12 research outputs found

    An empirical study of realvideo performance across the internet

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    SVCEval-RA: an evaluation framework for adaptive scalable video streaming

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    [EN] Multimedia content adaption strategies are becoming increasingly important for effective video streaming over the actual heterogeneous networks. Thus, evaluation frameworks for adaptive video play an important role in the designing and deploying process of adaptive multimedia streaming systems. This paper describes a novel simulation framework for rate-adaptive video transmission using the Scalable Video Coding standard (H.264/SVC). Our approach uses feedback information about the available bandwidth to allow the video source to select the most suitable combination of SVC layers for the transmission of a video sequence. The proposed solution has been integrated into the network simulator NS-2 in order to support realistic network simulations. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed solution we perform a simulation study where a video sequence was transmitted over a three network scenarios. The experimental results show that the Adaptive SVC scheme implemented in our framework provides an efficient alternative that helps to avoid an increase in the network congestion in resource-constrained networks. Improvements in video quality, in terms of PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and SSIM (Structural Similarity Index) are also obtained.Castellanos Hernández, WE.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; Arce Vila, P. (2017). SVCEval-RA: an evaluation framework for adaptive scalable video streaming. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 76(1):437-461. doi:10.1007/s11042-015-3046-yS437461761Akhshabi S, Begen AC, Dovrolis C (2011) An experimental evaluation of rate-adaptation algorithms in adaptive streaming over HTTP. In: Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems. ACM, pp 157–168Alabdulkarim MN, Rikli N-E (2012) QoS Provisioning for H.264/SVC Streams over Ad-Hoc ZigBee Networks Using Cross-Layer Design. 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    Automatic portable surgical communication equipment with R1T1 robot - APSCERR

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    Orientador: Ilka de Fátima Santana Ferreira BoinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Introdução: Em 2016 o Brasil foi o segundo país do mundo em número absoluto de transplantes, ainda assim a lista de espera para os mesmos tem crescido a cada ano. Não há na literatura um bom método de avaliação de imagem para aumentar a utilização de enxertos hepáticos captados, de forma a permitir a atuação proativa frente ao planejamento e execução do procedimento, visando o aumento da efetivação destas doações. Procurou-se desenvolver um sistema de comunicação cirúrgico portátil automático que permita transmitir as imagens obtidas pelo equipamento de forma segura e efetiva em tempo real através da internet. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a invenção de um equipamento de comunicação portátil que fosse capaz de se comunicar com um robô R1T1 e comparar este equipamento com um aparelho celular. Método: Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no Núcleo de Medicina e Cirurgia Experimental ¿ Unicamp. O equipamento cirúrgico portátil de comunicação automática com o robô R1T1 ¿ APSCERR, foi criado para fornecer uma imagem clara, brilhante e verdadeira durante as diversas variações de luminosidade, sendo que a câmera de comunicação cirúrgica portátil automática foi desenvolvida utilizando a nova geração de chipset, sensor 28nm CMOS de baixo consumo de energia, CPU integrado ARM Cortex-A9 e tecnologia de codificação h.264 HP 5.1, possuindo também seis camadas de lente ótica F/2.0, de grande abertura, permitindo que textos e imagens que não podem ser vistos claramente pelos olhos humanos, possam ser claramente reconhecidos pelo equipamento. Uma análise qualitativa foi realizada durante experimentos em ratos Wistar, observando-se o fígado destes animais com o equipamento APSCERR em comparação com o aparelho celular Microsoft 950XL. As variáveis estudadas como comparação entre a efetividade da utilização do aparelho celular e pelo equipamento APSCERR foram: nitidez da imagem, recurso de auto focus, controle de luminosidade, capacidade de transmissão de dados, autonomia da bateria, número de LEDs presentes, capacidade de armazenamento, criptografia de dados, capacidade para múltiplas conexões, compressão de dados, revestimento antibactericida e capacidade de controle remoto: sonoro, da imagem, e do sistema de conexão. Resultado: Como resultado desta pesquisa temos o desenvolvimento do equipamento APSCERR, sendo também desenvolvido o software de comunicação entre o equipamento e o robô R1T1. Foi registrado uma patente de invenção referente ao desenvolvimento do APSCERR, sendo o texto descritivo que delineia o procedimento de criação do mesmo transcrito e registrado junto ao Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual ¿ INPI sob o número BR 10 2017 008807 3. Quando comparado o equipamento APSCERR com o aparelho celular pôde-se observar que a autonomia da bateria do APSCERR foi cinco vezes maior, a capacidade de armazenamento foi cerca de 17 vezes maior e a quantidade de LEDs foi 11 vezes maior. A facilidade de manuseio do controle de autofoco e de controle de luminosidade foram automáticos no APSCERR e manual no aparelho celular. As características tecnológicas de criptografia de dados, capacidade de múltiplas conexões, compressão de dados, controle remoto de imagem, controle sonoro remoto, controle remoto do sistema e revestimento antibactericida estiveram presentes no APSCERR e ausentes no aparelho celular. Conclusão: Conseguimos construir e patentear o equipamento para a área médica que de uma maneira geral apresentou maior eficiência e melhores parâmetros para sua utilização no campo cirúrgico quando comparado com um aparelho celularAbstract: Introduction: In 2016, Brazil was the second country in the world in absolute number of transplants, yet the waiting list for the same has grown every year. There is no good image evaluation method to increase the use of captured hepatic grafts to allow a proactive performance concerning the planning and execution of the procedure in order to increase the effective number of donations. It was required to develop an automatic portable surgical communication system to transmit the images obtained by the equipment safely and effectively in real time on the Internet. Objective: The aim of this work was to invent a portable communication equipment that is able to communicate with the R1T1 robot and compare this equipment with a cellular handset. Method: This work was developed at the Nucleus of Medicine and Experimental Surgery ¿ Unicamp. The automatic portable surgical communication equipment with the R1T1 robot ¿ APSCERR, was created to provide a true, clear and bright picture during the various brightness variations. The automatic portable surgical communication camera was developed using the new generation of chipset, 28nm CMOS sensor of low power consumption, integrated CPU ARM Cortex-A9 and H.264 HP 5.1 encoding technology, also possessing six layers of F/2.0 optical lens, large aperture, allowing texts and images that could not be seen clearly by the human eye, could now be clearly recognized by the equipment. A qualitative analysis was carried out during experiments on Wistar rats, observing the liver of these animals with the APSCERR equipment compared to the cellular device Microsoft 950XL. The variables studied as a comparison with the effectiveness of the use of the cellular apparatus and the APSCERR equipment were: image sharpening, auto focus feature, brightness control, data transmission capability, battery autonomy, number of LEDs present, storage capacity, data encryption, multiple connections capability, data compression, antibacterial coating, and remote-control capability of: audio, image, and the connection system. Result: As a result of this research we have the development of the APSCERR equipment, and the communication software between the equipment and the R1T1 robot. A patent of invention was registered for the development of the APSCERR, being the descriptive text that delineates the creation procedure of the same transcript and registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property ¿ INPI under the number BR 10 2017 008807 3. When compared to the APSCERR equipment with the cellular handset it was observed that the battery autonomy of the APSCERR was five times larger, the storage capacity was about 17 times superior and a number of LEDs were 11 times greater. The ease of handling of autofocus control and luminosity control were automatic in the APSCERR and manual on the cellular handset. The technological characteristics of data encryption, the capacity of multiple connections, data compression, image remote control, remote sound control, system remote control and antibacterial coating were present in the APSCERR and absent in the cellular handset. Conclusion: We managed to build and patent the equipment for the medical area that generally showed greater efficiency and better parameters for the use in the surgical field when compared with a cellular handsetMestradoFisiopatologia CirúrgicaMestre em Ciência

    Predicting User-Perceived Quality Ratings from Streaming Media Data

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    Abstract—Media stream quality is highly dependent on under-lying network conditions, but identifying scalable, unambiguous metrics to discern the user-perceived quality of a media stream in the face of network congestion is a challenging problem. User-perceived quality can be approximated through the use of carefully chosen application layer metrics, precluding the need to poll users directly. We discuss the use of data mining prediction techniques to analyze application layer metrics to determine user-perceived quality ratings on media streams. We show that several such prediction techniques are able to assign correct (within a small tolerance) quality ratings to streams with a high degree of accuracy. The time it takes to train and tune the predictors and perform the actual prediction are short enough to make such a strategy feasible to be executed in real time and on real computer networks. I

    Browser-based and mobile video communication alternatives for Deaf people

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    Masters of ScienceThis thesis offers some prototypes to provide browser-based and mobile video communication services for Deaf people and evaluates these prototypes. The aim of this research is to identify an acceptable video communication technology for Deaf people by designing and evaluating several prototypes. The goal is to find one that Deaf people would like to use in their day-to-day life. The thesis focuses on two technologies | browser-based systems and mobile applications. Several challenges emerged, for example, specific Deaf user requirements are difficult to obtain, the technical details must be hidden from end users, and evaluation of prototypes includes both technical and social aspects. This thesis describes work to provide South African Sign Language communication for Deaf users in a disadvantaged Deaf community in Cape Town. We posit an experimental design to evaluate browser-based and mobile technologies in order to learn what constitutes acceptable video communication for Deaf users. Two browser-based prototypes and two mobile prototypes were built to this effect. Both qualitative data and quantitative data are collected with user tests to evaluate the prototypes. The video quality of Android satisfies Deaf people, and the portable asynchronous communication is convenient for Deaf users. The server performance is low on bandwidth, and will therefore cost less than other alternatives, although Deaf people feel the handset is costly.South Afric