1,755 research outputs found

    Lane detection system for day vision using altera DE2

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    The active safety systems used in automotive field are largely exploiting lane detection technique for warning the vehicle drivers to correct any unintended road departure and to reach fully autonomous vehicles. Due to its ability, to be programmed, to perform complex mathematical functions and its characterization of high speed processing, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) could cope with the requirement of lane detection implementation and application. In the present work, lane detection is implemented using FPGA for day vision. This necessitates utilization of image processing techniques like filtering, edge detection and thresholding. The lane detection is performed by firstly capturing the image from a video camera and converted to gray scale. Then, a noise filtering process for gray image is performed using Gaussian and average filter. Methods from first and second order edge detection techniques have been selected for the purpose of lane edge detection. The effect of manually changing the threshold level on image enhancement has been examined. The results showed that raising threshold level would better enhance the image. The type of FPGA device used in the present work is Altera DE2. Firstly, the version DE2 Cyclone II start with (11xxxxxx-xxxx) together with Genx camera has been used. This camera supports both formats NTSC and PAL, while the above version of FPGA backups only NTSC format. The software of lane detection is designed and coded using Verilog language

    Vehicle Type Recognition Combining Global and Local Features via Two-Stage Classification

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    This study proposes a new vehicle type recognition method that combines global and local features via a two-stage classification. To extract the continuous and complete global feature, an improved Canny edge detection algorithm with smooth filtering and non-maxima suppression abilities is proposed. To extract the local feature from four partitioned key patches, a set of Gabor wavelet kernels with five scales and eight orientations is introduced. Different from the single-stage classification, where all features are incorporated into one classifier simultaneously, the proposed two-stage classification strategy leverages two types of features and classifiers. In the first stage, the preliminary recognition of large vehicle or small vehicle is conducted based on the global feature via a k-nearest neighbor probability classifier. Based on the preliminary result, the specific recognition of bus, truck, van, or sedan is achieved based on the local feature via a discriminative sparse representation based classifier. We experiment with the proposed method on the public and established datasets involving various challenging cases, such as partial occlusion, poor illumination, and scale variation. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods

    Oncoming Vehicle Detection with Variable-Focus Liquid Lens

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    Computer vision plays an important role in autonomous vehicle, robotics and manufacturing fields. Depth perception in computer vision requires stereo vision, or fuse together a single camera with other depth sensors such as radar and Lidar. Depth from focus using adjustable lens has not been applied in autonomous vehicle. The goal of this paper is to investigate the application of depth from focus for oncoming vehicle detection. Liquid lens is used to adjust optical power while acquiring images with the camera. The distance of the oncoming vehicle can be estimated by measuring the oncoming vehicle’s sharpness in the images with known lens settings. The results show the system detecting oncoming vehicle at ±2 meter and ±4 meter using depth from focus technique. Estimation of oncoming vehicles above 4 meter can be done by analysing the relative size of the vehicle detected

    Searching surveillance video contents using convolutional neural network

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    Manual video inspection, searching, and analyzing is exhausting and inefficient. This paper presents an intelligent system to search surveillance video contents using deep learning. The proposed system reduced the amount of work that is needed to perform video searching and improved the speed and accuracy. A pre-trained VGG-16 CNNs model is used for dataset training. In addition, key frames of videos were extracted in order to save space, reduce the amount of work, and reduce the execution time. The extracted key frames were processed using the sobel operator edge detector and the max-pooling in order to eliminate redundancy. This increases compaction and avoids similarities between extracted frames. A text file, that contains key frame index, time of occurrence, and the classification of the VGG-16 model, is produced. The text file enables humans to easily search for objects of interest. VIRAT and IVY LAB datasets were used in the experiments. In addition, 128 different classes were identified in the datasets. The classes represent important objects for surveillance systems. However, users can identify other classes and utilize the proposed methodology. Experiments and evaluation showed that the proposed system outperformed existing methods in an order of magnitude. The system achieved the best results in speed while providing a high accuracy in classification

    Automatic Vehicle Detection and Identification using Visual Features

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    In recent decades, a vehicle has become the most popular transportation mechanism in the world. High accuracy and success rate are key factors in automatic vehicle detection and identification. As the most important label on vehicles, the license plate serves as a mean of public identification for them. However, it can be stolen and affixed to different vehicles by criminals to conceal their identities. Furthermore, in some cases, the plate numbers can be the same for two vehicles coming from different countries. In this thesis, we propose a new vehicle identification system that provides high degree of accuracy and success rates. The proposed system consists of four stages: license plate detection, license plate recognition, license plate province detection and vehicle shape detection. In the proposed system, the features are converted into local binary pattern (LBP) and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) as training dataset. To reach high accuracy in real-time application, a novel method is used to update the system. Meanwhile, via the proposed system, we can store the vehicles features and information in the database. Additionally, with the database, the procedure can automatically detect any discrepancy between license plate and vehicles


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    Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems have become an important tool to track stolen cars, access control, and monitor traffic. ALPR system consists of locating the license plate in an image, followed by character detection and recognition. Since the license plate can exist anywhere within an image, localization is the most important part of ALPR and requires greater processing time. Most ALPR systems are computationally intensive and require a high-performance computer. The proposed algorithm differs significantly from those utilized in previous ALPR technologies by offering a fast algorithm, composed of structural elements which more precisely conducts morphological operations within an image, and can be implemented in portable devices with low computation capabilities. The proposed algorithm is able to accurately detect and differentiate license plates in complex images. This method was first tested through MATLAB with an on-line public database of Greek license plates which is a popular benchmark used in previous works. The proposed algorithm was 100% accurate in all clear images, and achieved 98.45% accuracy when using the entire database which included complex backgrounds and license plates obscured by shadow and dirt. Second, the efficiency of the algorithm was tested in devices with low computational processing power, by translating the code to Python, and was 300% faster than previous work

    Fuzzy Logic Based Digital Image Edge Detection

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    A Novel Edge Detection Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning

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    A novel detection algorithm for vision systems has been proposed based on combined fuzzy image processing and bacterial algorithm. This combination aims to increase the detection efficiency and reduce the computational time. In addition, the proposed algorithm has been tested through real-time robot navigation system, where it has been applied to detect the robot and obstacles in unstructured environment and generate 2D maps. These maps contain the starting and destination points in addition to current positions of the robot and obstacles. Moreover, the genetic algorithm (GA) has been modified and applied to produce time-based trajectory for the optimal path. It is based on proposing and enhancing the searching ability of the robot to move towards the optimal path solution. Many scenarios have been adopted in indoor environment to verify the capability of the new algorithm in terms of detection efficiency and computational time
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