43 research outputs found

    Neural Free-Viewpoint Relighting for Glossy Indirect Illumination

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    Precomputed Radiance Transfer (PRT) remains an attractive solution for real-time rendering of complex light transport effects such as glossy global illumination. After precomputation, we can relight the scene with new environment maps while changing viewpoint in real-time. However, practical PRT methods are usually limited to low-frequency spherical harmonic lighting. All-frequency techniques using wavelets are promising but have so far had little practical impact. The curse of dimensionality and much higher data requirements have typically limited them to relighting with fixed view or only direct lighting with triple product integrals. In this paper, we demonstrate a hybrid neural-wavelet PRT solution to high-frequency indirect illumination, including glossy reflection, for relighting with changing view. Specifically, we seek to represent the light transport function in the Haar wavelet basis. For global illumination, we learn the wavelet transport using a small multi-layer perceptron (MLP) applied to a feature field as a function of spatial location and wavelet index, with reflected direction and material parameters being other MLP inputs. We optimize/learn the feature field (compactly represented by a tensor decomposition) and MLP parameters from multiple images of the scene under different lighting and viewing conditions. We demonstrate real-time (512 x 512 at 24 FPS, 800 x 600 at 13 FPS) precomputed rendering of challenging scenes involving view-dependent reflections and even caustics.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to appear in cgf proceedings of egsr 202

    Relightable Neural Assets

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    High-fidelity 3D assets with materials composed of fibers (including hair), complex layered material shaders, or fine scattering geometry are ubiquitous in high-end realistic rendering applications. Rendering such models is computationally expensive due to heavy shaders and long scattering paths. Moreover, implementing the shading and scattering models is non-trivial and has to be done not only in the 3D content authoring software (which is necessarily complex), but also in all downstream rendering solutions. For example, web and mobile viewers for complex 3D assets are desirable, but frequently cannot support the full shading complexity allowed by the authoring application. Our goal is to design a neural representation for 3D assets with complex shading that supports full relightability and full integration into existing renderers. We provide an end-to-end shading solution at the first intersection of a ray with the underlying geometry. All shading and scattering is precomputed and included in the neural asset; no multiple scattering paths need to be traced, and no complex shading models need to be implemented to render our assets, beyond a single neural architecture. We combine an MLP decoder with a feature grid. Shading consists of querying a feature vector, followed by an MLP evaluation producing the final reflectance value. Our method provides high-fidelity shading, close to the ground-truth Monte Carlo estimate even at close-up views. We believe our neural assets could be used in practical renderers, providing significant speed-ups and simplifying renderer implementations

    A Precomputed Polynomial Representation for Interactive BRDF Editing with Global Illumination

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    The ability to interactively edit BRDFs in their final placement within a computer graphics scene is vital to making informed choices for material properties. We significantly extend previous work on BRDF editing for static scenes (with fixed lighting and view), by developing a precomputed polynomial representation that enables interactive BRDF editing with global illumination. Unlike previous recomputation based rendering techniques, the image is not linear in the BRDF when considering interreflections. We introduce a framework for precomputing a multi-bounce tensor of polynomial coefficients, that encapsulates the nonlinear nature of the task. Significant reductions in complexity are achieved by leveraging the low-frequency nature of indirect light. We use a high-quality representation for the BRDFs at the first bounce from the eye, and lower-frequency (often diffuse) versions for further bounces. This approximation correctly captures the general global illumination in a scene, including color-bleeding, near-field object reflections, and even caustics. We adapt Monte Carlo path tracing for precomputing the tensor of coefficients for BRDF basis functions. At runtime, the high-dimensional tensors can be reduced to a simple dot product at each pixel for rendering. We present a number of examples of editing BRDFs in complex scenes, with interactive feedback rendered with global illumination

    Image-based rendering and synthesis

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    Multiview imaging (MVI) is currently the focus of some research as it has a wide range of applications and opens up research in other topics and applications, including virtual view synthesis for three-dimensional (3D) television (3DTV) and entertainment. However, a large amount of storage is needed by multiview systems and are difficult to construct. The concept behind allowing 3D scenes and objects to be visualized in a realistic way without full 3D model reconstruction is image-based rendering (IBR). Using images as the primary substrate, IBR has many potential applications including for video games, virtual travel and others. The technique creates new views of scenes which are reconstructed from a collection of densely sampled images or videos. The IBR concept has different classification such as knowing 3D models and the lighting conditions and be rendered using conventional graphic techniques. Another is lightfield or lumigraph rendering which depends on dense sampling with no or very little geometry for rendering without recovering the exact 3D-models.published_or_final_versio

    Capturing and Reconstructing the Appearance of Complex {3D} Scenes

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    In this thesis, we present our research on new acquisition methods for reflectance properties of real-world objects. Specifically, we first show a method for acquiring spatially varying densities in volumes of translucent, gaseous material with just a single image. This makes the method applicable to constantly changing phenomena like smoke without the use of high-speed camera equipment. Furthermore, we investigated how two well known techniques -- synthetic aperture confocal imaging and algorithmic descattering -- can be combined to help looking through a translucent medium like fog or murky water. We show that the depth at which we can still see an object embedded in the scattering medium is increased. In a related publication, we show how polarization and descattering based on phase-shifting can be combined for efficient 3D~scanning of translucent objects. Normally, subsurface scattering hinders the range estimation by offsetting the peak intensity beneath the surface away from the point of incidence. With our method, the subsurface scattering is reduced to a minimum and therefore reliable 3D~scanning is made possible. Finally, we present a system which recovers surface geometry, reflectance properties of opaque objects, and prevailing lighting conditions at the time of image capture from just a small number of input photographs. While there exist previous approaches to recover reflectance properties, our system is the first to work on images taken under almost arbitrary, changing lighting conditions. This enables us to use images we took from a community photo collection website

    View-dependent precomputed light transport using non-linear Gaussian function approximations

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 43-46).We propose a real-time method for rendering rigid objects with complex view-dependent effects under distant all-frequency lighting. Existing precomputed light transport approaches can render rich global illumination effects, but high-frequency view-dependent effects such as sharp highlights remain a challenge. We introduce a new representation of the light transport operator based on sums of Gaussians. The non-linear parameters of the representation allow for 1) arbitrary bandwidth because scale is encoded as a direct parameter; and 2) high-quality interpolation across view and mesh triangles because we interpolate the average direction of the incoming light, thereby preventing linear cross-fading artifacts. However, fitting the precomputed light transport data to this new representation requires solving a non-linear regression problem that is more involved than traditional linear and non-linear (truncation) approximation techniques. We present a new data fitting method based on optimization that includes energy terms aimed at enforcing good interpolation. We demonstrate that our method achieves high visual quality for a small storage cost and fast rendering time.by Paul Elijah Green.S.M

    Advanced methods for relightable scene representations in image space

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    The realistic reproduction of visual appearance of real-world objects requires accurate computer graphics models that describe the optical interaction of a scene with its surroundings. Data-driven approaches that model the scene globally as a reflectance field function in eight parameters deliver high quality and work for most material combinations, but are costly to acquire and store. Image-space relighting, which constrains the application to create photos with a virtual, fix camera in freely chosen illumination, requires only a 4D data structure to provide full fidelity. This thesis contributes to image-space relighting on four accounts: (1) We investigate the acquisition of 4D reflectance fields in the context of sampling and propose a practical setup for pre-filtering of reflectance data during recording, and apply it in an adaptive sampling scheme. (2) We introduce a feature-driven image synthesis algorithm for the interpolation of coarsely sampled reflectance data in software to achieve highly realistic images. (3) We propose an implicit reflectance data representation, which uses a Bayesian approach to relight complex scenes from the example of much simpler reference objects. (4) Finally, we construct novel, passive devices out of optical components that render reflectance field data in real-time, shaping the incident illumination into the desired imageDie realistische Wiedergabe der visuellen Erscheinung einer realen Szene setzt genaue Modelle aus der Computergraphik für die Interaktion der Szene mit ihrer Umgebung voraus. Globale Ansätze, die das Verhalten der Szene insgesamt als Reflektanzfeldfunktion in acht Parametern modellieren, liefern hohe Qualität für viele Materialtypen, sind aber teuer aufzuzeichnen und zu speichern. Verfahren zur Neubeleuchtung im Bildraum schränken die Anwendbarkeit auf fest gewählte Kameras ein, ermöglichen aber die freie Wahl der Beleuchtung, und erfordern dadurch lediglich eine 4D - Datenstruktur für volle Wiedergabetreue. Diese Arbeit enthält vier Beiträge zu diesem Thema: (1) wir untersuchen die Aufzeichnung von 4D Reflektanzfeldern im Kontext der Abtasttheorie und schlagen einen praktischen Aufbau vor, der Reflektanzdaten bereits während der Messung vorfiltert. Wir verwenden ihn in einem adaptiven Abtastschema. (2) Wir führen einen merkmalgesteuerten Bildsynthesealgorithmus für die Interpolation von grob abgetasteten Reflektanzdaten ein. (3) Wir schlagen eine implizite Beschreibung von Reflektanzdaten vor, die mit einem Bayesschen Ansatz komplexe Szenen anhand des Beispiels eines viel einfacheren Referenzobjektes neu beleuchtet. (4) Unter der Verwendung optischer Komponenten schaffen wir passive Aufbauten zur Darstellung von Reflektanzfeldern in Echtzeit, indem wir einfallende Beleuchtung direkt in das gewünschte Bild umwandeln

    Automated inverse-rendering techniques for realistic 3D artefact compositing in 2D photographs

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    PhD ThesisThe process of acquiring images of a scene and modifying the defining structural features of the scene through the insertion of artefacts is known in literature as compositing. The process can take effect in the 2D domain (where the artefact originates from a 2D image and is inserted into a 2D image), or in the 3D domain (the artefact is defined as a dense 3D triangulated mesh, with textures describing its material properties). Compositing originated as a solution to enhancing, repairing, and more broadly editing photographs and video data alike in the film industry as part of the post-production stage. This is generally thought of as carrying out operations in a 2D domain (a single image with a known width, height, and colour data). The operations involved are sequential and entail separating the foreground from the background (matting), or identifying features from contour (feature matching and segmentation) with the purpose of introducing new data in the original. Since then, compositing techniques have gained more traction in the emerging fields of Mixed Reality (MR), Augmented Reality (AR), robotics and machine vision (scene understanding, scene reconstruction, autonomous navigation). When focusing on the 3D domain, compositing can be translated into a pipeline 1 - the incipient stage acquires the scene data, which then undergoes a number of processing steps aimed at inferring structural properties that ultimately allow for the placement of 3D artefacts anywhere within the scene, rendering a plausible and consistent result with regard to the physical properties of the initial input. This generic approach becomes challenging in the absence of user annotation and labelling of scene geometry, light sources and their respective magnitude and orientation, as well as a clear object segmentation and knowledge of surface properties. A single image, a stereo pair, or even a short image stream may not hold enough information regarding the shape or illumination of the scene, however, increasing the input data will only incur an extensive time penalty which is an established challenge in the field. Recent state-of-the-art methods address the difficulty of inference in the absence of 1In the present document, the term pipeline refers to a software solution formed of stand-alone modules or stages. It implies that the flow of execution runs in a single direction, and that each module has the potential to be used on its own as part of other solutions. Moreover, each module is assumed to take an input set and output data for the following stage, where each module addresses a single type of problem only. data, nonetheless, they do not attempt to solve the challenge of compositing artefacts between existing scene geometry, or cater for the inclusion of new geometry behind complex surface materials such as translucent glass or in front of reflective surfaces. The present work focuses on the compositing in the 3D domain and brings forth a software framework 2 that contributes solutions to a number of challenges encountered in the field, including the ability to render physically-accurate soft shadows in the absence of user annotate scene properties or RGB-D data. Another contribution consists in the timely manner in which the framework achieves a believable result compared to the other compositing methods which rely on offline rendering. The availability of proprietary hardware and user expertise are two of the main factors that are not required in order to achieve a fast and reliable results within the current framework

    Surface Appearance Estimation from Video Sequences

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    The realistic virtual reproduction of real world objects using Computer Graphics techniques requires the accurate acquisition and reconstruction of both 3D geometry and surface appearance. Unfortunately, in several application contexts, such as Cultural Heritage (CH), the reflectance acquisition can be very challenging due to the type of object to acquire and the digitization conditions. Although several methods have been proposed for the acquisition of object reflectance, some intrinsic limitations still make its acquisition a complex task for CH artworks: the use of specialized instruments (dome, special setup for camera and light source, etc.); the need of highly controlled acquisition environments, such as a dark room; the difficulty to extend to objects of arbitrary shape and size; the high level of expertise required to assess the quality of the acquisition. The Ph.D. thesis proposes novel solutions for the acquisition and the estimation of the surface appearance in fixed and uncontrolled lighting conditions with several degree of approximations (from a perceived near diffuse color to a SVBRDF), taking advantage of the main features that differentiate a video sequences from an unordered photos collections: the temporal coherence; the data redundancy; the easy of the acquisition, which allows acquisition of many views of the object in a short time. Finally, Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) is an example of widely used technology for the acquisition of the surface appearance in the CH field, even if limited to single view Reflectance Fields of nearly flat objects. In this context, the thesis addresses also two important issues in RTI usage: how to provide better and more flexible virtual inspection capabilities with a set of operators that improve the perception of details, features and overall shape of the artwork; how to increase the possibility to disseminate this data and to support remote visual inspection of both scholar and ordinary public