3,302 research outputs found

    Spatial Smoothing for Diffusion Tensor Imaging with low Signal to Noise Ratios

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    Though low signal to noise ratio (SNR) experiments in DTI give key information about tracking and anisotropy, e.g. by measurements with very small voxel sizes, due to the complicated impact of thermal noise such experiments are up to now seldom analysed. In this paper Monte Carlo simulations are presented which investigate the random fields of noise for different DTI variables in low SNR situations. Based on this study a strategy for spatial smoothing, which demands essentially uniform noise, is derived. To construct a convenient filter the weights of the nonlinear Aurich chain are adapted to DTI. This edge preserving three dimensional filter is then validated in different variants via a quasi realistic model and is applied to very new data with isotropic voxels of the size 1x1x1 mm3 which correspond to a spatial mean SNR of approximately 3

    DTI denoising for data with low signal to noise ratios

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    Low signal to noise ratio (SNR) experiments in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) give key information about tracking and anisotropy, e. g., by measurements with small voxel sizes or with high b values. However, due to the complicated and dominating impact of thermal noise such data are still seldom analysed. In this paper Monte Carlo simulations are presented which investigate the distributions of noise for different DTI variables in low SNR situations. Based on this study a strategy for the application of spatial smoothing is derived. Optimal prerequisites for spatial filters are unbiased, bell shaped distributions with uniform variance, but, only few variables have a statistics close to that. To construct a convenient filter a chain of nonlinear Gaussian filters is adapted to peculiarities of DTI and a bias correction is introduced. This edge preserving three dimensional filter is then validated via a quasi realistic model. Further, it is shown that for small sample sizes the filter is as effective as a maximum likelihood estimator and produces reliable results down to a local SNR of approximately 1. The filter is finally applied to very recent data with isotropic voxels of the size 1Ɨ1Ɨ1mm^3 which corresponds to a spatially mean SNR of 2.5. This application demonstrates the statistical robustness of the filter method. Though the Rician noise model is only approximately realized in the data, the gain of information by spatial smoothing is considerable

    Axon diameters and myelin content modulate microscopic fractional anisotropy at short diffusion times in fixed rat spinal cord

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    Mapping tissue microstructure accurately and noninvasively is one of the frontiers of biomedical imaging. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is at the forefront of such efforts, as it is capable of reporting on microscopic structures orders of magnitude smaller than the voxel size by probing restricted diffusion. Double Diffusion Encoding (DDE) and Double Oscillating Diffusion Encoding (DODE) in particular, are highly promising for their ability to report on microscopic fractional anisotropy ({\mu}FA), a measure of the pore anisotropy in its own eigenframe, irrespective of orientation distribution. However, the underlying correlates of {\mu}FA have insofar not been studied. Here, we extract {\mu}FA from DDE and DODE measurements at ultrahigh magnetic field of 16.4T in the aim to probe fixed rat spinal cord microstructure. We further endeavor to correlate {\mu}FA with Myelin Water Fraction (MWF) derived from multiexponential T2 relaxometry, as well as with literature-based spatially varying axonal diameters. In addition, a simple new method is presented for extracting unbiased {\mu}FA from three measurements at different b-values. Our findings reveal strong anticorrelations between {\mu}FA (derived from DODE) and axon diameter in the distinct spinal cord tracts; a moderate correlation was also observed between {\mu}FA derived from DODE and MWF. These findings suggest that axonal membranes strongly modulate {\mu}FA, which - owing to its robustness towards orientation dispersion effects - reflects axon diameter much better than its typical FA counterpart. The {\mu}FA exhibited modulations when measured via oscillating or blocked gradients, suggesting selective probing of different parallel path lengths and providing insight into how those modulate {\mu}FA metrics. Our findings thus shed light into the underlying microstructural correlates of {\mu}FA and are (...

    Current Techniques for Investigating the Brain Extracellular Space

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    The brain extracellular space (ECS) is a continuous reticular compartment that lies between the cells of the brain. It is vast in extent relative to its resident cells, yet, at the same time the nano- to micrometer dimensions of its channels and reservoirs are commonly finer than the smallest cellular structures. Our conventional view of this compartment as largely static and of secondary importance for brain function is rapidly changing, and its active dynamic roles in signaling and metabolite clearance have come to the fore. It is further emerging that ECS microarchitecture is highly heterogeneous and dynamic and that ECS geometry and diffusional properties directly modulate local diffusional transport, down to the nanoscale around individual synapses. The ECS can therefore be considered an extremely complex and diverse compartment, where numerous physiological events are unfolding in parallel on spatial and temporal scales that span orders of magnitude, from milliseconds to hours, and from nanometers to centimeters. To further understand the physiological roles of the ECS and identify new ones, researchers can choose from a wide array of experimental techniques, which differ greatly in their applicability to a given sample and the type of data they produce. Here, we aim to provide a basic introduction to the available experimental techniques that have been applied to address the brain ECS, highlighting their main characteristics. We include current gold-standard techniques, as well as emerging cutting-edge modalities based on recent super-resolution microscopy. It is clear that each technique comes with unique strengths and limitations and that no single experimental method can unravel the unknown physiological roles of the brain ECS on its own.This work was supported by the grants from the Spanish Ministry for Research and Innovation SAF2017-83776-R and RYC-2014-15994 to JT, IJCI-2017-32114 to FS, University of the Basque Country grant GIU18/094 to OP and JT, and a Basque Government grant PIBA 2019-65 to JT

    MRI Visualization of Whole Brain Macro- and Microvascular Remodeling in a Rat Model of Ischemic Stroke: A Pilot Study

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    Using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) as a single contrast agent, we investigated dual contrast cerebrovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for simultaneously monitoring macro- and microvasculature and their association with ischemic edema status (via apparent diffusion coefficient [ADC]) in transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) rat models. High-resolution T1-contrast based ultra-short echo time MR angiography (UTE-MRA) visualized size remodeling of pial arteries and veins whose mutual association with cortical ischemic edema status is rarely reported. ??R2?????R2*-MRI-derived vessel size index (VSI) and density indices (Q and MVD) mapped morphological changes of microvessels occurring in subcortical ischemic edema lesions. In cortical ischemic edema lesions, significantly dilated pial veins (p???=???0.0051) and thinned pial arteries (p???=???0.0096) of ipsilateral brains compared to those of contralateral brains were observed from UTE-MRAs. In subcortical regions, ischemic edema lesions had a significantly decreased Q and MVD values (p???<???0.001), as well as increased VSI values (p???<???0.001) than normal subcortical tissues in contralateral brains. This pilot study suggests that MR-based morphological vessel changes, including but not limited to venous blood vessels, are directly related to corresponding tissue edema status in ischemic stroke rat models

    Pathological and Biomedical Characteristics of Spinal Cord Injury Determined Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging

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    Traumatic spinal cord injury: SCI) is the most devastating injury that often causes the victim permanent paralysis and undergo a lifetime of therapy and care. It is caused by a mechanical impact that ultimately causes pathophysiological consequences which at this moment in time are an unresolved scientific challenge of great social impact. Scientists have long used animal contusion models to study the pathophysiology of SCI in the discovery of progressive secondary tissue degeneration, demyelination, and apoptosis. More importantly, most therapies that have gone to human clinical trial were first validated in spinal cord contusion models. Magnetic resonance imaging: MRI) is the modality of choice to noninvasively detect the soft tissue injury, particularly suitable for assessing the tissue integrity in SCI. However, the convention MRI lacks capability of detecting and evaluating the injury severity acutely, probably resulting in lost opportunities of effective prognostication or treatment stratification for SCI patients. Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: DTMRI, DTI) is an emerging technique known to provide dynamic contrast reflecting the progression of the underlying pathology in CNS tissues. In this study, we hypothesized that axial: ||) and radial: Ī»^) diffusivity derived from DTI is sensitive to the pathological alteration in spinal cord white matter: WM) tract and could be used as potential biomarkers detecting and characterizing the axonal and myelin damage in SCI. A mouse model of contusion SCI was examined using DTI, behavioral assessment, and histology to test our hypothesis. Techniques employed including the simplification of diffusion weighting scheme, the implementation of diffusion weighted multiple spin-echo sequence, and verified for setting up the experimental protocol and data processing procedures. Secondly, the hypothesis was test on the projects comparing the change of these biomarkers on both the myelinated and dysmyelinated shiverer mice cooperating with histological analysis, and behavioral assessment. Finally, a finite element analysis: FEA) of contusion SCI was deployed to provide evidences of injury mechanics correlated with the injury patterns detected by diffusion MRI for a better characterized animal model of contusion SCI
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