27 research outputs found

    Real scenario and simulations on GLOSA traffic light system for reduced CO2 emissions, waiting time and travel time

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    Cooperative ITS is enabling vehicles to communicate with the infrastructure to provide improvements in traffic control. A promising approach consists in anticipating the road profile and the upcoming dynamic events like traffic lights. This topic has been addressed in the French public project Co-Drive through functions developed by Valeo named Green Light Optimal Speed Advisor (GLOSA). The system advises the optimal speed to pass the next traffic light without stopping. This paper presents results of its performance in different scenarios through simulations and real driving measurements. A scaling is done in an urban area, with different penetration rates in vehicle and infrastructure equipment for vehicular communication. Our simulation results indicate that GLOSA can reduce CO2 emissions, waiting time and travel time, both in experimental conditions and in real traffic conditions.Comment: in 22nd ITS World Congress, Oct 2015, Bordeaux, France. 201

    MAVEN Deliverable 7.2: Impact Assessment - Technical Report

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    This deliverable focuses on an important topic within the MAVEN project - evaluation of the project impact. This is an important step that will allow us to say what the results and impact of the different technologies, functionalities as well as assumptions are. It covers different dimensions of the impact assessment as stated in the Deliverable D7.1 - Impact assessment plan [10]. The field tests proved that the technology in the vehicle works together with the infrastructure and the solution is technically feasible. This was demonstrated also during particular events and is reported in the attached test protocols. At the same time, the emulation and simulation in Dominion software proved the functionality, for example with respect to the cooperative perception or safety indicators. The tests also proved that the key performance indicator "minimum time to the collision" decreases when applying the cooperative sensing. Also, the number of human interventions needed was zero in all the tests. This deliverable also discussed selected results of a detailed user survey aiming at understanding the expected impacts and transition of automated vehicles. The overall number of respondents reached 209. The responses have revealed some interesting facts. For example, over 80% of the respondents believe that CAVs will decrease the number of traffic accidents. Similarly, about 70% of the respondents expect improvements in traffic congestions. Over 82% of respondents declared that they would accept some detour when driving if it helps the overall traffic situation. The literature review, however, indicated that autonomous vehicles will have either a positive or a negative effect on the environment, depending on the policies. For example, opening cars as a mode of transport to new user groups (seniors, children etc.) together with improvements of the traffic, flow parameters can increase the traffic volume on roads. Policy makers shall focus on the integration of the CAVs into a broader policy concept including car or ride-sharing, electromobility and others. In order to evaluate the transition, for example, the influence of different penetration rates of CAVs on the performance, a microscopic traffic simulation was performed. Here the particular MAVEN use cases, as well as their combination, was addressed. The results of the simulation are rather promising. The potential for improvements in traffic performance is clearly there. It was demonstrated that a proper integration of CAVs into city traffic management can, for example, help with respect to the environmental goals (Climate Action of the European Commission) and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 12 % (a combination of GLOSA and signal optimization). On corridors with a green wave, a capacity increase of up to 34% was achieved. The conclusions from this project can be used not only by other researchers but mainly by traffic managers and decision-makers in cities. The findings can get a better idea about the real impacts of particular use cases (such as green wave, GLOSA and others) in the cities. An important added value is also the focus on the transition phase. It was demonstrated that already for lower penetration rates (even 20% penetration of automated vehicles), there are significant improvements in traffic performance. For example, the platooning leads to a decrease of CO2 emissions of 2,6% or the impact indicator by 17,7%

    System Level Impacts of V2X Enabled Vehicle Control Strategies

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    With an increasing number of vehicles on road the quantity of CO2 emissions and the amount of fuel wasted because of traffic congestion have been rising. Use of alternate means of transport that generate fewer emissions does not resolve the problem of congestions and vehicle wait time at traffic signal whereas further expansion of existing network of roads is not only constrained by finite space, but any network can get saturated as the number of vehicles increase. V2X technology allows vehicles and traffic infrastructure to communicate with each other, and could facilitate better use of existing resources by providing vehicles information about their surroundings and traffic signals. The information regarding the phase of traffic signal, vehicles’ position and vehicles’ speed can be used by drivers and autonomous vehicle control algorithms to make informed decisions as they approach traffic signals. This research proposes and analyzes system level impacts of implementing a coordination heuristic over single-vehicle optimization to realize the true potential of V2X technology. The results of this research can help policymakers choose the most suitable control strategy depending on the traffic conditions and the penetration rate of V2X technology. The analysis indicates that at 900 vehicles per hour for either of the two driving strategies: coordination heuristic or single-vehicle optimization, to be more preferred over baseline driver behavior, at least 50% of the vehicles should be V2X capable. Once a threshold penetration rate of V2X vehicles is achieved, vehicles following coordination heuristic generate nearly 10% fewer CO2 emissions than vehicles following baseline driver behavior, a 30% improvement over the reduction in CO2 emissions obtained using single-vehicle optimization. The vehicles following the coordination heuristic also have less travel time than vehicles following single-vehicle optimization, and less wait times than vehicles following baseline driver behavior

    Microscopic simulation of automated and connected vehicles in the Test Field Hamburg

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    What effect does the automation of road traffic have on traffic and the environment? To answer this question, a microscopic simulation (SUMO - Simulation of Urban Mobility) was used to model the test bed for automated and connected driving in Hamburg, which was then used as the basis for examining two scenarios. In the first scenario, the traffic was replaced by automated and connected vehicles. For the second scenario, the model infrastructure was upgraded to provide the GLOSA service to connected vehicles at selected intersections, which is intended to optimize the approach of vehicles to a traffic light. This paper presents how travel time, time loss, and average speed, as well as CO2 and PMx emissions change when traffic demand is replaced by automated and connected vehicles. In the second scenario, we examined how the waiting time and CO2 and PMx emissions change as a result of the GLOSA service

    Analysis, simulation and testing of ITS applications based on wireless communication technologies

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aim to improve road transport safety and efficiency, to manage road networks in the interest of the society and to provide real time responses to events. In order to reach these goals, real time feedback to the drivers is expected through the integration of telecommunications, sensing and information technologies with transport engineering. Wireless communication technologies, that have been used in industrial applications for more than 30 years, play a crucial role in ITS, as based on the concept of multiple devices (on both vehicle and infrastructure side) interconnected in different ways. Connectivity, in tandem with sensing technologies, is fuelling the innovations that will inevitably lead to the next big opportunity for road transport: autonomous vehicles. Therefore, this study has investigated - through analysis, simulation and field testing – on applications based on wireless communication technologies meant to support both Data acquisition and Data diffusion as fundamental aspects/ phases in ITS, where data is widely individuated as being the key element

    Quantifying the Impact of Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) on Transportation System Efficiency, Energy and Environment

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    69A43551747123As communication technology develops at a rapid pace, connected vehicles (CVs) can potentially enhance vehicle safety while reducing energy consumption and emissions via data sharing. Many researchers have attempted to quantify the impacts of such CV applications and cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) communication. Highly efficient information interchange in a CV environment can provide timely data to enhance the transportation system\u2019s capacity, and it can support applications that improve vehicle safety and minimize negative impacts on the environment. This study summarizes existing literature on the safety, mobility, and environmental impacts of CV applications; gaps in current CV research; and recommended directions for future CV research. The study investigates a C-V2X eco-routing application that considers the performance of the C-V2X communication technology (mainly packet loss). The performance of the C-V2X communication is dependent on the vehicular traffic density, which is affected by traffic mobility patterns and vehicle routing strategies. As a case study of C-V2X applications, we developed an energy-efficient dynamic routing application using C-V2X Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication technology. Specifically, we developed a Connected Energy-Efficient Dynamic Routing (C-EEDR) application and used it in an integrated vehicular traffic and communication simulator (INTEGRATION). The results demonstrate that the C-EEDR application achieves fuel savings of up to 16.6% and 14.7% in the IDEAL and C-V2X communication cases, respectively, for a peak hour demand on the downtown Los Angeles network considering a 50% level of market penetration of connected vehicles

    System-level Eco-driving (SLED): Algorithms for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

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    One of the main reasons for increasing carbon emissions by the transportation sector is the frequent congestion caused in a traffic network. Congestion in transportation occurs when demand for commuting resources exceeds their capacity and with the increasing use of road vehicles, congestion and thereby emissions will continue to rise if proper actions are not taken. Adoption of intelligent transportation systems like autonomous vehicle technology can help in increasing the efficiency of transportation in terms of time, fuel and carbon footprint. This research proposes a System Level Eco-Driving (SLED) algorithm and compares the results, produced by performing microscopic simulations, with conventional driving and the coordination heuristic (COORD) algorithm. The SLED algorithm is designed based on shortcomings and observations of the COORD algorithm to improve the traffic network efficiency. In the SLED strategy, a trailing autonomous vehicle would only request coordination if it is within a set distance from the preceding autonomous vehicle and coordination requests will be evaluated based on their estimated system level emissions impact. Additionally, the human-driven vehicles will not be allowed to change lanes. Average CO2 emissions per vehicle for SLED showed improvements ranging from 0% to 5% compared to COORD. Additionally, the threshold limit to surpass the conventional driving behavior CO2 emissions at 900 vehicles per hour density reduced to 30% using SLED as compared to 40% using the COORD algorithm. Average wait time per vehicle for the SLED algorithm at 1200 vehicles per hour density increased by one to six seconds as compared to the COORD strategy although reduced up to thirty seconds of wait time compared to the conventional driving behavior. This finding can be helpful for policy makers to switch the algorithms based on the requirement i.e. opt for the SLED algorithm if reducing emissions has a higher priority compared to wait and travel time while opt for the COORD algorithm if reducing wait and travel time has a higher priority compared to emissions

    Eco-Driving Optimization Based on Variable Grid Dynamic Programming and Vehicle Connectivity in a Real-World Scenario

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    In a context in which the connectivity level of last-generation vehicles is constantly onthe rise, the combined use of Vehicle-To-Everything (V2X) connectivity and autonomous drivingcan provide remarkable benefits through the synergistic optimization of the route and the speedtrajectory. In this framework, this paper focuses on vehicle ecodriving optimization in a connectedenvironment: the virtual test rig of a premium segment passenger car was used for generatingthe simulation scenarios and to assess the benefits, in terms of energy and time savings, that theintroduction of V2X communication, integrated with cloud computing, can have in a real-worldscenario. The Reference Scenario is a predefined Real Driving Emissions (RDE) compliant route,while the simulation scenarios were generated by assuming two different penetration levels of V2Xtechnologies. The associated energy minimization problem was formulated and solved by means of aVariable Grid Dynamic Programming (VGDP), that modifying the variable state search grid on thebasis of the V2X information allows to drastically reduce the DP computation burden by more than95%. The simulations show that introducing a smart infrastructure along with optimizing the vehiclespeed in a real-world urban route can potentially reduce the required energy by 54% while shorteningthe travel time by 38%. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed on the biobjective optimizationcost function to find a set of Pareto optimal solutions, between energy and travel time minimization

    Smart traffic management protocol based on VANET architecture

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    Nowadays one of the hottest theme in wireless environments research is the application of the newest technologies to road safety problems and traffic management exploiting the (VANET) architecture. In this work, a novel protocol that aims to achieve a better traffic management is proposed. The overal system is able to reduce traffic level inside the city exploiting inter-communication among vehicles and support infrastructures also known as (V2V) and (V2I) communications. We design a network protocol called (STMP) that takes advantages of IEEE 802.11p standard. On each road several sensors system are placed and they are responsible of monitoring. Gathered data are spread in the network exploiting ad-hoc protocol messages. The increasing knowledge about environment conditions make possible to take preventive actions. Moreover, having a realtime monitoring of the lanes it is possible to reveal roads and city blocks congestions in a shorter time. An external entity to the (VANET) is responsible to manage traffic and rearrange traffic along the lanes of the city avoiding huge traffic levels