6 research outputs found

    Structuring Interactive Correctness Proofs by Formalizing Coding Idioms

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    This paper examines a novel strategy for developing correctness proofs in interactive software verification for C programs. Rather than proceeding backwards from the generated verification conditions, we start by developing a library of the employed data structures and related coding idioms. The application of that library then leads to correctness proofs that reflect informal arguments about the idioms. We apply this strategy to the low-level memory allocator of the L4 microkernel, a case study discussed in the literature

    High-level Proofs about Low-level Programs

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    Functional verification of low-level code requires abstractions over the memory model to be effective, since the number of side-conditions induced by byte-addressed memory is prohibitive even with modern automated reasoners. We propose a flexible solution to this challenge: assertions contain explicit memory layouts which carry the necessary side-conditions as invariants. The memory-related proof obligations arising during verification can then be solved using specialized automatic proof procedures. The remaining verification conditions about the content of data structures directly reflect a developer's understanding. The development is formalized in Isabelle/HOL

    Semi-automatic Proofs about Object Graphs in Separation Logic

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    Published correctness proofs of garbage collectors in separationlogic to date depend on extensive manual, interactive formulamanipulations. This paper shows that the approach of symbolicexecution in separation logic, as first developed by Smallfoot,also encompasses reasoning about object graphs given by the reachabilityof objects. This approach yields semi-automatic proofs oftwo central garbage collection algorithms: Schorr-Waite graph marking and Cheney's collector. Our framework is developed as a conservativeextension of Isabelle/HOL. Our verification environment re-uses theSimpl framework for classical Hoare logic

    A Formal Verification Environment for Use in the Certification of Safety-Related C Programs

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    In this thesis the design of an environment for the formal verification of functional properties of safety-related software written in the programming language C is described. The focus lies on the verification of (primarily) geometric computations. We give an overview of the applicable regulations for safety-related software systems. We define a combination of higher-order logic as formalised in the theorem prover Isabelle and a specification language syntactically based on C expressions. The language retains the mathematical character of higher-level specifications in code specifications. A memory model for C is formalised which is appropriate to model low-level memory operations while keeping the entailed verification overhead in tolerable bounds. Finally, a Hoare style proof calculus is devised so that correctness proofs can be performed in one integrated framework. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated by describing its use in an industrial project

    Certified Reasoning for Automated Verification

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    Verification of programs in virtual memory using separation logic

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    Formal reasoning about programs executing in virtual memory is a difficult problem, as it is an environment in which writing to memory can change its layout. At the same time, correctly reasoning about virtual memory is essential to operating system verification, a field we are very much interested in. Current approaches rely on entering special modes or making high-level assertions about the nature of virtual memory which may or may not be correct. In this thesis, we examine the problems created by virtual memory and develop a unified view of memory, both physical and virtual, based on separation logic. We first develop this model for a simple programming language on a simplified architecture with a one-level page table, taking care to prove it constitutes a separation logic. We then extend the framework to deal with low-level C programs executing in a virtual memory environment of the ARMv6 architecture with a two-level page table. We perform two case studies involving mapping in of a new page into the current address space: first for the simple version of our logic, and finally for our full framework. The case studies demonstrate that separation logic style modular reasoning via the frame rule can be used in a unified model which encompasses virtual memory, even in the presence of page table writes. To our knowledge, we present the first model offering a unified view of virtual and physical memory, the first separation logic involving an address translation mechanism, as well as the first published model of a functional subset of ARM memory management unit. Our memory models, framework, proofs and all results are formalised in the Isabelle/HOL interactive theorem prover