5 research outputs found

    En abstrakt maskin for Creol i Maude

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    This thesis is a part of the Creol-project. Creol (Concurrent Reflective Object-oriented Language) is a language designed to investigate programming constructs and reasoning control in the context of open object-oriented distributed systems. We therefor want a tool which is easy to adjust as the semantics are altered. This tool is to be implemented in Maude, a language based upon rewriting logic. In this thesis we design and implement an abstract machine which is to be a part the tool to execute Creol. This abstract machine consists of: - a definition of CMC (Creol Machine Code), a high level machine code - translation rules for Creol to CMC, - an operational semantics in rewriting logic, - functional equations The thesis discuss problem solving for a reasonable structuring of Creol, how the operational semantics are to be designed, how Maude's search function can be used for Creol and a discussion of its usefulness

    A Meta-Level Framework for Recording and Utilizing Communication Histories in Maude

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    The thesis is part of the Creol research project, and considers objects that communicate asynchronously through message passing. Objects and messages are represented by a global state called a configuration. The configuration is a multiset that models a highly non-deterministic system with concurrent objects. This model is well suited for both standard object based Maude specifications and Creol programs executed in Maude by the Creol interpreter. The objects' interaction can be recorded by an external observer in a communication history. By specifying predicates on this history, we can define invariants for an object's behavior, as well as an object's assumptions with regards to the behavior of its surrounding environment. The main goal for this thesis is to develop a formal framework in Maude for executing specifications modeling distributed systems, that can record and utilize a communication history. More specifically, the following points are addressed: - How can we execute Maude specifications and transparently, in the sense that the original specification remains unchanged, build a communication trace as the execution proceeds? - How can we define predicates on this trace, and use such predicates to control and test the behavior of objects? - How can these techniques be applied to the Creol language, and more specifically, to the Creol interpreter developed in Maude? - How can we execute models of highly non-deterministic concurrent systems, such as Creol programs, in the deterministic rewrite tool Maude

    Langages et modèles à objets - état des recherches et perspectives

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    Langages et modèles à objets donne un aperçu de la diversité des travaux développés autour de la notion d'objet, à un moment où leur incidence est de plus en plus grande dans tous les domaines de l'informatique. l'ouvrage est divisé en quatre parties, centrées autour de thèmes choisis : génie logiciel, concepts avancés, représentation des connaissances et applications. Tous les chapitres (sauf un) ont été spécialement conçus pour l'occasion et leurs auteurs ont été choisis parmi les meilleurs spécialistes français. l'ouvrage peut être lu sans la connaissance préalable d'un langage particulier et ne donne pas une connaissance approfondie d'un langage ou de son histoire. l'accent est plutôt mis sur les grands principes des thèmes traités, qui sont présentés en détail et caractérisés les uns par rapport aux autres

    Reactive programming in Eiffel//

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