1,041 research outputs found

    The dynamical hierarchy for Roelcke precompact Polish groups

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    We study several distinguished function algebras on a Polish group GG, under the assumption that GG is Roelcke precompact. We do this by means of the model-theoretic translation initiated by Ben Yaacov and Tsankov: we investigate the dynamics of ℵ0\aleph_0-categorical metric structures under the action of their automorphism group. We show that, in this context, every strongly uniformly continuous function (in particular, every Asplund function) is weakly almost periodic. We also point out the correspondence between tame functions and NIP formulas, deducing that the isometry group of the Urysohn sphere is \Tame\cap\UC-trivial.Comment: 25 page

    Logic and operator algebras

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    The most recent wave of applications of logic to operator algebras is a young and rapidly developing field. This is a snapshot of the current state of the art.Comment: A minor chang

    Weakly almost periodic functions, model-theoretic stability, and minimality of topological groups

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    We investigate the automorphism groups of ℵ_0\aleph\_0-categorical structures and prove that they are exactly the Roelcke precompact Polish groups. We show that the theory of a structure is stable if and only if every Roelcke uniformly continuous function on the automorphism group is weakly almost periodic. Analysing the semigroup structure on the weakly almost periodic compactification, we show that continuous surjective homomorphisms from automorphism groups of stable ℵ_0\aleph\_0-categorical structures to Hausdorff topological groups are open. We also produce some new WAP-trivial groups and calculate the WAP compactification in a number of examples

    Canonical Effective Subalgebras of Classical Algebras as Constructive Metric Completions

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    We prove general theorems about unique existence of effective subalgebras of classical algebras. The theorems are consequences of standard facts about completions of metric spaces within the framework of constructive mathematics, suitably interpreted in realizability models. We work with general realizability models rather than with a particular model of computation. Consequently, all the results are applicable in various established schools of computability, such as type 1 and type 2 effectivity, domain representations, equilogical spaces, and others

    On Roeckle-precompact Polish group which cannot act transitively on a complete metric space

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    We study when a continuous isometric action of a Polish group on a complete metric space is, or can be, transitive. Our main results consist of showing that certain Polish groups, namely Aut∗(μ)\mathrm{Aut}^*(\mu) and Homeo+[0,1]\mathrm{Homeo}^+[0,1], such an action can never be transitive (unless the space acted upon is a singleton). We also point out "circumstantial evidence" that this pathology could be related to that of Polish groups which are not closed permutation groups and yet have discrete uniform distance, and give a general characterisation of continuous isometric action of a Roeckle-precompact Polish group on a complete metric space is transitive. It follows that the morphism from a Roeckle-precompact Polish group to its Bohr compactification is surjective

    Automorphism groups of randomized structures

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    We study automorphism groups of randomizations of separable structures, with focus on the ℵ0\aleph_0-categorical case. We give a description of the automorphism group of the Borel randomization in terms of the group of the original structure. In the ℵ0\aleph_0-categorical context, this provides a new source of Roelcke precompact Polish groups, and we describe the associated Roelcke compactifications. This allows us also to recover and generalize preservation results of stable and NIP formulas previously established in the literature, via a Banach-theoretic translation. Finally, we study and classify the separable models of the theory of beautiful pairs of randomizations, showing in particular that this theory is never ℵ0\aleph_0-categorical (except in basic cases).Comment: 28 page
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