33 research outputs found

    Maximizing the optical network capacity

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    Most of the digital data transmitted are carried by optical fibres, forming the great part of the national and international communication infrastructure. The information-carrying capacity of these networks has increased vastly over the past decades through the introduction of wavelength division multiplexing, advanced modulation formats, digital signal processing and improved optical fibre and amplifier technology. These developments sparked the communication revolution and the growth of the Internet, and have created an illusion of infinite capacity being available. But as the volume of data continues to increase, is there a limit to the capacity of an optical fibre communication channel? The optical fibre channel is nonlinear, and the intensity-dependent Kerr nonlinearity limit has been suggested as a fundamental limit to optical fibre capacity. Current research is focused on whether this is the case, and on linear and nonlinear techniques, both optical and electronic, to understand, unlock and maximize the capacity of optical communications in the nonlinear regime. This paper describes some of them and discusses future prospects for success in the quest for capacity

    Multi-Channel DBP for Reach Enhancement of High Capacity M-QAM Super-Channels

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    Abstract: The combination of joint DSP and wideband digital coherent receivers are explored for the mitigation of nonlinear optical transmission impairments. Application in M-QAM super-channel transmission systems lead to increases in achievable reach and ISD. OCIS codes: (060.1660) Coherent communications; (060.4080) Modulation. 1

    Information rates in Kerr nonlinearity limited optical fiber communication systems

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    Achievable information rates of optical communication systems are inherently limited by nonlinear distortions due to the Kerr effect occurred in optical fibres. These nonlinear impairments become more significant for communication systems with larger transmission bandwidths, closer channel spacing and higher-order modulation formats. In this paper, the efficacy of nonlinearity compensation techniques, including both digital back-propagation and optical phase conjugation, for enhancing achievable information rates in lumped EDFA- and distributed Raman-amplified fully-loaded C −band systems is investigated considering practical transceiver limitations. The performance of multiple modulation formats, such as dual-polarisation quadrature phase shift keying (DP-QPSK), dual-polarisation 16 −ary quadrature amplitude modulation (DP-16QAM), DP-64QAM and DP-256QAM, has been studied in C −band systems with different transmission distances. It is found that the capabilities of both nonlinearity compensation techniques for enhancing achievable information rates strongly depend on signal modulation formats as well as target transmission distances

    Equalização digital para sistemas de transmissão ópticos coerentes

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    This thesis focus on the digital equalization of fiber impairments for coherent optical transmission systems. New efficient and low-complexity equalization and mitigation techniques that counteract fiber nonlinear impairments are proposed and the tradeoff between performance and complexity is numerically assessed and experimentally demonstrated in metro and long-haul 400G superchannels-based transmission systems. Digital backpropagation (DBP) based on low-complexity split-step Fourier method and Volterra series nonlinear equalizers are experimentally assessed in an uniform superchannel system. In contrast with standard DBP methods, these techniques prove to be able to be implemented with larger step-sizes, consequently requiring a reduced number of multiplications, and still achieve a significant reach extension over linear equalization techniques. Moreover, given its structure, the complexity of the proposed Volterra-based DBP approach can be easily adjusted by changing the nonlinear filter dimension according to the system requirements, thus providing a higher flexibility to the nonlinear equalization block. A frequency-hybrid superchannel envisioning near-future flexible networks is then proposed as a way to increase the system bit-rate granularity. The problematic of the power-ratio between superchannel carriers is addressed and optimized for linear and nonlinear operation regimes using three distinct FEC paradigms. Applying a single FEC to the entire superchannel has a simpler implementation and is found to be a more robust approach, tolerating larger uncertainties on the system parameters optimization. We also investigate the performance gain provided by the application of different DBP techniques in frequency-hybrid superchannel systems, and its implications on the optimum power-ratio. It is shown that the application of DBP can be restricted to the carrier transporting the higher cardinality QAM format, since the DBP benefit on the other carriers is negligible, which might bring a substantially complexity reduction of the DBP technique applied to the superchannel.A presente tese foca-se na equalização digital das distorções da fibra para sistemas óticos de transmissão coerente. São propostas novas técnicas eficientes e de baixa complexidade para a equalização e mitigação das distorções não lineares da fibra, e o compromisso entre desempenho e complexidade é testado numericamente e demonstrado experimental em sistemas de transmissão metro e longa distância baseados em supercanais 400G. A propagação digital inversa baseada no método de split-step Fourier e equalizadores não lineares de séries de Volterra de baixa complexidade são testadas experimentalmente num sistema baseado em supercanais uniformes. Ao contrário dos métodos convencionais utilizados, estas técnicas podem ser implementadas utilizando menos interações e ainda extender o alcance do sistema face às técnicas de equalização linear. Para além disso, a complexidade do método baseado em Volterra pode ser facilmente ajustada alterando a dimensão do filtro não linear de acordo com os requisitos do sistema, concedendo assim maior flexibilidade ao bloco de equalização não linear. Tendo em vista as futuras redes flexı́veis, um supercanal hı́brido na frequência é proposto de modo a aumentar a granularidade da taxa de transmissão do sistema. A problemática da relação de potência entre as portadoras do supercanal é abordada e optimizada em regimes de operação linear e não linear utilizando paradigmas diferentes de códigos correctores de erros. A aplicação de um único código corrector de erros à totalidade do supercanal mostra ser a abordagem mais robusta, tolerando maiores incertezas na optimização dos parâmetros do sistema. O ganho de desempenho dado pela aplicação de diferentes técnicas de propagação digital inversa em sistemas de supercanais hı́bridos na frequência é tamém analizado, assim como as suas implicações na relação óptima de potência. Mostra-se que esta pode ser restringida à portadora que transporta o formato de modulação de ordem mais elevada, uma vez que o benefı́cio trazido pelas restantes portadotas é negligenciável, permitindo reduzir significativamente a complexidade do algoritmo aplicado.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Digital nonlinearity compensation in high-capacity optical communication systems considering signal spectral broadening effect

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    Nyquist-spaced transmission and digital signal processing have proved effective in maximising the spectral efficiency and reach of optical communication systems. In these systems, Kerr nonlinearity determines the performance limits, and leads to spectral broadening of the signals propagating in the fibre. Although digital nonlinearity compensation was validated to be promising for mitigating Kerr nonlinearities, the impact of spectral broadening on nonlinearity compensation has never been quantified. In this paper, the performance of multi-channel digital back-propagation (MC-DBP) for compensating fibre nonlinearities in Nyquist-spaced optical communication systems is investigated, when the effect of signal spectral broadening is considered. It is found that accounting for the spectral broadening effect is crucial for achieving the best performance of DBP in both single-channel and multi-channel communication systems, independent of modulation formats used. For multi-channel systems, the degradation of DBP performance due to neglecting the spectral broadening effect in the compensation is more significant for outer channels. Our work also quantified the minimum bandwidths of optical receivers and signal processing devices to ensure the optimal compensation of deterministic nonlinear distortions

    Increasing the information rates of optical communications via coded modulation: a study of transceiver performance

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    Optical fibre underpins the global communications infrastructure and has experienced an astonishing evolution over the past four decades, with current commercial systems transmitting data rates in excess of 10 Tb/s over a single fibre core. The continuation of this dramatic growth in throughput has become constrained due to a power dependent nonlinear distortion arising from a phenomenon known as the Kerr effect. The mitigation of fibre nonlinearities is an area of intense research. However, even in the absence of nonlinear distortion, the practical limit on the transmission throughput of a single fibre core is dominated by the finite signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) afforded by current state-of-the-art coherent optical transceivers. Therefore, the key to maximising the number of information bits that can be reliably transmitted over a fibre channel hinges on the simultaneous optimisation of the modulation format and code rate, based on the SNR achieved at the receiver. In this work, we use an information theoretic approach based on the mutual information and the generalised mutual information to characterise a state-of-the-art dual polarisation m-ary quadrature amplitude modulation transceiver and subsequently apply this methodology to a 15-carrier super-channel to achieve the highest throughput (1.125 Tb/s) ever recorded using a single coherent receiver

    Information rates in Kerr nonlinearity limited optical fibre communication systems

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    Achievable information rates of optical communication systems are inherently limited by nonlinear distortions due to the Kerr effect occurred in optical fibres. These nonlinear impairments become more significant for communication systems with larger transmission bandwidths, closer channel spacing and higher-order modulation formats. In this paper, the efficacy of nonlinearity compensation techniques, including both digital back-propagation and optical phase conjugation, for enhancing achievable information rates in lumped EDFA- and distributed Raman-amplified fully-loaded C −band systems is investigated considering practical transceiver limitations. The performance of multiple modulation formats, such as dual-polarisation quadrature phase shift keying (DP-QPSK), dual-polarisation 16 −ary quadrature amplitude modulation (DP-16QAM), DP-64QAM and DP-256QAM, has been studied in C −band systems with different transmission distances. It is found that the capabilities of both nonlinearity compensation techniques for enhancing achievable information rates strongly depend on signal modulation formats as well as target transmission distances

    Signal processing techniques for reducing the impact of fiber nonlinearities on system performance

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    Signal processing techniques for mitigating intra-channel and inter-channel fiber nonlinearities are reviewed. More detailed descriptions of three specific examples highlight the diversity of the electronic and optical approaches that have been investigated