269 research outputs found

    Advantages and limitations of reservoir computing on model learning for robot control

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    In certain cases analytical derivation of physicsbased models of robots is difficult or even impossible. A potential workaround is the approximation of robot models fromsensor data-streams employing machine learning approaches.In this paper, the inverse dynamics models are learned byemploying a learning algorithm, introduced in [1], which isbased on reservoir computing in conjunction with self-organizedlearning and Bayesian inference. The algorithm is evaluatedand compared to other state of the art algorithms in termsof generalization ability, convergence and adaptability usingfive datasets gathered from four robots in order to investigateits pros and cons. Results show that the proposed algorithmcan adapt in real-time changes of the inverse dynamics modelsignificantly better than the other state of the art algorithms

    Differential Dynamic Programming for time-delayed systems

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    Trajectory optimization considers the problem of deciding how to control a dynamical system to move along a trajectory which minimizes some cost function. Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP) is an optimal control method which utilizes a second-order approximation of the problem to find the control. It is fast enough to allow real-time control and has been shown to work well for trajectory optimization in robotic systems. Here we extend classic DDP to systems with multiple time-delays in the state. Being able to find optimal trajectories for time-delayed systems with DDP opens up the possibility to use richer models for system identification and control, including recurrent neural networks with multiple timesteps in the state. We demonstrate the algorithm on a two-tank continuous stirred tank reactor. We also demonstrate the algorithm on a recurrent neural network trained to model an inverted pendulum with position information only.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, conference, Decision and Control (CDC), 2016 IEEE 55th Conference o

    Nonparametric Online Learning Control for Soft Continuum Robot: An Enabling Technique for Effective Endoscopic Navigation.

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    Bioinspired robotic structures comprising soft actuation units have attracted increasing research interest. Taking advantage of its inherent compliance, soft robots can assure safe interaction with external environments, provided that precise and effective manipulation could be achieved. Endoscopy is a typical application. However, previous model-based control approaches often require simplified geometric assumptions on the soft manipulator, but which could be very inaccurate in the presence of unmodeled external interaction forces. In this study, we propose a generic control framework based on nonparametric and online, as well as local, training to learn the inverse model directly, without prior knowledge of the robot's structural parameters. Detailed experimental evaluation was conducted on a soft robot prototype with control redundancy, performing trajectory tracking in dynamically constrained environments. Advanced element formulation of finite element analysis is employed to initialize the control policy, hence eliminating the need for random exploration in the robot's workspace. The proposed control framework enabled a soft fluid-driven continuum robot to follow a 3D trajectory precisely, even under dynamic external disturbance. Such enhanced control accuracy and adaptability would facilitate effective endoscopic navigation in complex and changing environments

    Mechanisms of motor learning: by humans, for robots

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    Whenever we perform a movement and interact with objects in our environment, our central nervous system (CNS) adapts and controls the redundant system of muscles actuating our limbs to produce suitable forces and impedance for the interaction. As modern robots are increasingly used to interact with objects, humans and other robots, they too require to continuously adapt the interaction forces and impedance to the situation. This thesis investigated the motor mechanisms in humans through a series of technical developments and experiments, and utilized the result to implement biomimetic motor behaviours on a robot. Original tools were first developed, which enabled two novel motor imaging experiments using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The first experiment investigated the neural correlates of force and impedance control to understand the control structure employed by the human brain. The second experiment developed a regressor free technique to detect dynamic changes in brain activations during learning, and applied this technique to investigate changes in neural activity during adaptation to force fields and visuomotor rotations. In parallel, a psychophysical experiment investigated motor optimization in humans in a task characterized by multiple error-effort optima. Finally a computational model derived from some of these results was implemented to exhibit human like control and adaptation of force, impedance and movement trajectory in a robot

    Reservoir Computing: computation with dynamical systems

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    In het onderzoeksgebied Machine Learning worden systemen onderzocht die kunnen leren op basis van voorbeelden. Binnen dit onderzoeksgebied zijn de recurrente neurale netwerken een belangrijke deelgroep. Deze netwerken zijn abstracte modellen van de werking van delen van de hersenen. Zij zijn in staat om zeer complexe temporele problemen op te lossen maar zijn over het algemeen zeer moeilijk om te trainen. Recentelijk zijn een aantal gelijkaardige methodes voorgesteld die dit trainingsprobleem elimineren. Deze methodes worden aangeduid met de naam Reservoir Computing. Reservoir Computing combineert de indrukwekkende rekenkracht van recurrente neurale netwerken met een eenvoudige trainingsmethode. Bovendien blijkt dat deze trainingsmethoden niet beperkt zijn tot neurale netwerken, maar kunnen toegepast worden op generieke dynamische systemen. Waarom deze systemen goed werken en welke eigenschappen bepalend zijn voor de prestatie is evenwel nog niet duidelijk. Voor dit proefschrift is onderzoek gedaan naar de dynamische eigenschappen van generieke Reservoir Computing systemen. Zo is experimenteel aangetoond dat de idee van Reservoir Computing ook toepasbaar is op niet-neurale netwerken van dynamische knopen. Verder is een maat voorgesteld die gebruikt kan worden om het dynamisch regime van een reservoir te meten. Tenslotte is een adaptatieregel geĂŻntroduceerd die voor een breed scala reservoirtypes de dynamica van het reservoir kan afregelen tot het gewenste dynamisch regime. De technieken beschreven in dit proefschrift zijn gedemonstreerd op verschillende academische en ingenieurstoepassingen

    Design and computational aspects of compliant tensegrity robots

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    In silico case studies of compliant robots: AMARSI deliverable 3.3

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    In the deliverable 3.2 we presented how the morphological computing ap- proach can significantly facilitate the control strategy in several scenarios, e.g. quadruped locomotion, bipedal locomotion and reaching. In particular, the Kitty experimental platform is an example of the use of morphological computation to allow quadruped locomotion. In this deliverable we continue with the simulation studies on the application of the different morphological computation strategies to control a robotic system
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