8 research outputs found

    Efficient shadow map filtering

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    Schatten liefern dem menschlichen Auge wichtige Informationen, um die räumlichen Beziehungen in der Umgebung in der wir leben wahrzunehmen. Sie sind somit ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der realistischen Bildsynthese. Leider ist die Sichtbarkeitsberechnung ein rechenintensiver Prozess. Bildbasierte Methoden, wie zum Beispiel Shadow Maps, verhalten sich positiv gegenüber einer wachsenden Szenenkomplexität, produzieren aber Artefakte sowohl in der räumlichen, als auch in der temporalen Domäne, da sie nicht wie herkömmliche Bilder gefiltert werden können. Diese Dissertation präsentiert neue Echtzeit-Schattenverfahren die das effiziente Filtern von Shadow Maps ermöglichen, um die Bildqualität und das Kohärenzverhalten zu verbessern. Hierzu formulieren wir den Schattentest als eine Summe von Produkten, bei der die beiden Parameter der Schattenfunktion separiert werden. Shadow Maps werden dann in sogenannte Basis-Bilder transformiert, die im Gegensatz zu Shadow Maps linear gefiltert werden können. Die gefilterten Basis-Bilder sind äquivalent zu einem vorgefilterten Schattentest und werden verwendet, um geglättete Schattenkanten und realistische weiche Schatten zu berechnen.Shadows provide the human visual system with important cues to sense spatial relationships in the environment we live in. As such they are an indispensable part of realistic computerenerated imagery. Unfortunately, visibility determination is computationally expensive. Image-based simplifications to the problem such as Shadow Maps perform well with increased scene complexity but produce artifacts both in the spatial and temporal domain because they lack efficient filtering support. This dissertation presents novel real-time shadow algorithms to enable efficient filtering of Shadow Maps in order to increase the image quality and overall coherence characteristics. This is achieved by expressing the shadow test as a sum of products where the parameters of the shadow test are separated from each other. Ordinary Shadow Maps are then subject to a transformation into new so called basis-images which can, as opposed to Shadow Maps, be linearly filtered. The convolved basis images are equivalent to a pre-filtered shadow test and used to reconstruct anti-aliased as well as physically plausible all-frequency shadows

    Realistic, Real-Time Shading and Rendering of Objects with Complex Materials

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    A long sought goal in computer graphics is to create images as realistically as possible but at the same time as quickly as possible. Many problems have to be solved in order to achieve this goal. This dissertation focuses on solving one of the main problems in real-time image synthesis: realistic shading of objects with complex optical material properties. To this end, we develop a set of new techniques and algorithms using graphics hardware. These algorithms achieve results in real-time, which are of comparable quality to offline rendering and were previously considered impossible to achieve in real-time. In particular, we propose new algorithms for bump mapping and shadowing in bump maps, several techniques for glossy reflections using environment maps, self-shadowing and interreflections for environment mapped objects, as well as displacement mapping

    Realistic, Real-Time Shading and Rendering of Objects with Complex Materials

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    A long sought goal in computer graphics is to create images as realistically as possible but at the same time as quickly as possible. Many problems have to be solved in order to achieve this goal. This dissertation focuses on solving one of the main problems in real-time image synthesis: realistic shading of objects with complex optical material properties. To this end, we develop a set of new techniques and algorithms using graphics hardware. These algorithms achieve results in real-time, which are of comparable quality to offline rendering and were previously considered impossible to achieve in real-time. In particular, we propose new algorithms for bump mapping and shadowing in bump maps, several techniques for glossy reflections using environment maps, self-shadowing and interreflections for environment mapped objects, as well as displacement mapping

    Realistic, Real-Time Shading and Rendering of Objects with Complex Materials

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    A long sought goal in computer graphics is to create images as realistically as possible but at the same time as quickly as possible. Many problems have to be solved in order to achieve this goal. This dissertation focuses on solving one of the main problems in real-time image synthesis: realistic shading of objects with complex optical material properties. To this end, we develop a set of new techniques and algorithms using graphics hardware. These algorithms achieve results in real-time, which are of comparable quality to offline rendering and were previously considered impossible to achieve in real-time. In particular, we propose new algorithms for bump mapping and shadowing in bump maps, several techniques for glossy reflections using environment maps, self-shadowing and interreflections for environment mapped objects, as well as displacement mapping

    Realistic, Real-Time Shading and Rendering of Objects with Complex Materials

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    A long sought goal in computer graphics is to create images as realistically as possible but at the same time as quickly as possible. Many problems have to be solved in order to achieve this goal. This dissertation focuses on solving one of the main problems in real-time image synthesis: realistic shading of objects with complex optical material properties. To this end, we develop a set of new techniques and algorithms using graphics hardware. These algorithms achieve results in real-time, which are of comparable quality to offline rendering and were previously considered impossible to achieve in real-time. In particular, we propose new algorithms for bump mapping and shadowing in bump maps, several techniques for glossy reflections using environment maps, self-shadowing and interreflections for environment mapped objects, as well as displacement mapping

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Realtime ray tracing and interactive global illumination

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    One of the most sought-for goals in computer graphics is to generate "realism in real time". i.e. the generation of realistically looking images at realtime frame rates. Today, virtually all approaches towards realtime rendering use graphics hardware, which is based almost exclusively on triangle rasterization. Unfortunately, though this technology has seen tremendous progress over the last few years, for many applications it is currently reaching its limits in both model complexity, supported features, and achievable realism. An alternative to triangle rasterizations is the ray tracing algorithm, which is well-known for its higher flexibility, its generally higher achievable realism, and its superior scalability in both model size and compute power. However, ray tracing is also computationally demanding and thus so far is used almost exclusively for high-quality offline rendering tasks. This dissertation focuses on the question why ray tracing is likely to soon play a larger role for interactive applications, and how this scenario can be reached. To this end, we discuss the RTRT/OpenRT realtime ray tracing system, a software based ray tracing system that achieves interactive to realtime frame rates on todays commodity CPUs. In particular, we discuss the overall system design, the efficient implementation of the core ray tracing algorithms, techniques for handling dynamic scenes, an efficient parallelization framework, and an OpenGL-like low-level API. Taken together, these techniques form a complete realtime rendering engine that supports massively complex scenes, highley realistic and physically correct shading, and even physically based lighting simulation at interactive rates. In the last part of this thesis we then discuss the implications and potential of realtime ray tracing on global illumination, and how the availability of this new technology can be leveraged to finally achieve interactive global illumination - the physically correct simulation of light transport at interactive rates.Eines der wichtigsten Ziele der Computer-Graphik ist die Generierung von "Realismus in Echtzeit\u27; — die Erzeugung von realistisch wirkenden, computer- generierten Bildern in Echtzeit. Heutige Echtzeit-Graphikanwendungen werden derzeit zum überwiegenden Teil mit schneller Graphik-Hardware realisiert, welche zum aktuellen Stand der Technik fast ausschliesslich auf dem Dreiecksrasterisierungsalgorithmus basiert. Obwohl diese Rasterisierungstechnologie in den letzten Jahren zunehmend beeindruckende Fortschritte gemacht hat, stößt sie heutzutage zusehends an ihre Grenzen, speziell im Hinblick auf Modellkomplexität, unterstützte Beleuchtungseffekte, und erreichbaren Realismus. Eine Alternative zur Dreiecksrasterisierung ist das "Ray-Tracing\u27; (Stahl-Rückverfolgung), welches weithin bekannt ist für seine höhere Flexibilität, seinen im Großen und Ganzen höheren erreichbaren Realismus, und seine bessere Skalierbarkeit sowohl in Szenengröße als auch in Rechner-Kapazitäten. Allerdings ist Ray-Tracing ebenso bekannt für seinen hohen Rechenbedarf, und wird daher heutzutage fast ausschließlich für die hochqualitative, nichtinteraktive Bildsynthese benutzt. Diese Dissertation behandelt die Gründe warum Ray-Tracing in näherer Zukunft voraussichtlich eine größere Rolle für interaktive Graphikanwendungen spielen wird, und untersucht, wie dieses Szenario des Echtzeit Ray-Tracing erreicht werden kann. Hierfür stellen wir das RTRT/OpenRT Echtzeit Ray-Tracing System vor, ein software-basiertes Ray-Tracing System, welches es erlaubt, interaktive Performanz auf heutigen Standard-PC-Prozessoren zu erreichen. Speziell diskutieren wir das grundlegende System-Design, die effiziente Implementierung der Kern-Algorithmen, Techniken zur Unterstützung von dynamischen Szenen, ein effizientes Parallelisierungs-Framework, und eine OpenGL-ähnliche Anwendungsschnittstelle. In ihrer Gesamtheit formen diese Techniken ein komplettes Echtzeit-Rendering-System, welches es erlaubt, extrem komplexe Szenen, hochgradig realistische und physikalisch korrekte Effekte, und sogar physikalisch-basierte Beleuchtungssimulation interaktiv zu berechnen. Im letzten Teil der Dissertation behandeln wir dann die Implikationen und das Potential, welches Echtzeit Ray-Tracing für die Globale Beleuchtungssimulation bietet, und wie die Verfügbarkeit dieser neuen Technologie benutzt werden kann, um letztendlich auch Globale Belechtung — die physikalisch korrekte Simulation des Lichttransports — interaktiv zu berechnen

    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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