41 research outputs found

    Estimation of illuminants from color signals of illuminated objects

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    Color constancy is the ability of the human visual systems to discount the effect of the illumination and to assign approximate constant color descriptions to objects. This ability has long been studied and widely applied to many areas such as color reproduction and machine vision, especially with the development of digital color processing. This thesis work makes some improvements in illuminant estimation and computational color constancy based on the study and testing of existing algorithms. During recent years, it has been noticed that illuminant estimation based on gamut comparison is efficient and simple to implement. Although numerous investigations have been done in this field, there are still some deficiencies. A large part of this thesis has been work in the area of illuminant estimation through gamut comparison. Noting the importance of color lightness in gamut comparison, and also in order to simplify three-dimensional gamut calculation, a new illuminant estimation method is proposed through gamut comparison at separated lightness levels. Maximum color separation is a color constancy method which is based on the assumption that colors in a scene will obtain the largest gamut area under white illumination. The method was further derived and improved in this thesis to make it applicable and efficient. In addition, some intrinsic questions in gamut comparison methods, for example the relationship between the color space and the application of gamut or probability distribution, were investigated. Color constancy methods through spectral recovery have the limitation that there is no effective way to confine the range of object spectral reflectance. In this thesis, a new constraint on spectral reflectance based on the relative ratios of the parameters from principal component analysis (PCA) decomposition is proposed. The proposed constraint was applied to illuminant detection methods as a metric on the recovered spectral reflectance. Because of the importance of the sensor sensitivities and their wide variation, the influence from the sensor sensitivities on different kinds of illuminant estimation methods was also studied. Estimation method stability to wrong sensor information was tested, suggesting the possible solution to illuminant estimation on images with unknown sources. In addition, with the development of multi-channel imaging, some research on illuminant estimation for multi-channel images both on the correlated color temperature (CCT) estimation and the illuminant spectral recovery was performed in this thesis. All the improvement and new proposed methods in this thesis are tested and compared with those existing methods with best performance, both on synthetic data and real images. The comparison verified the high efficiency and implementation simplicity of the proposed methods

    Ridge Regression Approach to Color Constancy

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    This thesis presents the work on color constancy and its application in the field of computer vision. Color constancy is a phenomena of representing (visualizing) the reflectance properties of the scene independent of the illumination spectrum. The motivation behind this work is two folds:The primary motivation is to seek ‘consistency and stability’ in color reproduction and algorithm performance respectively because color is used as one of the important features in many computer vision applications; therefore consistency of the color features is essential for high application success. Second motivation is to reduce ‘computational complexity’ without sacrificing the primary motivation.This work presents machine learning approach to color constancy. An empirical model is developed from the training data. Neural network and support vector machine are two prominent nonlinear learning theories. The work on support vector machine based color constancy shows its superior performance over neural networks based color constancy in terms of stability. But support vector machine is time consuming method. Alternative approach to support vectormachine, is a simple, fast and analytically solvable linear modeling technique known as ‘Ridge regression’. It learns the dependency between the surface reflectance and illumination from a presented training sample of data. Ridge regression provides answer to the two fold motivation behind this work, i.e., stable and computationally simple approach. The proposed algorithms, ‘Support vector machine’ and ‘Ridge regression’ involves three step processes: First, an input matrix constructed from the preprocessed training data set is trained toobtain a trained model. Second, test images are presented to the trained model to obtain the chromaticity estimate of the illuminants present in the testing images. Finally, linear diagonal transformation is performed to obtain the color corrected image. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms on both calibrated and uncalibrated data set in comparison to the methods discussed in literature review. Finally, thesis concludes with a complete discussion and summary on comparison between the proposed approaches and other algorithms

    Non-parametric Methods for Automatic Exposure Control, Radiometric Calibration and Dynamic Range Compression

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    Imaging systems are essential to a wide range of modern day applications. With the continuous advancement in imaging systems, there is an on-going need to adapt and improve the imaging pipeline running inside the imaging systems. In this thesis, methods are presented to improve the imaging pipeline of digital cameras. Here we present three methods to improve important phases of the imaging process, which are (i) ``Automatic exposure adjustment'' (ii) ``Radiometric calibration'' (iii) ''High dynamic range compression''. These contributions touch the initial, intermediate and final stages of imaging pipeline of digital cameras. For exposure control, we propose two methods. The first makes use of CCD-based equations to formulate the exposure control problem. To estimate the exposure time, an initial image was acquired for each wavelength channel to which contrast adjustment techniques were applied. This helps to recover a reference cumulative distribution function of image brightness at each channel. The second method proposed for automatic exposure control is an iterative method applicable for a broad range of imaging systems. It uses spectral sensitivity functions such as the photopic response functions for the generation of a spectral power image of the captured scene. A target image is then generated using the spectral power image by applying histogram equalization. The exposure time is hence calculated iteratively by minimizing the squared difference between target and the current spectral power image. Here we further analyze the method by performing its stability and controllability analysis using a state space representation used in control theory. The applicability of the proposed method for exposure time calculation was shown on real world scenes using cameras with varying architectures. Radiometric calibration is the estimate of the non-linear mapping of the input radiance map to the output brightness values. The radiometric mapping is represented by the camera response function with which the radiance map of the scene is estimated. Our radiometric calibration method employs an L1 cost function by taking advantage of Weisfeld optimization scheme. The proposed calibration works with multiple input images of the scene with varying exposure. It can also perform calibration using a single input with few constraints. The proposed method outperforms, quantitatively and qualitatively, various alternative methods found in the literature of radiometric calibration. Finally, to realistically represent the estimated radiance maps on low dynamic range display (LDR) devices, we propose a method for dynamic range compression. Radiance maps generally have higher dynamic range (HDR) as compared to the widely used display devices. Thus, for display purposes, dynamic range compression is required on HDR images. Our proposed method generates few LDR images from the HDR radiance map by clipping its values at different exposures. Using contrast information of each LDR image generated, the method uses an energy minimization approach to estimate the probability map of each LDR image. These probability maps are then used as label set to form final compressed dynamic range image for the display device. The results of our method were compared qualitatively and quantitatively with those produced by widely cited and professionally used methods

    On the way to a vision of situated cognition through Heidegger\u27s concept of being-in-the-world

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    Evaluation and optimal design of spectral sensitivities for digital color imaging

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    The quality of an image captured by color imaging system primarily depends on three factors: sensor spectral sensitivity, illumination and scene. While illumination is very important to be known, the sensitivity characteristics is critical to the success of imaging applications, and is necessary to be optimally designed under practical constraints. The ultimate image quality is judged subjectively by human visual system. This dissertation addresses the evaluation and optimal design of spectral sensitivity functions for digital color imaging devices. Color imaging fundamentals and device characterization are discussed in the first place. For the evaluation of spectral sensitivity functions, this dissertation concentrates on the consideration of imaging noise characteristics. Both signal-independent and signal-dependent noises form an imaging noise model and noises will be propagated while signal is processed. A new colorimetric quality metric, unified measure of goodness (UMG), which addresses color accuracy and noise performance simultaneously, is introduced and compared with other available quality metrics. Through comparison, UMG is designated as a primary evaluation metric. On the optimal design of spectral sensitivity functions, three generic approaches, optimization through enumeration evaluation, optimization of parameterized functions, and optimization of additional channel, are analyzed in the case of the filter fabrication process is unknown. Otherwise a hierarchical design approach is introduced, which emphasizes the use of the primary metric but the initial optimization results are refined through the application of multiple secondary metrics. Finally the validity of UMG as a primary metric and the hierarchical approach are experimentally tested and verified


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    This thesis concerns the utility of color appearances given the tricky relationship between our visual system, the phenomenology of color experiences and the urge for the ontological status of colors. On the one hand, the color constancy phenomena is generally thought to motivate color realism and on the other hand, so-called impossible color phenomena is generally thought to motivate the irrealist accounts. I show that none of these two gives us grounds to adopt either of the ontological positions. Instead, I argue that color appearances do not give us direct information about the alleged externality or internality of colors. Following this line of thought, I propose to stay agnostic about the ontological status of colors derived from their appearances. Moreover, I argue that the primary function of color vision is to discriminate among rather than detect properties. I conclude by showing that color vision understood as non-primal discriminatory capacity does nevertheless, has important roles in visual perception. Among others, its perquisites are effortlessness and usefulnessness

    An Analytical model for the colorimetric characterization of color CRTs

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    To be a viable instrument for color appearance research, the color Cathode Ray Tube has to be very well calibrated and characterized. The purpose of this research was to develop the techniques and methods used to carry out such characterization, and also to evaluate to what degree of precision and accuracy can such a characterization be performed. A new model for predicting the CRT behavior is presented along with the experimental results that validate it

    Colour and spatial pattern discrimination in human vision

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    Imperial Users onl


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    This dissertation explores some of the scientific, technical and cultural history of human skin measurement and diagnostics. Through a significant collection of primary texts and case studies, I track the changing technologies and methods used to measure skin, as well as the scientific and sociotechnical applications. I then map these histories onto some of the diverse understandings of the human body, physics, biology, natural philosophy and language that underpinned the scientific enterprise of skin measurement. The main argument of my thesis demonstrates how these diverse histories of science historically and theoretically inform the succeeding methods and applications for skin measurement from early Greek medicine, to beginnings of Anthropology as scientific discipline, to the emergence of scientific racism, to the age of digital imaging analysis, remote sensing, algorithms, massive databases and biometric technologies; further, these new digital applications go beyond just health diagnostics and are creating new technical categorizations of human skin divorced from the established ethical mechanisms of modern science. Based on this research, I inquire how communication practices within the scientific enterprise address the ethical and historical implications for a growing set of digital biometric applications with industrial, military, sociopolitical and public functions

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition