLD feature is the joint distribution of the relation between orientation and length of line segments obtained from writing contours in handwritten documents. Our proposed LBPruns and COLD are textural-based curvature-free features and capture the line information of handwritten texts instead of the curvature information. The combination of the LBPruns and COLD features provides a significant improvement on the CERUG data set, handwritten documents on which contain a large number of irregular-curvature strokes. The results of proposed features evaluated on other two widely used data sets (Firemaker and IAM) demonstrate promising results

    A framework for ancient and machine-printed manuscripts categorization

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    Document image understanding (DIU) has attracted a lot of attention and became an of active fields of research. Although, the ultimate goal of DIU is extracting textual information of a document image, many steps are involved in a such a process such as categorization, segmentation and layout analysis. All of these steps are needed in order to obtain an accurate result from character recognition or word recognition of a document image. One of the important steps in DIU is document image categorization (DIC) that is needed in many situations such as document image written or printed in more than one script, font or language. This step provides useful information for recognition system and helps in reducing its error by allowing to incorporate a category-specific Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system or word recognition (WR) system. This research focuses on the problem of DIC in different categories of scripts, styles and languages and establishes a framework for flexible representation and feature extraction that can be adapted to many DIC problem. The current methods for DIC have many limitations and drawbacks that restrict the practical usage of these methods. We proposed an efficient framework for categorization of document image based on patch representation and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). This framework is flexible and can be adapted to different categorization problem. Many methods exist for script identification of document image but few of them addressed the problem in handwritten manuscripts and they have many limitations and drawbacks. Therefore, our first goal is to introduce a novel method for script identification of ancient manuscripts. The proposed method is based on patch representation in which the patches are extracted using skeleton map of a document images. This representation overcomes the limitation of the current methods about the fixed level of layout. The proposed feature extraction scheme based on Projective Non-negative Matrix Factorization (PNMF) is robust against noise and handwriting variation and can be used for different scripts. The proposed method has higher performance compared to state of the art methods and can be applied to different levels of layout. The current methods for font (style) identification are mostly proposed to be applied on machine-printed document image and many of them can only be used for a specific level of layout. Therefore, we proposed new method for font and style identification of printed and handwritten manuscripts based on patch representation and Non-negative Matrix Tri-Factorization (NMTF). The images are represented by overlapping patches obtained from the foreground pixels. The position of these patches are set based on skeleton map to reduce the number of patches. Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization is used to learn bases from each fonts (style) and then these bases are used to classify a new image based on minimum representation error. The proposed method can easily be extended to new fonts as the bases for each font are learned separately from the other fonts. This method is tested on two datasets of machine-printed and ancient manuscript and the results confirmed its performance compared to the state of the art methods. Finally, we proposed a novel method for language identification of printed and handwritten manuscripts based on patch representation and Non-negative Matrix Tri-Factorization (NMTF). The current methods for language identification are based on textual data obtained by OCR engine or images data through coding and comparing with textual data. The OCR based method needs lots of processing and the current image based method are not applicable to cursive scripts such as Arabic. In this work we introduced a new method for language identification of machine-printed and handwritten manuscripts based on patch representation and NMTF. The patch representation provides the component of the Arabic script (letters) that can not be extracted simply by segmentation methods. Then NMTF is used for dictionary learning and generating codebooks that will be used to represent document image with a histogram. The proposed method is tested on two datasets of machine-printed and handwritten manuscripts and compared to n-gram features (text-based), texture features and codebook features (imagebased) to validate the performance. The above proposed methods are robust against variation in handwritings, changes in the font (handwriting style) and presence of degradation and are flexible that can be used to various levels of layout (from a textline to paragraph). The methods in this research have been tested on datasets of handwritten and machine-printed manuscripts and compared to state-of-the-art methods. All of the evaluations show the efficiency, robustness and flexibility of the proposed methods for categorization of document image. As mentioned before the proposed strategies provide a framework for efficient and flexible representation and feature extraction for document image categorization. This frame work can be applied to different levels of layout, the information from different levels of layout can be merged and mixed and this framework can be extended to more complex situations and different tasks

    A discrete hidden Markov model for the recognition of handwritten Farsi words

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    Handwriting recognition systems (HRS) have been researched for more than 50 years. Designing a system to recognize specific words in a handwritten clean document is still a difficult task and the challenge is to achieve a high recognition rate. Previously, most of the research in the handwriting recognition domain was conducted on Chinese and Latin languages, while recently more people have shown an interest in the Indo-Iranian script recognition systems. In this thesis, we present an automatic handwriting recognition system for Farsi words. The system was trained, validated and tested on the CENPARMI Farsi Dataset, which was gathered during this research. CENPARMI's Farsi Dataset is unique in terms of its huge number of images (432,357 combined grayscale and binary), inclusion of all possible handwriting types (Dates, Words, Isolated Characters, Isolated Digits, Numeral Strings, Special Symbols, Documents), the variety of cursive styles, the number of writers (400) and the exclusive participation of Native Farsi speakers in the gathering of data. The words were first preprocessed. Concavity and Distribution features were extracted and the codebook was calculated by the vector quantization method. A Discrete Hidden Markov Model was chosen as the classifier because of the cursive nature of the Farsi script. Finally, encouraging recognition rates of98.76% and 96.02% have been obtained for the Training and Testing sets, respectivel

    Information Preserving Processing of Noisy Handwritten Document Images

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    Many pre-processing techniques that normalize artifacts and clean noise induce anomalies due to discretization of the document image. Important information that could be used at later stages may be lost. A proposed composite-model framework takes into account pre-printed information, user-added data, and digitization characteristics. Its benefits are demonstrated by experiments with statistically significant results. Separating pre-printed ruling lines from user-added handwriting shows how ruling lines impact people\u27s handwriting and how they can be exploited for identifying writers. Ruling line detection based on multi-line linear regression reduces the mean error of counting them from 0.10 to 0.03, 6.70 to 0.06, and 0.13 to 0.02, com- pared to an HMM-based approach on three standard test datasets, thereby reducing human correction time by 50%, 83%, and 72% on average. On 61 page images from 16 rule-form templates, the precision and recall of form cell recognition are increased by 2.7% and 3.7%, compared to a cross-matrix approach. Compensating for and exploiting ruling lines during feature extraction rather than pre-processing raises the writer identification accuracy from 61.2% to 67.7% on a 61-writer noisy Arabic dataset. Similarly, counteracting page-wise skew by subtracting it or transforming contours in a continuous coordinate system during feature extraction improves the writer identification accuracy. An implementation study of contour-hinge features reveals that utilizing the full probabilistic probability distribution function matrix improves the writer identification accuracy from 74.9% to 79.5%
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