Analysis, simulation and testing of ITS applications based on wireless communication technologies


Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aim to improve road transport safety and efficiency, to manage road networks in the interest of the society and to provide real time responses to events. In order to reach these goals, real time feedback to the drivers is expected through the integration of telecommunications, sensing and information technologies with transport engineering. Wireless communication technologies, that have been used in industrial applications for more than 30 years, play a crucial role in ITS, as based on the concept of multiple devices (on both vehicle and infrastructure side) interconnected in different ways. Connectivity, in tandem with sensing technologies, is fuelling the innovations that will inevitably lead to the next big opportunity for road transport: autonomous vehicles. Therefore, this study has investigated - through analysis, simulation and field testing – on applications based on wireless communication technologies meant to support both Data acquisition and Data diffusion as fundamental aspects/ phases in ITS, where data is widely individuated as being the key element

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