26,136 research outputs found

    Multitarget Tracking in Nonoverlapping Cameras Using a Reference Set

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    Tracking multiple targets in nonoverlapping cameras are challenging since the observations of the same targets are often separated by time and space. There might be significant appearance change of a target across camera views caused by variations in illumination conditions, poses, and camera imaging characteristics. Consequently, the same target may appear very different in two cameras. Therefore, associating tracks in different camera views directly based on their appearance similarity is difficult and prone to error. In most previous methods, the appearance similarity is computed either using color histograms or based on pretrained brightness transfer function that maps color between cameras. In this paper, a novel reference set based appearance model is proposed to improve multitarget tracking in a network of nonoverlapping cameras. Contrary to previous work, a reference set is constructed for a pair of cameras, containing subjects appearing in both camera views. For track association, instead of directly comparing the appearance of two targets in different camera views, they are compared indirectly via the reference set. Besides global color histograms, texture and shape features are extracted at different locations of a target, and AdaBoost is used to learn the discriminative power of each feature. The effectiveness of the proposed method over the state of the art on two challenging real-world multicamera video data sets is demonstrated by thorough experiments

    A Parallel Histogram-based Particle Filter for Object Tracking on SIMD-based Smart Cameras

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    We present a parallel implementation of a histogram-based particle filter for object tracking on smart cameras based on SIMD processors. We specifically focus on parallel computation of the particle weights and parallel construction of the feature histograms since these are the major bottlenecks in standard implementations of histogram-based particle filters. The proposed algorithm can be applied with any histogram-based feature sets—we show in detail how the parallel particle filter can employ simple color histograms as well as more complex histograms of oriented gradients (HOG). The algorithm was successfully implemented on an SIMD processor and performs robust object tracking at up to 30 frames per second—a performance difficult to achieve even on a modern desktop computer

    Analysis-by-synthesis: Pedestrian tracking with crowd simulation models in a multi-camera video network

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    For tracking systems consisting of multiple cameras with overlapping field-of-views, homography-based approaches are widely adopted to significantly reduce occlusions among pedestrians by sharing information among multiple views. However, in these approaches, the usage of information under real-world coordinates is only at a preliminary level. Therefore, in this paper, a multi-camera tracking system with integrated crowd simulation is proposed in order to explore the possibility to make homography information more helpful. Two crowd simulators with different simulation strategies are used to investigate the influence of the simulation strategy on the final tracking performance. The performance is evaluated by multiple object tracking precision and accuracy (MOTP and MOTA) metrics, for all the camera views and the results obtained under real-world coordinates. The experimental results demonstrate that crowd simulators boost the tracking performance significantly, especially for crowded scenes with higher density. In addition, a more realistic simulation strategy helps to further improve the overall tracking result

    Human mobility monitoring in very low resolution visual sensor network

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    This paper proposes an automated system for monitoring mobility patterns using a network of very low resolution visual sensors (30 30 pixels). The use of very low resolution sensors reduces privacy concern, cost, computation requirement and power consumption. The core of our proposed system is a robust people tracker that uses low resolution videos provided by the visual sensor network. The distributed processing architecture of our tracking system allows all image processing tasks to be done on the digital signal controller in each visual sensor. In this paper, we experimentally show that reliable tracking of people is possible using very low resolution imagery. We also compare the performance of our tracker against a state-of-the-art tracking method and show that our method outperforms. Moreover, the mobility statistics of tracks such as total distance traveled and average speed derived from trajectories are compared with those derived from ground truth given by Ultra-Wide Band sensors. The results of this comparison show that the trajectories from our system are accurate enough to obtain useful mobility statistics

    Demo: real-time indoors people tracking in scalable camera networks

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    In this demo we present a people tracker in indoor environments. The tracker executes in a network of smart cameras with overlapping views. Special attention is given to real-time processing by distribution of tasks between the cameras and the fusion server. Each camera performs tasks of processing the images and tracking of people in the image plane. Instead of camera images, only metadata (a bounding box per person) are sent from each camera to the fusion server. The metadata are used on the server side to estimate the position of each person in real-world coordinates. Although the tracker is designed to suit any indoor environment, in this demo the tracker's performance is presented in a meeting scenario, where occlusions of people by other people and/or furniture are significant and occur frequently. Multiple cameras insure views from multiple angles, which keeps tracking accurate even in cases of severe occlusions in some of the views
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