46,197 research outputs found

    A simplistic approach to keyhole plan recognition

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    When applying plan recognition to Human - Computer Interaction, one must cope with users exhibiting a large amount of reactive behaviour: users that change tasks, or change strategies for achieving tasks. Most current approaches to keyhole plan recognition do not address this problem. We describe an application domain for plan recognition, where users exhibit reactive rather than plan-based behaviour, and where existing approaches to plan recognition do not perform well. In order to enable plan recognition in this domain, we have developed an extremely simplistic mechanism for keyhole plan recognition, "intention guessing". The algorithm is based on descriptions of observable behaviour, and is able to recognize certain instances of plan failures, suboptimal plans and erroneous actions. At run-time, the algorithm only keeps track of a limited number of the most recent actions, which makes the algorithm "forgetful". This property makes the algorithm suitable for domains where users frequently change strategies

    Structure and Complexity in Planning with Unary Operators

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    Unary operator domains -- i.e., domains in which operators have a single effect -- arise naturally in many control problems. In its most general form, the problem of STRIPS planning in unary operator domains is known to be as hard as the general STRIPS planning problem -- both are PSPACE-complete. However, unary operator domains induce a natural structure, called the domain's causal graph. This graph relates between the preconditions and effect of each domain operator. Causal graphs were exploited by Williams and Nayak in order to analyze plan generation for one of the controllers in NASA's Deep-Space One spacecraft. There, they utilized the fact that when this graph is acyclic, a serialization ordering over any subgoal can be obtained quickly. In this paper we conduct a comprehensive study of the relationship between the structure of a domain's causal graph and the complexity of planning in this domain. On the positive side, we show that a non-trivial polynomial time plan generation algorithm exists for domains whose causal graph induces a polytree with a constant bound on its node indegree. On the negative side, we show that even plan existence is hard when the graph is a directed-path singly connected DAG. More generally, we show that the number of paths in the causal graph is closely related to the complexity of planning in the associated domain. Finally we relate our results to the question of complexity of planning with serializable subgoals

    Critically fast pick-and-place with suction cups

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    Fast robotics pick-and-place with suction cups is a crucial component in the current development of automation in logistics (factory lines, e-commerce, etc.). By "critically fast" we mean the fastest possible movement for transporting an object such that it does not slip or fall from the suction cup. The main difficulties are: (i) handling the contact between the suction cup and the object, which fundamentally involves kinodynamic constraints; and (ii) doing so at a low computational cost, typically a few hundreds of milliseconds. To address these difficulties, we propose (a) a model for suction cup contacts, (b) a procedure to identify the contact stability constraint based on that model, and (c) a pipeline to parameterize, in a time-optimal manner, arbitrary geometric paths under the identified contact stability constraint. We experimentally validate the proposed pipeline on a physical robot system: the cycle time for a typical pick-and-place task was less than 5 seconds, planning and execution times included. The full pipeline is released as open-source for the robotics community.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Revision of Specification Automata under Quantitative Preferences

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    We study the problem of revising specifications with preferences for automata based control synthesis problems. In this class of revision problems, the user provides a numerical ranking of the desirability of the subgoals in their specifications. When the specification cannot be satisfied on the system, then our algorithms automatically revise the specification so that the least desirable user goals are removed from the specification. We propose two different versions of the revision problem with preferences. In the first version, the algorithm returns an exact solution while in the second version the algorithm is an approximation algorithm with non-constant approximation ratio. Finally, we demonstrate the scalability of our algorithms and we experimentally study the approximation ratio of the approximation algorithm on random problem instances.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 201
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