26,994 research outputs found

    Short-term manpower management in manufacturing systems: new requirements and DSS prototyping

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    The short-term planning and scheduling of discrete manufacturing systems has mostly focused in the past on the management of machines, implicitly considered as the critical resources of the workshops. Some of the present schedulers claim to also manage human resources, but perform most of the time a local allocation of operators to machines, these operators having regular working hours. However, it seems clear that the workforce has a specificity that should be better taken into account by short-term planning facilities. Moreover, the variability of the weekly working hours through the year will shortly become a rule and not anymore an exception. On the base of a questionnaire answered by 19 French companies of different sizes and industrial sectors, we have tried to identify more precisely some industrial requirements concerning the short-term management of human resources. The growing interest in annualised hours together with the lack of software tools that allow to implement it practically is one of the results of this questionnaire. We suggest in this article the specification of a decision support system for short-term manpower management under annualised hours, taking into account the competence of the operators. A software prototype has been developed according to these specifications; the results of a simple but representative example are described

    Capacity planning and management

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    Integrated knowledge-based hierarchical modelling of manufacturing organizations

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    The objective of this thesis is to research into an integrated knowledge-based simulation method, which combines the capability of knowledge based simulation and a structured analysis method, for the design and analysis of complex and hierarchical manufacturing organizations. This means manufacturing organizations analysed according to this methodology can manage the tactical and operational planning as well as the direct operation of shop floor. [Continues.

    Effects of distribution planning systems on the cost of delivery in unique make-to-order manufacturing

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    This thesis investigates the effects of simulation through the use of a distribution planning system (DPS) on distribution costs in the setting of unique make-to-order manufacturers (UMTO). In doing so, the German kitchen furniture industry (GKFI) serves as an example and supplier of primary data. On the basis of a detailed market analysis this thesis will demonstrate that this industry, which mostly works with its own vehicles for transport, is in urgent need of innovative logistics strategies. Within the scope of an investigation into the current practical and theoretical use of DPS, it will become apparent that most known DPS are based on the application of given or set delivery tour constraints. Those constraints are often not questioned in practice and in theory nor even attempted to be omitted, but are accepted in day-to-day operation. This paper applies a different approach. In the context of this research, a practically applied DPS is used supportively for the removal of time window constraints (TWC) in UMTO delivery. The same DPS is used in ceteris paribus condition for the re-routing of deliveries and hereby supports the findings regarding the costliness of TWC. From this experiment emerges an overall cost saving of 50.9% and a 43.5% reduction of kilometres travelled. The applied experimental research methodology and the significance of the resulting savings deliver the opportunity to analyse the removal of delivery time window restrictions as one of many constraints in distribution logistics. The economic results of this thesis may become the basis of discussion for further research based on the applied methodology. From a practical point of view, the contributions to new knowledge are the cost savings versus the change of demand for the setting of TWC between the receiver of goods and the UMTO supplier. On the side of theoretical knowledge, this thesis contributes to filling the gap on the production – distribution problem from a UMTO perspective. Further contributions to knowledge are delivered through the experimental methodology with the application of a DPS for research in logistics simulation

    A mixed integer programming model for a continuous move transportation problem with service constraints (Un método de programación mixta entera para un problema de transportación de movimiento continuo con restricciones de servicio)

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    Abstract. We consider a Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (PDP) commonly encountered in real-world logistics operations. The problem involves a set of practical complications that have received little attention in the vehicle routing literature. In this problem, there are multiple vehicle types available to cover a set of pickup and delivery requests, each of which has pickup time windows and delivery time windows. Transportation orders and vehicle types must satisfy a set of compatibility constraints that specify which orders cannot be covered by which vehicle types. In addition we include some dock service capacity constraints as is required on common real world operations. This problem requires to be attended on large scale instances (orders ≥ 500), (vehicles ≥ 150). As a generalization of the traveling salesman problem, clearly this problem is NP-hard. The exact algorithms are too slow for large scale instances. The PDP-TWDS is both a packing problem (assign order to vehicles), and a routing problem (find the best route for each vehicle). We propose to solve the problem in three stages. The first stage constructs initials solutions at aggregate level relaxing some constraints on the original problem. The other two stages imposes time windows and dock service constraints. Our results are favorable finding good quality solutions in relatively short computational times. Resumen. En la solución de problemas combinatorios, es importante evaluar el costobeneficio entre la obtención de soluciones de alta calidad en detrimento de los recursos computacionales requeridos. El problema planteado es para el ruteo de un vehículo con entrega y recolección de producto y con restricciones de ventana de horario. En la práctica, dicho problema requiere ser atendido con instancias de gran escala (nodos ≥100). Existe un fuerte porcentaje de ventanas de horario activas (≥90%) y con factores de amplitud ≥75%. El problema es NP-hard y por tal motivo la aplicación de un método de solución exacta para resolverlo en la práctica, está limitado por el tiempo requerido para la actividad de ruteo. Se propone un algoritmo genético especializado, el cual ofrece soluciones de buena calidad (% de optimalidad aceptables) y en tiempos de ejecución computacional que hacen útil su aplicación en la práctica de la logística. Para comprobar la eficacia de la propuesta algorítmica se desarrolla un diseño experimental el cual hará uso de las soluciones óptimas obtenidas mediante un algoritmo de ramificación y corte sin límite de tiempo. Los resultados son favorables

    Just-In-Time in high variety / low volume manufacturing environments.

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