12 research outputs found

    Data Association Analysis In Simultaneous Localization And Mapping Problem

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    This paper examines the data association issues in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem on two different techniques. Data association determines the system  efficiency and there are limited numbers of papers attempts to analyze the conditions. Two filters namely the Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) and H∞ Filters are considered in this paper to improved the estimation results of both mobile robot and the environment locations. The updated state covariance is modified to obtain better performance compared to its original state. The simulation results have shown consistency and lower percentage of errors for the proposed technique. However, there are certain cases that showing the updated state covariance becomes unstable and yields erroneous results especially for EKF. Hence, further works are expected to be carried for this matter

    CES-515 Towards Localization and Mapping of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: A Survey

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    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have been used for a huge number of tasks ranging from commercial, military and research areas etc, while the fundamental function of a successful AUV is its localization and mapping ability. This report aims to review the relevant elements of localization and mapping for AUVs. First, a brief introduction of the concept and the historical development of AUVs is given; then a relatively detailed description of the sensor system used for AUV navigation is provided. As the main part of the report, a comprehensive investigation of the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for AUVs are conducted, including its application examples. Finally a brief conclusion is summarized

    Experimental validation of FastSLAM algorithm integrated with a linear features based map

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    International audienceIn this paper the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) problem in unknown indoor environments is addressed. A probabilistic approach integrating FastSLAM algorithm and a line feature map is developed and validated. Experi- mental validation is performed by a smart wheelchair equipped with proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors in an office like environment where loop closing is achieved without any dedicated algorithm. Geometric hypothesis of orthogonal line features are considered to enhance the performance of the algorithm in the considered en- vironment. The proposed approach results in a computationally efficient solution to the SLAM problem and the high quality sensor measurements allow to main- tain a good localization of the mobile base and a compact representation of the environment

    Underwater Robots Part II: Existing Solutions and Open Issues

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    National audienceThis paper constitutes the second part of a general overview of underwater robotics. The first part is titled: Underwater Robots Part I: current systems and problem pose. The works referenced as (Name*, year) have been already cited on the first part of the paper, and the details of these references can be found in the section 7 of the paper titled Underwater Robots Part I: current systems and problem pose. The mathematical notation used in this paper is defined in section 4 of the paper Underwater Robots Part I: current systems and problem pose

    Desenvolvimento de um sistema de navegação para sistemas AGV através do método SLAM

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    Veículos guiados automaticamente (AGVs – Automated Guided Vehicles) representam uma solução popular para a movimentação de materiais em ambientes industriais devido à sua alta flexibilidade. No entanto, os sistemas de orientação mais utilizados para estes veículos de-mandam a instalação e manutenção de infraestrutura adicional, o que acaba por reduzir signi-ficativamente a atratividade da introdução de AGVs em uma planta. Este trabalho descreve a integração de um algoritmo para localização e mapeamento simultâneos (SLAM – Simultane-ous Localization And Mapping) a um AGV industrial, tendo como foco o desenvolvimento e adaptação de algoritmos de modo a integrar os diferentes sistemas presentes, tanto para a ope-ração do veículo, como para a execução dos algoritmos referidos. O método para solução do problema SLAM foi selecionado após a análise das técnicas clássicas e dos recursos disponí-veis para realização dos mesmos, sendo então realizada a instalação de sensores e o desenvol-vimento dos algoritmos demandados para a comunicação entre os diferentes componentes do AGV. Os mapas gerados para o ambiente de testes refletiram o espaço navegado, assim como as posições obtidas para a localização do veículo apresentaram desvios considerados aceitá-veis para o caso. Entretanto, a etapa de navegação livre não teve sucesso em manter o veículo em sua trajetória. A análise dos testes de validação indica que a utilização do algoritmo SLAM para navegação em “tempo real” requer profundas alterações nos algoritmos selecio-nados visando melhorar o desempenho dos mesmos. Por outro lado, a metodologia adotada se mostrou viável, desde que o sistema seja capaz de suportar o intenso processamento de dados.Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are a popular solution for material handling in industrial environments due their high versatility and flexibility. However, most usual guidance systems require the installation and maintenance of additional hardware or infrastructure, which is a hinderance to the AGV’s versatility. This work describes the integration of a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm to an industrial AGV, focusing on the develop-ment and adaption of algorithms in order to link both the vehicle’s and the SLAM’s computer systems. The methodology adopted for solving the SLAM problem was selected after an analysis of the classic techniques along with the available resources, following by the installa-tion of additional hardware to the AGV and the development of the necessary software. The mapping process allowed accurate representations of the testing environment, as well as rela-tively precise position values generated by the localization branch of the algorithm. However, the navigation algorithm developed was unable to keep the AGV on the stablished path. Analysis of experimental data indicates that the SLAM algorithm adopted demands strong adaptations to allow the achievement of industry-compatible performance in “real-time” navi-gation. Nevertheless, the adopted methodology proved to be viable provided the hardware is able to cope with the data processing demands of the algorithm

    Mapeamento e Localização Simultânea de Ambientes Dinâmicos Aplicados na Navegação de Veículo Autônomo Inteligente.

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    Um dos maiores desafios que a robótica móvel autônoma enfrenta na atualidade é o problema da localização e mapeamento simultâneos, conhecido como SLAM. Esse problema surge por causa da complexidade da tarefa de navegar por um ambiente desconhecido e ao mesmo tempo capturar informações desse ambiente, construir um mapa e se localizar no mesmo. Os erros gerados pela imprecisão dos sensores, que se acumulam com o passar do tempo, utilizados para estimar o estado de localização e mapeamento impedem que sejam obtidos resultados confiáveis após longos períodos de navegação. Para resolver o problema descrito este trabalho apresenta um algoritmo de SLAM probabilístico onde, o algoritmo proposto procura eliminar esses erros resolvendo ambos os problemas simultaneamente, utilizando as informações de uma etapa para aumentar a precisão dos resultados alcançados na outra e vice versa. Para tal, é utilizado um mapa métrico para representar o ambiente em que o veículo esta inserido. Este mapa é construído de forma incremental utilizando a teoria de Bayes e a estimação da posição do veículo é feita por um Filtro α _ β e é corrigida por um método de sobreposição de obstáculo. Para demonstração da metodologia foi utilizado em um veículo autônomo inteligente

    Filtraggio e stima dello stato nei sistemi dinamici non lineari

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    In questa tesi viene mostrato un metodo per la stima dello stato nei sistemi dinamici non lineari e non gaussiani. La tecnica principale mostrata è il filtro a particelle. Viene mostrato un metodo di ricampionamento alternativo basato sul concetto di massima entropia e vengono presentate diverse simulazioni a supporto di tale idea

    Towards topological mapping with vision-based simultaneous localization and map building

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    Although the theory of Simultaneous Localization and Map Building (SLAM) is well developed, there are many challenges to overcome when incorporating vision sensors into SLAM systems. Visual sensors have different properties when compared to range finding sensors and therefore require different considerations. Existing vision-based SLAM algorithms extract point landmarks, which are required for SLAM algorithms such as the Kalman filter. Under this restriction, the types of image features that can be used are limited and the full advantages of vision not realized. This thesis examines the theoretical formulation of the SLAM problem and the characteristics of visual information in the SLAM domain. It also examines different representations of uncertainty, features and environments. It identifies the necessity to develop a suitable framework for vision-based SLAM systems and proposes a framework called VisionSLAM, which utilizes an appearance-based landmark representation and topological map structure to model metric relations between landmarks. A set of Haar feature filters are used to extract image structure statistics, which are robust against illumination changes, have good uniqueness property and can be computed in real time. The algorithm is able to resolve and correct false data associations and is robust against random correlation resulting from perceptual aliasing. The algorithm has been tested extensively in a natural outdoor environment