9 research outputs found

    Reactive memory model for ant colony optimization and its application to TSP

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    Ant colony optimization is one of the most successful examples of swarm intelligent systems. The exploration and exploitation are the main mechanisms in controlling search within the ACO. Reactive search is a framework for automating the exploration and exploitation in stochastic algorithms.Restarting the search with the aid of memorizing the search history is the soul of reaction.It is to increase the exploration only when needed.This paper proposes a reactive memory model to overcome the limitation of the random exploration after restart because of losing the previous history of search.The proposed model is utilized to record the previous search regions to be used as reference for ants after restart. The performances of six (6) ant colony optimization variants were evaluated to select the base for the proposed model.Based on the results, Max-Min Ant System has been chosen as the base for the modification.The modified algorithm called RMMAS, was applied to TSPLIB95 data and results showed that RMMAS outperformed the standard MMAS

    Reactive max-min ant system: An experimental analysis of the combination with K-OPT local searches

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    Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a stochastic search method for solving NP-hard problems. The exploration versus exploitation dilemma rises in ACO search.Reactive max-min ant system algorithm is a recent proposition to automate the exploration and exploitation.It memorizes the search regions in terms of reactive heuristics to be harnessed after restart, which is to avoid the arbitrary exploration later.This paper examined the assumption that local heuristics are useless when combined with local search especially when it applied for combinatorial optimization problems with rugged fitness landscape.Results showed that coupling reactive heuristics with k-Opt local search algorithms produces higher quality solutions and more robust search than max-min ant system algorithm.Well-known combinatorial optimization problems are used in experiments, i.e. traveling salesman and quadratic assignment problems. The benchmarking data for both problems are taken from TSPLIB and QAPLIB respectively

    Taxonomy of Memory Usage in Swarm Intelligence-Based Metaheuristics

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    التجريبيات ) metaheuristics ( تحت فئة ذكاء السرب ) swarm intelligence ( اثبتت فعاليتها وأصبحت أساليب شائعة لحلمشاكل التحسين المختلفة. يمكن تصنيف التجريبيات، بناءً على استخدام الذاكرة ، الى خوارزميات مع ذاكرة وتلك بدون ذاكرة. يؤدي عدموجود ذاكرة في بعض التجريبيات إلى فقدان المعلومات التي تم الحصول عليها في التكرارات السابقة. تميل التجريبيات إلى الانحراف عنالمجالات الواعدة لمساحات البحث التي ستؤدي إلى حلول غير مثالية. تهدف هذه الورقة إلى مراجعة استخدام الذاكرة وتأثيرها على أداء أهمالتجريبيات المرتكزة على ذكاء السرب. تم إجراء التحقيق على التجريبيات المرتكزة على على ذكاء السرب ، واستخدام الذاكرة و التجريبياتبدون ذاكرة ، وخصائص الذاكرة والذاكرة في التجريبيات المرتكزة على ذكاء السرب. تم تحليل المعلومات والمراجع لاستخراج المعلوماتالأساسية وتعيينها في الأقسام الفرعية ذات الصلة. تم فحص ما مجموعه 50 مرجعًا تتعلق بدراسات استخدام الذاكرة من عام 2003 إلى عام2018 ، وتبين أن استخدام الذاكرة ضروري للغاية لزيادة فعالية التجريبيات من خلال الاستفادة من تجاربها السابقة الناجحة. لذلك تعتبرالذاكرة في التجريبيات واحدة من العناصر الأساسية الفعالة للتجريبيات المتقدمة. كما تم تسليط الضوء على مشاكل في استخدام الذاكرة. نتائجهذه المراجعة مفيدة للباحثين في تطوير تجريبيات فعالة ، من خلال الأخذ بنظر الاعتبار استخدام الذاكرة.Metaheuristics under the swarm intelligence (SI) class have proven to be efficient and have become popular methods for solving different optimization problems. Based on the usage of memory, metaheuristics can be classified into algorithms with memory and without memory (memory-less). The absence of memory in some metaheuristics will lead to the loss of the information gained in previous iterations. The metaheuristics tend to divert from promising areas of solutions search spaces which will lead to non-optimal solutions. This paper aims to review memory usage and its effect on the performance of the main SI-based metaheuristics. Investigation has been performed on SI metaheuristics, memory usage and memory-less metaheuristics, memory characteristics and memory in SI-based metaheuristics. The latest information and references have been further analyzed to extract key information and mapped into respective subsections. A total of 50 references related to memory usage studies from 2003 to 2018 have been investigated and show that the usage of memory is extremely necessary to increase effectiveness of metaheuristics by taking the advantages from their previous successful experiences. Therefore, in advanced metaheuristics, memory is considered as one of the fundamental elements of an efficient metaheuristic. Issues in memory usage have also been highlighted. The results of this review are beneficial to the researchers in developing efficient metaheuristics, by taking into consideration the usage of memory

    Unified strategy for intensification and diversification balance in ACO metaheuristic

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    This intensification and diversification in Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is the search strategy to achieve a trade-off between learning a new search experience (exploration) and earning from the previous experience (exploitation).The automation between the two processes is maintained using reactive search. However, existing works in ACO were limited either to the management of pheromone memory or to the adaptation of few parameters.This paper introduces the reactive ant colony optimization (RACO) strategy that sticks to the reactive way of automation using memory, diversity indication, and parameterization. The performance of RACO is evaluated on the travelling salesman and quadratic assignment problems from TSPLIB and QAPLIB, respectively.Results based on a comparison of relative percentage deviation revealed the superiority of RACO over other well-known metaheuristics algorithms.The output of this study can improve the quality of solutions as exemplified by RACO

    ACOustic: A nature-inspired exploration indicator for ant colony optimization

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    A statistical machine learning indicator, ACOustic, is proposed to evaluate the exploration behavior in the iterations of ant colony optimization algorithms. This idea is inspired by the behavior of some parasites in their mimicry to the queens’ acoustics of their ant hosts.The parasites’ reaction results from their ability to indicate the state of penetration.The proposed indicator solves the problem of robustness that results from the difference of magnitudes in the distance’s matrix, especially when combinatorial optimization problems with rugged fitness landscape are applied.The performance of the proposed indicator is evaluated against the existing indicators in six variants of ant colony optimization algorithms.Instances for travelling salesman problem and quadratic assignment problem are used in the experimental evaluation.The analytical results showed that the proposed indicator is more informative and more robust

    Taxonomy of memory usage in swarm intelligence-based metaheuristics

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    Metaheuristics under the swarm intelligence (SI) class have proven to be efficient and have become popular methods for solving different optimization problems. Based on the usage of memory, metaheuristics can be classified into algorithms with memory and without memory (memory-less). The absence of memory in some metaheuristics will lead to the loss of the information gained in previous iterations. The metaheuristics tend to divert from promising areas of solutions search spaces which will lead to non-optimal solutions. This paper aims to review memory usage and its effect on the performance of the main SI-based metaheuristics. Investigation has been performed on SI metaheuristics, memory usage and memory-less metaheuristics, memory characteristics and memory in SI-based metaheuristics. The latest information and references have been further analyzed to extract key information and mapped into respective subsections. A total of 50 references related to memory usage studies from 2003 to 2018 have been investigated and show that the usage of memory is extremely necessary to increase effectiveness of metaheuristics by taking the advantages from their previous successful experiences. Therefore, in advanced metaheuristics, memory is considered as one of the fundamental elements of an efficient metaheuristic. Issues in memory usage have also been highlighted. The results of this review are beneficial to the researchers in developing efficient metaheuristics, by taking into consideration the usage of memory

    Nature-inspired parameter controllers for ACO-based reactive search

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    This study proposes machine learning strategies to control the parameter adaptation in ant colony optimization algorithm, the prominent swarm intelligence metaheuristic.The sensitivity to parameters’ selection is one of the main limitations within the swarm intelligence algorithms when solving combinatorial problems.These parameters are often tuned manually by algorithm experts to a set that seems to work well for the problem under study, a standard set from the literature or using off-line parameter tuning procedures. In the present study, the parameter search process is integrated within the running of the ant colony optimization without incurring an undue computational overhead.The proposed strategies were based on a novel nature-inspired idea. The results for the travelling salesman and quadratic assignment problems revealed that the use of the augmented strategies generally performs well against other parameter adaptation methods

    Prediction of sulfur content in diesel fuel using fluorescence spectroscopy and a hybrid ant colony : Tabu Search algorithm with polynomial bases expansion

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    It is widely accepted that feature selection is an essential step in predictive modeling. There are several approaches to feature selection, from filter techniques to meta-heuristics wrapper methods. In this paper, we propose a compilation of tools to optimize the fitting of black-box linear models. The proposed AnTSbe algorithm combines Ant Colony Optimization and Tabu Search memory list for the selection of features and uses l1 and l2 regularization norms to fit the linear models. In addition, a polynomial combination of input features was introduced to further explore the information contained in the original data. As a case study, excitation-emission matrix fluorescence data were used as the primary measurements to predict total sulfur concentration in diesel fuel samples. The sample dataset was divided into S10 (less than 10 ppm of total sulfur), and S100 (mean sulfur content of 100 ppm) groups and local linear models were fit with AnTSbe. For the Diesel S100 local models, using only 5 out of the original 1467 fluorescence pairs, combined with bases expansion, we were able to satisfactorily predict total sulfur content in samples with MAPE of less than 4% and RMSE of 4.68 ppm, for the test subset. For the Diesel S10 local models, the use of 4 Ex/Em pairs was sufficient to predict sulfur content with MAPE 0.24%, and RMSE of 0.015 ppm, for the test subset. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology was able to satisfactorily optimize the fitting of linear models to predict sulfur content in diesel fuel samples without need of chemical of physical pre-treatment, and was superior to classic PLS regression methods and also to our previous results with ant colony optimization studies in the same dataset. The proposed AnTSbe can be directly applied to data from other sources without need for adaptations

    ACOustic: A Nature-Inspired Exploration Indicator for Ant Colony Optimization

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    A statistical machine learning indicator, ACOustic, is proposed to evaluate the exploration behavior in the iterations of ant colony optimization algorithms. This idea is inspired by the behavior of some parasites in their mimicry to the queens' acoustics of their ant hosts. The parasites' reaction results from their ability to indicate the state of penetration. The proposed indicator solves the problem of robustness that results from the difference of magnitudes in the distance's matrix, especially when combinatorial optimization problems with rugged fitness landscape are applied. The performance of the proposed indicator is evaluated against the existing indicators in six variants of ant colony optimization algorithms. Instances for travelling salesman problem and quadratic assignment problem are used in the experimental evaluation. The analytical results showed that the proposed indicator is more informative and more robust