138,744 research outputs found


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    Association is a technique in data mining used to identify the relationship between itemsets in a database (association rule). Some researches in association rule since the invention of AIS algorithm in 1993 have yielded several new algorithms. Some of those used artificial datasets (IBM) and claimed by the authors to have a reliable performance in finding maximal frequent itemset. But these datasets have a different characteristics from real world dataset. The goal of this research is to compare the performance of Apriori and Cut Both Ways (CBW) algorithms using 3 real world datasets. We used small and large values of minimum support thresholds as atreatment for each algorithm and datasets. As a result we find that the characteristics of datasets have a signifcant effect on the performance of Apriori and CBW. Support counting strategy, horizontal counting, showed a better performance compared to vertical intersection although candidate frequent itemsets counted was fewer

    Irrelevant feature and rule removal for structural associative classification

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    In the classification task, the presence of irrelevant features can significantly degrade the performance of classification algorithms,in terms of additional processing time, more complex models and the likelihood that the models have poor generalization power due to the over fitting problem.Practical applications of association rule mining often suffer from overwhelming number of rules that are generated, many of which are not interesting or not useful for the application in question.Removing rules comprised of irrelevant features can significantly improve the overall performance.In this paper, we explore and compare the use of a feature selection measure to filter out unnecessary and irrelevant features/attributes prior to association rules generation.The experiments are performed using a number of real-world datasets that represent diverse characteristics of data items.Empirical results confirm that by utilizing feature subset selection prior to association rule generation, a large number of rules with irrelevant features can be eliminated.More importantly, the results reveal that removing rules that hold irrelevant features improve the accuracy rate and capability to retain the rule coverage rate of structural associative association

    Mining Interesting Positive and Negative Association Rule Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm (MIPNAR_GA)

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    Association Rule mining is very efficient technique for finding strong relation between correlated data. The correlation of data gives meaning full extraction process. For the mining of positive and negative rules, a variety of algorithms are used such as Apriori algorithm and tree based algorithm. A number of algorithms are wonder performance but produce large number of negative association rule and also suffered from multi-scan problem. The idea of this paper is to eliminate these problems and reduce large number of negative rules. Hence we proposed an improved approach to mine interesting positive and negative rules based on genetic and MLMS algorithm. In this method we used a multi-level multiple support of data table as 0 and 1. The divided process reduces the scanning time of database. The proposed algorithm is a combination of MLMS and genetic algorithm. This paper proposed a new algorithm (MIPNAR_GA) for mining interesting positive and negative rule from frequent and infrequent pattern sets. The algorithm is accomplished in to three phases: a).Extract frequent and infrequent pattern sets by using apriori method b).Efficiently generate positive and negative rule. c).Prune redundant rule by applying interesting measures. The process of rule optimization is performed by genetic algorithm and for evaluation of algorithm conducted the real world dataset such as heart disease data and some standard data used from UCI machine learning repository.Keywords— Association rule mining, negative rule and positive rules, frequent and infrequent pattern set, genetic algorithm

    Effective Application of Improved Profit-Mining Algorithm for the Interday Trading Model

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    Many real world applications of association rule mining from large databases help users make better decisions. However, they do not work well in financial markets at this time. In addition to a high profit, an investor also looks for a low risk trading with a better rate of winning. The traditional approach of using minimum confidence and support thresholds needs to be changed. Based on an interday model of trading, we proposed effective profit-mining algorithms which provide investors with profit rules including information about profit, risk, and winning rate. Since profit-mining in the financial market is still in its infant stage, it is important to detail the inner working of mining algorithms and illustrate the best way to apply them. In this paper we go into details of our improved profit-mining algorithm and showcase effective applications with experiments using real world trading data. The results show that our approach is practical and effective with good performance for various datasets

    An Incremental High-Utility Mining Algorithm with Transaction Insertion

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    Association-rule mining is commonly used to discover useful and meaningful patterns from a very large database. It only considers the occurrence frequencies of items to reveal the relationships among itemsets. Traditional association-rule mining is, however, not suitable in real-world applications since the purchased items from a customer may have various factors, such as profit or quantity. High-utility mining was designed to solve the limitations of association-rule mining by considering both the quantity and profit measures. Most algorithms of high-utility mining are designed to handle the static database. Fewer researches handle the dynamic high-utility mining with transaction insertion, thus requiring the computations of database rescan and combination explosion of pattern-growth mechanism. In this paper, an efficient incremental algorithm with transaction insertion is designed to reduce computations without candidate generation based on the utility-list structures. The enumeration tree and the relationships between 2-itemsets are also adopted in the proposed algorithm to speed up the computations. Several experiments are conducted to show the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of runtime, memory consumption, and number of generated patterns

    A Generalized Method for Integrating Rule-based Knowledge into Inductive Methods Through Virtual Sample Creation

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    Hybrid learning methods use theoretical knowledge of a domain and a set of classified examples to develop a method for classification. Methods that use domain knowledge have been shown to perform better than inductive learners. However, there is no general method to include domain knowledge into all inductive learning algorithms as all hybrid methods are highly specialized for a particular algorithm. We present an algorithm that will take domain knowledge in the form of propositional rules, generate artificial examples from the rules and also remove instances likely to be flawed. This enriched dataset then can be used by any learning algorithm. Experimental results of different scenarios are shown that demonstrate this method to be more effective than simple inductive learning
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