25 research outputs found

    Logic for exact real arithmetic

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    Continuing earlier work of the first author with U. Berger, K. Miyamoto and H. Tsuiki, it is shown how a division algorithm for real numbers given as a stream of signed digits can be extracted from an appropriate formal proof. The property of being a real number represented as a stream is formulated by means of coinductively defined predicates, and formal proofs involve coinduction. The proof assistant Minlog is used to generate the formal proofs and extract their computational content as terms of the underlying theory, a form of type theory for finite or infinite data. Some experiments with running the extracted term are described, after its translation to Haskell

    Dyadic Subbases and Representations of Topological Spaces

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    We explain topological properties of the embedding-based approach to computability on topological spaces. With this approach, he considered a special kind of embedding of a topological space into Plotkin\u27s TomegaT^omega, which is the set of infinite sequences of T=0,1,botT = {0,1,bot }. We show that such an embedding can also be characterized by a dyadic subbase, which is a countable subbase S=(S00,S01,S10,S11,ldots)S = (S_0^0, S_0^1, S_1^0, S_1^1, ldots) such that SnjS_n^j (n=0,1,2,ldots;j=0,1(n = 0,1,2,ldots; j = 0,1 are regular open and Sn0S_n^0 and Sn1S_n^1 are exteriors of each other. We survey properties of dyadic subbases which are related to efficiency properties of the representation corresponding to the embedding

    Domain Representations Induced by Dyadic Subbases

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    We study domain representations induced by dyadic subbases and show that a proper dyadic subbase S of a second-countable regular space X induces an embedding of X in the set of minimal limit elements of a subdomain D of {0,1,āŠ„}Ļ‰\{0,1,\perp\}\omega. In particular, if X is compact, then X is a retract of the set of limit elements of D

    A Stream Calculus of Bottomed Sequences for Real Number Computation

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    AbstractA calculus XPCF of 1āŠ„-sequences, which are infinite sequences of {0,1,āŠ„} with at most one copy of bottom, is proposed and investigated. It has applications in real number computation in that the unit interval I is topologically embedded in the set Ī£āŠ„,1Ļ‰ of 1āŠ„-sequences and a real function on I can be written as a program which inputs and outputs 1āŠ„-sequences. In XPCF, one defines a function on Ī£āŠ„,1Ļ‰ only by specifying its behaviors for the cases that the first digit is 0 and 1. Then, its value for a sequence starting with a bottom is calculated by taking the meet of the values for the sequences obtained by filling the bottom with 0 and 1. The validity of the reduction rule of this calculus is justified by the adequacy theorem to a domain-theoretic semantics. Some example programs including addition and multiplication are shown. Expressive powers of XPCF and related languages are also investigated

    Extracting nondeterministic concurrent programs

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    We introduce an extension of intuitionistic fixed point logic by a modal operator facilitating the extraction of nondeterministic concurrent programsfrom proofs. We apply this extension to program extraction in computable analysis, more precisely, to computing with Tsuiki's infinite Gray code for real numbers

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    A coinductive approach to computing with compact sets

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    Exact representations of real numbers such as the signed digit representation or more generally linear fractional representations or the infinite Gray code represent real numbers as infinite streams of digits. In earlier work by the first author it was shown how to extract certified algorithms working with the signed digit representations from constructiveproofs. In this paper we lay the foundation for doing a similar thing with nonempty compact sets. It turns out that a representation by streams of finitely many digits is impossible and instead trees are needed

    Extracting total Amb programs from proofs

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    We present a logical system CFP (Concurrent Fixed Point Logic) supporting the extraction of nondeterministic and concurrent programs that are provably total and correct. CFP is an intuitionistic first-order logic with inductive and coinductive definitions extended by two propositional operators: Rrestriction, a strengthening of implication, and an operator for total concurrency. The source of the extraction are formal CFP proofs, the target is a lambda calculus with constructors and recursion extended by a constructor Amb (for McCarthy's amb) which is interpreted operationally as globally angelic choice and is used to implement nondeterminism and concurrency. The correctness of extracted programs is proven via an intermediate domain-theoretic denotational semantics. We demonstrate the usefulness of our system by extracting a nondeterministic program that translates infinite Gray code into the signed digit representation. A noteworthy feature of CFP is the fact that the proof rules for restriction and concurrency involve variants of the classical law of excluded middle that would not be interpretable computationally without Amb.Comment: 39 pages + 4 pages appendix. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2104.1466