4 research outputs found

    Real-time software specification and validation with Transnet

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    Modelado e implementaci贸n de Sistemas de Tiempo Real mediante Redes de Petri con Tiempo

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    The work presented in the thesis must be considered in the context of a more general project, which proposes an unified method, based on the use of the Time Petri Nets formalism (TPN), to deal with the development of Real Time Systems (RTS). This project's objective is to cover the whole development cycle of a RTS with Time Petri Nets, from the requirement specification to the testing phase, including the properties analysis an the implementation. The thesis tackles two aspects of the RTS life cycle: the modelling and the implementation, or code generation. After introducing of the RTS modelling concepts using TPN, and the analysis techniques fundamentals, the work focuses on the code generation, taking the Petri Nets implementation techniques as a base and extending them in order to make the techniques able to deal with the special temporal requirements of the RTS. The centralized technique is presented in first place. Based on the separation of the functional and control parts of the RTS, the technique proposes the use of a coordinator, which holds the control of the system execution and the supervision of the deadline meeting. This technique has several drawbacks, such as the impact in the performance of the coordinator presence. In order to cope with these evidenced drawbacks, the thesis proposes the decentralized implementation technique. Its main aim is to split the net into a set of concurrent subnets, mono-marked p-invariants, which communicate between each other through synchronous or asynchronous primitives. These subnets are called protoprocesses. After this net partition, the technique proposes the identification of a set of execution units (specific place-transition structures) that can be directly translated into Ada-95 statements. This strategy leads to the generation of the skeleton of the code that implements the control part of the RTS. As an additional result, the thesis proposes Time Petri Net based models for the real time Ada-95 statements. Finally, in cases where it is not possible to apply the decentralized techniques, the work proposes mixed implementation techniques

    Arquitectura asim茅trica multicore con procesador de Petri

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    Se ha determinado, en una arquitectura multi-Core SMP, el lugar donde incorporar el PP o el HPP sin alterar el ISA del resto de los core. Se ha obtenido una familia de procesadores que ejecutan los algoritmos de Petri para dar soluci贸n a sistemas reactivos y concurrentes, con una s贸lida verificaci贸n formal que permite la programaci贸n directa de los procesadores. Para esto, se ha construido el hardware de un PP y un HPP, con un IP-Core en una FPGA, integrado a un sistema multi-Core SMP, que ejecuta distintos tipo de RdP. Esta familia de procesadores es configurable en distintos aspectos: - Tama帽o del procesador (cantidad de plazas y transiciones). - Procesadores con tiempo y procesadores temporales. - Arquitectura heterog茅nea, que permite distribuir los recursos empleados para instanciar el procesador seg煤n se requiera, y obtener un ahorro sustancial. - La posibilidad de configurar el procesador en pos de obtener los requerimientos y minimizar los recursos. Muy valorado en la construcci贸n de sistemas embebidos. En los sistemas con alta necesidad de concurrencia y sincronizaci贸n, donde se ha evaluado este procesador, las prestaciones han mostrado una importante mejora en el desempe帽o. El procesador tiene la capacidad de resolver simult谩neamente, por conjuntos m煤ltiples disparos, lo que disminuye los tiempos de consulta y decisi贸n, adem谩s los programas ejecutados cumplen con los formalismos de las RdP extendidas y sincronizadas, y los resultados de su ejecuci贸n son determin铆sticos. Los tiempos de respuesta para determinar una sincronizaci贸n son de dos ciclos por consulta (entre la solicitud de un disparo y la respuesta).Facultad de Inform谩tic