12,413 research outputs found

    A high performance k-NN approach using binary neural networks

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    This paper evaluates a novel k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier built from binary neural networks. The binary neural approach uses robust encoding to map standard ordinal, categorical and numeric data sets onto a binary neural network. The binary neural network uses high speed pattern matching to recall a candidate set of matching records, which are then processed by a conventional k-NN approach to determine the k-best matches. We compare various configurations of the binary approach to a conventional approach for memory overheads, training speed, retrieval speed and retrieval accuracy. We demonstrate the superior performance with respect to speed and memory requirements of the binary approach compared to the standard approach and we pinpoint the optimal configurations. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Neural Computing in Quaternion Algebra

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    Comparison of Classifiers for Radar Emitter Type Identification

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    ARTMAP neural network classifiers are considered for the identification of radar emitter types from their waveform parameters. These classifiers can represent radar emitter type classes with one or more prototypes, perform on-line incremental learning to account for novelty encountered in the field, and process radar pulse streams at high speed, making them attractive for real-time applications such as electronic support measures (ESM). The performance of four ARTMAP variants- ARTMAP (Stage 1), ARTMAP-IC, fuzzy ARTMAP and Gaussian ARTMAP - is assessed with radar data gathered in the field. The k nearest neighbor (kNN) and radial basis function (RDF) classifiers are used for reference. Simulation results indicate that fuzzy ARTMAP and Gaussian ARTMAP achieve an average classification rate consistently higher than that of the other ARTMAP classifers and comparable to that of kNN and RBF. ART-EMAP, ARTMAP-IC and fuzzy ARTMAP require fewer training epochs than Gaussian ARTMAP and RBF, and substantially fewer prototype vectors (thus, smaller physical memory requirements and faster fielded performance) than Gaussian ARTMAP, RBF and kNN. Overall, fuzzy ART MAP performs at least as well as the other classifiers in both accuracy and computational complexity, and better than each of them in at least one of these aspects of performance. Incorporation into fuzzy ARTMAP of the MT- feature of ARTMAP-IC is found to be essential for convergence during on-line training with this data set.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N000I4-95-1-409 (S.G. and M.A.R.); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333) (S.G.); Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (E.G.); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    NASA JSC neural network survey results

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    A survey of Artificial Neural Systems in support of NASA's (Johnson Space Center) Automatic Perception for Mission Planning and Flight Control Research Program was conducted. Several of the world's leading researchers contributed papers containing their most recent results on artificial neural systems. These papers were broken into categories and descriptive accounts of the results make up a large part of this report. Also included is material on sources of information on artificial neural systems such as books, technical reports, software tools, etc

    A Survey of Adaptive Resonance Theory Neural Network Models for Engineering Applications

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    This survey samples from the ever-growing family of adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network models used to perform the three primary machine learning modalities, namely, unsupervised, supervised and reinforcement learning. It comprises a representative list from classic to modern ART models, thereby painting a general picture of the architectures developed by researchers over the past 30 years. The learning dynamics of these ART models are briefly described, and their distinctive characteristics such as code representation, long-term memory and corresponding geometric interpretation are discussed. Useful engineering properties of ART (speed, configurability, explainability, parallelization and hardware implementation) are examined along with current challenges. Finally, a compilation of online software libraries is provided. It is expected that this overview will be helpful to new and seasoned ART researchers