4 research outputs found

    Grand Challenges in Immersive Analytics

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    The definitive version will be published in CHI 2021, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, JapanInternational audienceImmersive Analytics is a quickly evolving field that unites several areas such as visualisation, immersive environments, and humancomputer interaction to support human data analysis with emerging technologies. This research has thrived over the past years with multiple workshops, seminars, and a growing body of publications, spanning several conferences. Given the rapid advancement of interaction technologies and novel application domains, this paper aims toward a broader research agenda to enable widespread adoption. We present 17 key research challenges developed over multiple sessions by a diverse group of 24 international experts, initiated from a virtual scientific workshop at ACM CHI 2020. These challenges aim to coordinate future work by providing a systematic roadmap of current directions and impending hurdles to facilitate productive and effective applications for Immersive Analytics

    Real-World Visual Computing (Dagstuhl Seminar 13431)

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    Over the last decade, the tremendous increase in computational power of graphics hardware, in conjunction with equally improved rendering algorithms, have led to the situation today where real-time visual realism is computationally attainable on almost any PC, if only the digital models to be rendered were sufficiently detailed and realistic. With rapidly advancing rendering capabilities, the modeling process has become the limiting factor in realistic computer graphics applications. Following the traditional rendering paradigm, higher visual realism can be attained only by providing more detailed and accurate scene descriptions. However, building realistic digital scene descriptions consisting of 3D geometry and object texture, surface reflectance characteristics and scene illumination, character motion and emotion is a highly labor-intensive, tedious process. Goal of this seminar is to find new ways to overcome the looming stalemate in realistic rendering caused by traditional, time-consuming modeling. One promising alternative consists of creating digital models from real-world examples if ways can be found how to endow reconstructed models with the flexibility customary in computer graphics. The trend towards model capture from real-world examples is bolstered by new sensor technologies becoming available at mass-market prices, such as Microsoft\u27s Kinect and time-of-flight 2D depth imagers, or Lytro\u27s Light Field camera. Also, the pervasiveness of smart-phones containing camera, GPS and orientation sensors allows for developing new capturing paradigms of real-world events based on a swarm of networked smart-phones. With the advent of these exciting new acquisition technologies, investigating how to best integrate these novel capture modalities into the digital modeling pipeline or how to alter traditional modeling to make optimal use of new capture technologies, has become a top priority in visual computing research. To address these challenges, interdisciplinary approaches are called for that encompass computer graphics, computer vision, and visual media production. The overall goal of the seminar is to form a lasting, interdisciplinary research community which jointly identifies and addresses the challenges in modeling from the real world and determines which research avenues will be the most promising ones to pursue over the course of the next years

    Situiertes Lernen im Studium. Didaktische Konzepte und Fallbeispiele einer erfahrungsbasierten Hochschullehre

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    Situiertes Lernen ist das zentrale didaktische Prinzip, um Hochschulstudierende fĂŒr die BerufstĂ€tigkeit zu qualifizieren. In dem Sammelband wird das Konzept des Erfahrungslernens theoretisch eingeordnet und anhand von Praxisbeispielen vorgestellt. In der Hochschullehre vollzieht sich seit einigen Jahren eine paradigmatische Wende zum Erfahrungslernen ("experiential turn"), die durch digitale Lernformen noch beschleunigt wird. Das didaktische Prinzip des projektbezogenen Studierens, in dem eigene Forschung zu Erfahrung wird, funktioniert ebenso im virtuellen Raum. Schwerpunkt des Sammelbandes sind akademische Lehr- und Lernsituationen, die rĂ€umliche und institutionelle Grenzen fĂŒr experimentelle und explorative Studienmöglichkeiten öffnen. Die BeitrĂ€ge ĂŒber Theorie und (lehr-)organisatorische Praxis des situierten Lernens richten sich an Hochschullehrende, an Personen aus Bildungspolitik und Studiengangmanagement. (Herausgeber)"Situated learning" is the central didactic principle for qualifying university students for professional life. In this anthology, the concept of experiential learning is theoretically classified and presented with practical examples. For some years now, a paradigmatic turn towards experiential learning has been taking place in university teaching, which is being accelerated by digital forms of learning. The didactic principle of project-based studying, in which one\u27s own research becomes experience, also works in virtual space. The focus of the anthology is on academic teaching and learning situations that open spatial and institutional boundaries for experimental and explorative study possibilities. The contributions on theory and (teaching) organizational practice of situated learning are addressed to university teachers, to people from educational policy and study program management. (Editor

    Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 13431 Real-World Visual Computing Edited by

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    Over the last decade, the tremendous increase in computational power of graphics hardware, in conjunction with equally improved rendering algorithms, have led to the situation today where real-time visual realism is computationally attainable on almost any PC, if only the digital models to be rendered were sufficiently detailed and realistic. With rapidly advancing rendering capabilities, the modeling process has become the limiting factor in realistic computer graphics applications. Following the traditional rendering paradigm, higher visual realism can be attained only by providing more detailed and accurate scene descriptions. However, building realistic digital scene descriptions consisting of 3D geometry and object texture, surface reflectance characteristics and scene illumination, character motion and emotion is a highly labor-intensive, tedious process. Goal of this seminar is to find new ways to overcome the looming stalemate in realistic rendering caused by traditional, time-consuming modeling. One promising alternative consists of creating digital models from real-world examples if ways can be found how to endow reconstructed models with the flexibility customary in computer graphics. The trend towards mode