12 research outputs found

    An HMM-Based Framework for Supporting Accurate Classification of Music Datasets

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    open3In this paper, we use Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coecients (MFCC) to build statistical models of classical music composers directly from the music datasets. Several musical pieces are divided by instruments (String, Piano, Chorus, Orchestra), and, for each instrument, statistical models of the composers are computed.We selected 19 dierent composers spanning four centuries by using a total number of 400 musical pieces. Each musical piece is classied as belonging to a composer if the corresponding HMM gives the highest likelihood for that piece. We show that the so-developed models can be used to obtain useful information on the correlation between the composers. Moreover, by using the maximum likelihood approach, we also classied the instrumentation used by the same composer. Besides as an analysis tool, the described approach has been used as a classier. This overall originates an HMM-based framework for supporting accurate classication of music datasets. On a dataset of String Quartet movements, we obtained an average composer classication accuracy of more than 96%. As regards instrumentation classication, we obtained an average classication of slightly less than 100% for Piano, Orchestra and String Quartet. In this paper, the most signicant results coming from our experimental assessment and analysis are reported and discussed in detail.openCuzzocrea, Alfredo; Mumolo, Enzo; Vercelli, GianniCuzzocrea, Alfredo; Mumolo, Enzo; Vercelli, Giann

    Real-Time Audio-to-Score Alignment of Music Performances Containing Errors and Arbitrary Repeats and Skips

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    This paper discusses real-time alignment of audio signals of music performance to the corresponding score (a.k.a. score following) which can handle tempo changes, errors and arbitrary repeats and/or skips (repeats/skips) in performances. This type of score following is particularly useful in automatic accompaniment for practices and rehearsals, where errors and repeats/skips are often made. Simple extensions of the algorithms previously proposed in the literature are not applicable in these situations for scores of practical length due to the problem of large computational complexity. To cope with this problem, we present two hidden Markov models of monophonic performance with errors and arbitrary repeats/skips, and derive efficient score-following algorithms with an assumption that the prior probability distributions of score positions before and after repeats/skips are independent from each other. We confirmed real-time operation of the algorithms with music scores of practical length (around 10000 notes) on a modern laptop and their tracking ability to the input performance within 0.7 s on average after repeats/skips in clarinet performance data. Further improvements and extension for polyphonic signals are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, version accepted in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processin

    Realtime Audio to Score Alignment for Polyphonic Music Instruments Using Sparse Non-negative constraints and Hierarchical HMMs

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    International audienceWe present a new method for realtime alignment of audio to score for polyphonic music signals. In this paper, we will be focusing mostly on the multiple-pitch observation algorithm proposed based on realtime Non-negative Matrix Factorization with sparseness constraints and hierarchical hidden Markov models for sequential modeling using particle filtering for decoding. The proposed algorithm has the advantage of having an explicit instrument model for pitch obtained through unsupervised learning as well as access to single note contribution probabilities which construct a complex chord instead of modeling the chord as one event

    HReMAS: Hybrid Real-time Musical Alignment System

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    [EN] This paper presents a real-time audio-to-score alignment system for musical applications. The aim of these systems is to synchronize a live musical performance with its symbolic representation in a music sheet. We have used as a base our previous real-time alignment system by enhancing it with a traceback stage, a stage used in offline alignment to improve the accuracy of the aligned note. This stage introduces some delay, what forces to assume a trade-off between output delay and alignment accuracy that must be considered in the design of this type of hybrid techniques. We have also improved our former system to execute faster in order to minimize this delay. Other interesting improvements, like identification of silence frames, have also been incorporated to our proposed system.This work has been supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" of Spain and FEDER under Projects TEC2015-67387-C4-{1,2,3}-R.Cabañas-Molero, P.; Cortina-Parajón, R.; Combarro, EF.; Alonso-Jordá, P.; Bris-Peñalver, FJ. (2019). HReMAS: Hybrid Real-time Musical Alignment System. The Journal of Supercomputing. 75(3):1001-1013. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2265-1S10011013753Alonso P, Cortina R, Rodríguez-Serrano FJ, Vera-Candeas P, Alonso-González M, Ranilla J (2017) Parallel online time warping for real-time audio-to-score alignment in multi-core systems. J Supercomput 73(1):126–138Alonso P, Vera-Candeas P, Cortina R, Ranilla J (2017) An efficient musical accompaniment parallel system for mobile devices. J Supercomput 73(1):343–353Arzt A (2016) Flexible and robust music tracking. Ph.D. thesis, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, ÖsterreichArzt A, Widmer G, Dixon S (2008) Automatic page turning for musicians via real-time machine listening. In: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Amsterdam, pp 241–245Carabias-Orti J, Rodríguez-Serrano F, Vera-Candeas P, Ruiz-Reyes N, Cañadas-Quesada F (2015) An audio to score alignment framework using spectral factorization and dynamic time warping. In: Proceedings of ISMIR, pp 742–748Cont A (2006) Realtime audio to score alignment for polyphonic music instruments, using sparse non-negative constraints and hierarchical HMMs. In: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings, vol 5. pp V–VCont A, Schwarz D, Schnell N, Raphael C (2007) Evaluation of real-time audio-to-score alignment. In: International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), ViennaDannenberg RB, Raphael C (2006) Music score alignment and computer accompaniment. Commun ACM 49(8):38–43Devaney J, Ellis D (2009) Handling asynchrony in audio-score alignment. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference Computer Music Association. pp 29–32Dixon S (2005) An on-line time warping algorithm for tracking musical performances. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). pp 1727–1728Duan Z, Pardo B (2011) Soundprism: an online system for score-informed source separation of music audio. IEEE J Sel Top Signal Process 5(6):1205–1215Ewert S, Muller M, Grosche P (2009) High resolution audio synchronization using chroma onset features. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2009 (ICASSP 2009). pp 1869–1872Hu N, Dannenberg R, Tzanetakis G (2003) Polyphonic audio matching and alignment for music retrieval. In: 2003 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics. pp 185–188Kaprykowsky H, Rodet X (2006) Globally optimal short-time dynamic time warping, application to score to audio alignment. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, vol 5. pp. V–VLi B, Duan Z (2016) An approach to score following for piano performances with the sustained effect. IEEE/ACM Trans Audio Speech Lang Process 24(12):2425–2438Miron M, Carabias-Orti JJ, Bosch JJ, Gómez E, Janer J (2016) Score-informed source separation for multichannel orchestral recordings. J Electr Comput Eng 2016(8363507):1–19Muñoz-Montoro A, Cabañas-Molero P, Bris-Peñalver F, Combarro E, Cortina R, Alonso P (2017) Discovering the composition of audio files by audio-to-midi alignment. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. pp 1522–1529Orio N, Schwarz D (2001) Alignment of monophonic and polyphonic music to a score. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), pp 155–158Pätynen J, Pulkki V, Lokki T (2008) Anechoic recording system for symphony orchestra. Acta Acust United Acust 94(6):856–865Raphael C (2010) Music plus one and machine learning. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp 21–28Rodriguez-Serrano FJ, Carabias-Orti JJ, Vera-Candeas P, Martinez-Munoz D (2016) Tempo driven audio-to-score alignment using spectral decomposition and online dynamic time warping. ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol 8(2):22:1–22:2

    An efficient musical accompaniment parallel system for mobile devices

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    [EN] This work presents a software system designed to track the reproduction of a musical piece with the aim to match the score position into its symbolic representation on a digital sheet. Into this system, known as automated musical accompaniment system, the process of score alignment can be carried out real-time. A real-time score alignment, also known as score following, poses an important challenge due to the large amount of computation needed to process each digital frame and the very small time slot to process it. Moreover, the challenge is even greater since we are interested on handheld devices, i.e. devices characterized by both low power consumption and mobility. The results presented here show that it is possible to exploit efficiently several cores of an ARM(A (R)) processor, or a GPU accelerator (presented in some SoCs from NVIDIA) reducing the processing time per frame under 10 ms in most of the cases.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness from Spain (FEDER) under projects TEC2015-67387-C4-1-R, TEC2015-67387-C4-2-R and TEC2015-67387-C4-3-R, the Andalusian Business, Science and Innovation Council under project P2010-TIC-6762 (FEDER), and the Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/2014/003Alonso-Jordá, P.; Vera-Candeas, P.; Cortina, R.; Ranilla, J. (2017). An efficient musical accompaniment parallel system for mobile devices. The Journal of Supercomputing. 73(1):343-353. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-016-1865-xS343353731Cont A, Schwarz D, Schnell N, Raphael C (2007) Evaluation of real- time audio-to-score alignment. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) 2007, ViennaArzt A (2008) Score following with dynamic time warping. An automatic page-turner. Master’s Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, ViennaRaphael C (2010) Music plus one and machine learning. In: Proc. of the 27 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Haifa, pp 21–28Carabias-Ortí JJ, Rodríguez-Serrano FJ, Vera-Candeas P, Ruiz-Reyes N, Cañadas-Quesada FJ (2015) An audio to score alignment framework using spectral factorization and dynamic time warping. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Málaga, pp 742–748Cont A (2010) A coupled duration-focused architecture for real-time music-to-score alignment. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 32(6):974–987Montecchio N, Orio N (2009) A discrete filterbank approach to audio to score matching for score following. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), pp 495–500Puckette M (1995) Score following using the sung voice. In: Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), pp 175–178Duan Z, Pardo B (2011) Soundprism: an online system for score-informed source separation of music audio. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process. 5(6):1205–1215Cont A (2006) Realtime audio to score alignment for polyphonic music instruments using sparse non-negative constraints and hierarchical hmms. In: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), ToulouseCuvillier P, Cont A (2014) Coherent time modeling of Semi-Markov models with application to realtime audio-to-score alignment. In Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, p 16Joder C, Essid S, Richard G (2013) Learning optimal features for polyphonic audio-to-score alignment. IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 21(10):2118–2128Dixon S (2005) Live tracking of musical performances using on-line time warping. In: Proc. International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), Madrid, pp 92–97Hu N, Dannenberg RB, Tzanetakis G (2009) Polyphonic audio matching and alignment for music retrieval. In: Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), pp 185–188Orio N, Schwarz D (2001) Alignment of monophonic and polyphonic music to a score. In: Proc. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)Alonso P, Cortina R, Rodríguez-Serrano FJ, Vera-Candeas P, Alonso-Gonzalez M, Ranilla J (2016) Parallel online time warping for real-time audio-to-score alignment in multi-core systems. J. Supercomput. doi: 10.1007/s11227-016-1647-5 (published online)Carabias-Ortí JJ, Rodríguez-Serrano FJ, Vera-Candeas P, Cañadas-Quesada FJ, Ruiz-Reyes N (2013) Constrained non-negative sparse coding using learnt instrument templates for realtime music transcription, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 26(7):1671–1680Carabias-Ortí JJ, Rodríguez-Serrano FJ, Vera-Candeas P, Martínez-Muñoz D (2016) Tempo driven audio-to-score alignment using spectral decomposition and online dynamic time warping. ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol. (accepted)FFTW (2016) http://www.fftw.org . Accessed July 2016NVIDIA CUDA Fast Fourier Transform library (cuFFT) (2016) http://developer.nvidia.com/cufft . Accessed July 2016The OpenMP API specification for parallel programming (2016) http://openmp.org . Accessed July 201

    Suivi de chansons par reconnaissance automatique de parole et alignement temporel

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    Le suivi de partition est défini comme étant la synchronisation sur ordinateur entre une partition musicale connue et le signal sonore de l'interprète de cette partition. Dans le cas particulier de la voix chantée, il y a encore place à l'amélioration des algorithmes existants, surtout pour le suivi de partition en temps réel. L'objectif de ce projet est donc d'arriver à mettre en oeuvre un logiciel suiveur de partition robuste et en temps-réel utilisant le signal numérisé de voix chantée et le texte des chansons. Le logiciel proposé utilise à la fois plusieurs caractéristiques de la voix chantée (énergie, correspondance avec les voyelles et nombre de passages par zéro du signal) et les met en correspondance avec la partition musicale en format MusicXML. Ces caractéristiques, extraites pour chaque trame, sont alignées aux unités phonétiques de la partition. En parallèle avec cet alignement à court terme, le système ajoute un deuxième niveau d'estimation plus fiable sur la position en associant une segmentation du signal en blocs de chant à des sections chantées en continu dans la partition. La performance du système est évaluée en présentant les alignements obtenus en différé sur 3 extraits de chansons interprétés par 2 personnes différentes, un homme et une femme, en anglais et en français


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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, University Graduate School/Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, 2020Score following is an AI technique that enables computer programs to “listen to” music: to track a live musical performance in relation to its written score, even through variations in tempo and amplitude. This ability can be transformative for musical practice, performance, education, and composition. Although score following has been successful on monophonic music (one note at a time), it has difficulty with polyphonic music. One of the greatest challenges is piano music, which is highly polyphonic. This dissertation investigates ways to overcome the challenges of polyphonic music, and casts light on the nature of the problem through empirical experiments. I propose two new approaches inspired by two important aspects of music that humans perceive during a performance: the pitch profile of the sound, and the timing. In the first approach, I account for changing timbre within a chord by tracking harmonic amplitudes to improve matching between the score and the sound. In the second approach, I model tempo in music, allowing it to deviate from the default tempo value within reasonable statistical constraints. For both methods, I develop switching Kalman filter models that are interesting in their own right. I have conducted experiments on 50 excerpts of real piano performances, and analyzed the results both case-by-case and statistically. The results indicate that modeling tempo is essential for piano score following, and the second method significantly outperformed the state-of-the-art baseline. The first method, although it did not show improvement over the baseline, still represents a promising new direction for future research. Taken together, the results contribute to a more nuanced and multifaceted understanding of the score-following problem