6 research outputs found

    An automated closed-loop framework to enforce security policies from anomaly detection

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    Due to the growing complexity and scale of IT systems, there is an increasing need to automate and streamline routine maintenance and security management procedures, to reduce costs and improve productivity. In the case of security incidents, the implementation and application of response actions require significant efforts from operators and developers in translating policies to code. Even if Machine Learning (ML) models are used to find anomalies, they need to be regularly trained/updated to avoid becoming outdated. In an evolving environment, a ML model with outdated training might put at risk the organization it was supposed to defend. To overcome those issues, in this paper we propose an automated closed-loop process with three stages. The first stage focuses on obtaining the Decision Trees (DT) that classify anomalies. In the second stage, DTs are translated into security Policies as Code based on languages recognized by the Policy Engine (PE). In the last stage, the translated security policies feed the Policy Engines that enforce them by converting them into specific instruction sets. We also demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed framework, by presenting an example that encompasses the three stages of the closed-loop process. The proposed framework may integrate a broad spectrum of domains and use cases, being able for instance to support the decide and the act stages of the ETSI Zero-touch Network & Service Management (ZSM) framework.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Real-time anomaly detection in data centers for log-based predictive maintenance using an evolving fuzzy-rule-based approach

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    Detection of anomalous behaviors in data centers is crucial to predictive maintenance and data safety. With data centers, we mean any computer network that allows users to transmit and exchange data and information. In particular, we focus on the Tier-1 data center of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), which supports the high-energy physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva. The center provides resources and services needed for data processing, storage, analysis, and distribution. Log records in the data center is a stochastic and non-stationary phenomenon in nature. We propose a real-time approach to monitor and classify log records based on sliding time windows, and a time-varying evolving fuzzy-rule-based classification model. The most frequent log pattern according to a control chart is taken as the normal system status. We extract attributes from time windows to gradually develop and update an evolving Gaussian Fuzzy Classifier (eGFC) on the fly. The real-time anomaly monitoring system has to provide encouraging results in terms of accuracy, compactness, and real-time operation