21,832 research outputs found

    Multisensor-based human detection and tracking for mobile service robots

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    The one of fundamental issues for service robots is human-robot interaction. In order to perform such a task and provide the desired services, these robots need to detect and track people in the surroundings. In the present paper, we propose a solution for human tracking with a mobile robot that implements multisensor data fusion techniques. The system utilizes a new algorithm for laser-based legs detection using the on-board LRF. The approach is based on the recognition of typical leg patterns extracted from laser scans, which are shown to be very discriminative also in cluttered environments. These patterns can be used to localize both static and walking persons, even when the robot moves. Furthermore, faces are detected using the robot's camera and the information is fused to the legs position using a sequential implementation of Unscented Kalman Filter. The proposed solution is feasible for service robots with a similar device configuration and has been successfully implemented on two different mobile platforms. Several experiments illustrate the effectiveness of our approach, showing that robust human tracking can be performed within complex indoor environments

    Distributed Object Tracking Using a Cluster-Based Kalman Filter in Wireless Camera Networks

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    Local data aggregation is an effective means to save sensor node energy and prolong the lifespan of wireless sensor networks. However, when a sensor network is used to track moving objects, the task of local data aggregation in the network presents a new set of challenges, such as the necessity to estimate, usually in real time, the constantly changing state of the target based on information acquired by the nodes at different time instants. To address these issues, we propose a distributed object tracking system which employs a cluster-based Kalman filter in a network of wireless cameras. When a target is detected, cameras that can observe the same target interact with one another to form a cluster and elect a cluster head. Local measurements of the target acquired by members of the cluster are sent to the cluster head, which then estimates the target position via Kalman filtering and periodically transmits this information to a base station. The underlying clustering protocol allows the current state and uncertainty of the target position to be easily handed off among clusters as the object is being tracked. This allows Kalman filter-based object tracking to be carried out in a distributed manner. An extended Kalman filter is necessary since measurements acquired by the cameras are related to the actual position of the target by nonlinear transformations. In addition, in order to take into consideration the time uncertainty in the measurements acquired by the different cameras, it is necessary to introduce nonlinearity in the system dynamics. Our object tracking protocol requires the transmission of significantly fewer messages than a centralized tracker that naively transmits all of the local measurements to the base station. It is also more accurate than a decentralized tracker that employs linear interpolation for local data aggregation. Besides, the protocol is able to perform real-time estimation because our implementation takes into consideration the sparsit- - y of the matrices involved in the problem. The experimental results show that our distributed object tracking protocol is able to achieve tracking accuracy comparable to the centralized tracking method, while requiring a significantly smaller number of message transmissions in the network

    Environmental boundary tracking and estimation using multiple autonomous vehicles

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    In this paper, we develop a framework for environmental boundary tracking and estimation by considering the boundary as a hidden Markov model (HMM) with separated observations collected from multiple sensing vehicles. For each vehicle, a tracking algorithm is developed based on Pageā€™s cumulative sum algorithm (CUSUM), a method for change-point detection, so that individual vehicles can autonomously track the boundary in a density field with measurement noise. Based on the data collected from sensing vehicles and prior knowledge of the dynamic model of boundary evolvement, we estimate the boundary by solving an optimization problem, in which prediction and current observation are considered in the cost function. Examples and simulation results are presented to verify the efficiency of this approach

    Robust Distributed Fusion with Labeled Random Finite Sets

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    This paper considers the problem of the distributed fusion of multi-object posteriors in the labeled random finite set filtering framework, using Generalized Covariance Intersection (GCI) method. Our analysis shows that GCI fusion with labeled multi-object densities strongly relies on label consistencies between local multi-object posteriors at different sensor nodes, and hence suffers from a severe performance degradation when perfect label consistencies are violated. Moreover, we mathematically analyze this phenomenon from the perspective of Principle of Minimum Discrimination Information and the so called yes-object probability. Inspired by the analysis, we propose a novel and general solution for the distributed fusion with labeled multi-object densities that is robust to label inconsistencies between sensors. Specifically, the labeled multi-object posteriors are firstly marginalized to their unlabeled posteriors which are then fused using GCI method. We also introduce a principled method to construct the labeled fused density and produce tracks formally. Based on the developed theoretical framework, we present tractable algorithms for the family of generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli (GLMB) filters including Ī“\delta-GLMB, marginalized Ī“\delta-GLMB and labeled multi-Bernoulli filters. The robustness and efficiency of the proposed distributed fusion algorithm are demonstrated in challenging tracking scenarios via numerical experiments.Comment: 17pages, 23 figure

    Computation-Communication Trade-offs and Sensor Selection in Real-time Estimation for Processing Networks

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    Recent advances in electronics are enabling substantial processing to be performed at each node (robots, sensors) of a networked system. Local processing enables data compression and may mitigate measurement noise, but it is still slower compared to a central computer (it entails a larger computational delay). However, while nodes can process the data in parallel, the centralized computational is sequential in nature. On the other hand, if a node sends raw data to a central computer for processing, it incurs communication delay. This leads to a fundamental communication-computation trade-off, where each node has to decide on the optimal amount of preprocessing in order to maximize the network performance. We consider a network in charge of estimating the state of a dynamical system and provide three contributions. First, we provide a rigorous problem formulation for optimal real-time estimation in processing networks in the presence of delays. Second, we show that, in the case of a homogeneous network (where all sensors have the same computation) that monitors a continuous-time scalar linear system, the optimal amount of local preprocessing maximizing the network estimation performance can be computed analytically. Third, we consider the realistic case of a heterogeneous network monitoring a discrete-time multi-variate linear system and provide algorithms to decide on suitable preprocessing at each node, and to select a sensor subset when computational constraints make using all sensors suboptimal. Numerical simulations show that selecting the sensors is crucial. Moreover, we show that if the nodes apply the preprocessing policy suggested by our algorithms, they can largely improve the network estimation performance.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures. Accepted journal versio

    A bank of unscented Kalman filters for multimodal human perception with mobile service robots

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    A new generation of mobile service robots could be ready soon to operate in human environments if they can robustly estimate position and identity of surrounding people. Researchers in this field face a number of challenging problems, among which sensor uncertainties and real-time constraints. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient solution for simultaneous tracking and recognition of people within the observation range of a mobile robot. Multisensor techniques for legs and face detection are fused in a robust probabilistic framework to height, clothes and face recognition algorithms. The system is based on an efficient bank of Unscented Kalman Filters that keeps a multi-hypothesis estimate of the person being tracked, including the case where the latter is unknown to the robot. Several experiments with real mobile robots are presented to validate the proposed approach. They show that our solutions can improve the robot's perception and recognition of humans, providing a useful contribution for the future application of service robotics

    Privacy in Inter-Vehicular Networks: Why simple pseudonym change is not enough

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    Inter-vehicle communication (IVC) systems disclose rich location information about vehicles. State-of-the-art security architectures are aware of the problem and provide privacy enhancing mechanisms, notably pseudonymous authentication. However, the granularity and the amount of location information IVC protocols divulge, enable an adversary that eavesdrops all traffic throughout an area, to reconstruct long traces of the whereabouts of the majority of vehicles within the same area. Our analysis in this paper confirms the existence of this kind of threat. As a result, it is questionable if strong location privacy is achievable in IVC systems against a powerful adversary.\u
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