59 research outputs found

    Anahita: A System for 3D Video Streaming with Depth Customization

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    Producing high-quality stereoscopic 3D content requires significantly more effort than preparing regular video footage. In order to assure good depth perception and visual comfort, 3D videos need to be carefully adjusted to specific viewing conditions before they are shown to viewers. While most stereoscopic 3D content is designed for viewing in movie theaters, where viewing conditions do not vary significantly, adapting the same content for viewing on home TV-sets, desktop displays, laptops, and mobile devices requires additional adjustments. To address this challenge, we propose a new system for 3D video streaming that provides automatic depth adjustments as one of its key features. Our system takes into account both the content and the display type in order to customize 3D videos and maximize their perceived quality. We propose a novel method for depth adjustment that is well-suited for videos of field sports such as soccer, football, and tennis. Our method is computationally efficient and it does not introduce any visual artifacts. We have implemented our 3D streaming system and conducted two user studies, which show: (i) adapting stereoscopic 3D videos for different displays is beneficial, and (ii) our proposed system can achieve up to 35% improvement in the perceived quality of the stereoscopic 3D content

    Web-based Stereoscopic Collaboration for Medical Visualization

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    Medizinische Volumenvisualisierung ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug zur Betrachtung von Volumen- daten in der medizinischen Praxis und Lehre. Eine interaktive, stereoskopische und kollaborative Darstellung in Echtzeit ist notwendig, um die Daten vollstaĢˆndig und im Detail verstehen zu koĢˆnnen. Solche Visualisierung von hochaufloĢˆsenden Daten ist jedoch wegen hoher Hardware- Anforderungen fast nur an speziellen Visualisierungssystemen moĢˆglich. Remote-Visualisierung wird verwendet, um solche Visualisierung peripher nutzen zu koĢˆnnen. Dies benoĢˆtigt jedoch fast immer komplexe Software-Deployments, wodurch eine universelle ad-hoc Nutzbarkeit erschwert wird. Aus diesem Sachverhalt ergibt sich folgende Hypothese: Ein hoch performantes Remote- Visualisierungssystem, welches fuĢˆr Stereoskopie und einfache Benutzbarkeit spezialisiert ist, kann fuĢˆr interaktive, stereoskopische und kollaborative medizinische Volumenvisualisierung genutzt werden. Die neueste Literatur uĢˆber Remote-Visualisierung beschreibt Anwendungen, welche nur reine Webbrowser benoĢˆtigen. Allerdings wird bei diesen kein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf die perfor- mante Nutzbarkeit von jedem Teilnehmer gesetzt, noch die notwendige Funktion bereitgestellt, um mehrere stereoskopische PraĢˆsentationssysteme zu bedienen. Durch die Bekanntheit von Web- browsern, deren einfach Nutzbarkeit und weite Verbreitung hat sich folgende spezifische Frage ergeben: KoĢˆnnen wir ein System entwickeln, welches alle Aspekte unterstuĢˆtzt, aber nur einen reinen Webbrowser ohne zusaĢˆtzliche Software als Client benoĢˆtigt? Ein Proof of Concept wurde durchgefuĢˆhrt um die Hypothese zu verifizieren. Dazu gehoĢˆrte eine Prototyp-Entwicklung, deren praktische Anwendung, deren Performanzmessung und -vergleich. Der resultierende Prototyp (CoWebViz) ist eines der ersten Webbrowser basierten Systeme, welches fluĢˆssige und interaktive Remote-Visualisierung in Realzeit und ohne zusaĢˆtzliche Soft- ware ermoĢˆglicht. Tests und Vergleiche zeigen, dass der Ansatz eine bessere Performanz hat als andere aĢˆhnliche getestete Systeme. Die simultane Nutzung verschiedener stereoskopischer PraĢˆsen- tationssysteme mit so einem einfachen Remote-Visualisierungssystem ist zur Zeit einzigartig. Die Nutzung fuĢˆr die normalerweise sehr ressourcen-intensive stereoskopische und kollaborative Anatomieausbildung, gemeinsam mit interkontinentalen Teilnehmern, zeigt die Machbarkeit und den vereinfachenden Charakter des Ansatzes. Die Machbarkeit des Ansatzes wurde auch durch die erfolgreiche Nutzung fuĢˆr andere AnwendungsfaĢˆlle gezeigt, wie z.B. im Grid-computing und in der Chirurgie

    Single-channel stereoscopic imaging system using rotating deflector

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    Dept. of Biomedical Engineering/ģ„ģ‚¬In a conventional dual-channel stereoscopic imaging system (SIS), two cameras are often used to take images at different visual orientations, creating a three-dimensional (3D) image. Because two cameras are used, visual fatigue may be caused by differences between the cameras involving temporal synchronization, geometrical calibration, and color balance. Furthermore, owing to its mechanical composition, the imaging system is generally bulky.To eliminate the possible limitations of current conventional dual-camera SISs, research was conducted to develop a 3D SIS using a single camera. Its purpose is to create image disparity (ID), a key factor in producing stereoscopic images. Using a transparent rotating deflector (TRD), ID was mimicked assuming that light refraction through the TRD would create the necessary ID.First, the systemā€™s efficacy was tested using a thorough simulation and experiment based on Snellā€™s law. Light propagation through the TRD was modeled using ZEMAX. The ID was calculated for various TRD refractive indices and thicknesses. On the basis of the simulation and calculation, a TRD-based SIS (TRD-SIS) was developed using manual rotation of the TRD. Second, a real-time TRD-SIS was set up to allow real-time stereoscopic imaging and display. A complementary metalā€“oxideā€“semiconductor (CMOS) camera was used along with a stepping motor controlled by a microcontroller unit. The acquiredimages were visualized in 3D using an active 3D method. Finally, the system was evaluated in terms of two factors: (1) temperature generation and (2) the image characteristics. The temperature changes in the optical components were measured at the motor surface and motor driver. The image characteristics were evaluated by calculating the coefficient of variation of acquired images of a white reflectance target. In addition, a method of controlling heat generation using a heat sink and motor fan was devised.ope

    Production and Assessment of Usefulness of Interactive 2-D and Stereoscopic 3-D Videos as Tools for Anatomic Dissection Preparation and Examination Review

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    Laboratory is an integral part of a gross anatomy course in which students have their first inā€“depth dissection experience and explore structure-function relationships. Students arrive in the course that requires acquisition of a large vocabulary and visual imagery with scant prior knowledge. Even with extensive preparation on their part, the task is so difficult that students rely heavily on help from peers, teaching assistants, and instructors to gain the best from laboratory time. In recognition of the complexity of the learning task and the limitation on the amount of help available, this research was conducted to explore the value of educational tools that could enhance learning, make time in the laboratory more profitable, and decrease dependency on peers, teaching assistants, and instructors. Because anatomy is a highly visually based discipline, it was reasoned that interactive high definition videos with verbal descriptions of dissections would enhance the learning process. High definition videos of dissections were produced in 2ā€“D and stereoscopic 3ā€“D formats and compared with the standard dissection guide as tools for laboratory preparation. Stereoscopic 3ā€“D format was included because of the hypothesis that the depth it provides might help students more readily grasp the relationships of structures to each other. Timing, duration, and tools provided to interact with the various formats varied with the experiment. The videos consisted of short presentations (10ā€“14 minutes) of dissection steps or reviews of relationships of structures and were selfā€“paced so they could be viewed more than once. Questions to encourage interaction with the materials were integrated into the videos and supplied with the Guide. Depending on the experiment, data collected included performance on paper and practical examinations, dissection quality, and frequency of requests for help in addition to surveys designed to assess ease of use and acceptance of the various presentation modes. Results presented in the thesis indicate that videos were superior to the guide in helping students prepare for dissection and develop understanding of the assigned body structures and their relationships. With the reservation that mode of 3ā€“D delivery may play a role, 2ā€“D videos were usually rated more positively than 3ā€“D videos in student opinions. Both types of videos improved performance on various assessments and received more positive feedback when compared to the laboratory manual. This research confirmed the basic hypothesis that videos are effective tools for use in anatomy education and that they are worthy of significant investment of resources to help overcome some of the challenges facing anatomy educators

    3D multiple description coding for error resilience over wireless networks

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    Mobile communications has gained a growing interest from both customers and service providers alike in the last 1-2 decades. Visual information is used in many application domains such as remote health care, video ā€“on demand, broadcasting, video surveillance etc. In order to enhance the visual effects of digital video content, the depth perception needs to be provided with the actual visual content. 3D video has earned a significant interest from the research community in recent years, due to the tremendous impact it leaves on viewers and its enhancement of the userā€™s quality of experience (QoE). In the near future, 3D video is likely to be used in most video applications, as it offers a greater sense of immersion and perceptual experience. When 3D video is compressed and transmitted over error prone channels, the associated packet loss leads to visual quality degradation. When a picture is lost or corrupted so severely that the concealment result is not acceptable, the receiver typically pauses video playback and waits for the next INTRA picture to resume decoding. Error propagation caused by employing predictive coding may degrade the video quality severely. There are several ways used to mitigate the effects of such transmission errors. One widely used technique in International Video Coding Standards is error resilience. The motivation behind this research work is that, existing schemes for 2D colour video compression such as MPEG, JPEG and H.263 cannot be applied to 3D video content. 3D video signals contain depth as well as colour information and are bandwidth demanding, as they require the transmission of multiple high-bandwidth 3D video streams. On the other hand, the capacity of wireless channels is limited and wireless links are prone to various types of errors caused by noise, interference, fading, handoff, error burst and network congestion. Given the maximum bit rate budget to represent the 3D scene, optimal bit-rate allocation between texture and depth information rendering distortion/losses should be minimised. To mitigate the effect of these errors on the perceptual 3D video quality, error resilience video coding needs to be investigated further to offer better quality of experience (QoE) to end users. This research work aims at enhancing the error resilience capability of compressed 3D video, when transmitted over mobile channels, using Multiple Description Coding (MDC) in order to improve better userā€™s quality of experience (QoE). Furthermore, this thesis examines the sensitivity of the human visual system (HVS) when employed to view 3D video scenes. The approach used in this study is to use subjective testing in order to rate peopleā€™s perception of 3D video under error free and error prone conditions through the use of a carefully designed bespoke questionnaire.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServicePetroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)GBUnited Kingdo
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