11 research outputs found

    Binge‐watching: development and validation of the Binge‐Watching Addiction Questionnaire

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    The approach to the vision of TV series has deeply changed in the last years, and watching multiple episodes of TV content in a single session becomes a popular viewing pattern referred as binge‐watching. Early studies defined binge‐watching as a potentially addictive behavior showing characteristics similar to other behavioral addictions, such as loss of control and pleasure anticipation. This study aims to validate a short self‐report questionnaire focused on assessing binge‐watching behavior and determining whether it shows characteristics similar to addictive behavior, the Binge‐Watching Addiction Questionnaire (BWAQ). An online survey was adopted to administer the questionnaire in the general population (N = 1277). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses assessed both the validity and the structure of the scale in two independent samples. The statistical analyses confirmed a four‐factor model (i.e., “Craving”, “Dependency”, “Anticipation”, “Avoidance”) of the BWAQ with good psychometric properties. The BWAQ can differentiate between people who adopt maladaptive watching activities from those who use TVseries as leisure and entertainment activities. Therefore, this questionnaire may enable researchers to improve this emerging field of research significantly

    Structure of achievement goals orientation in light of (2x2) and (3x2) models among Qassim University students: using structural modeling

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    The current study aimed to examine the construct validity of various achievement goals models by recognizing the factorial structure of them among college students in Saudi Arabia, as well as to identify the variations between male and female students in their achievement goals factorial structure. In addition to examining the variations of achievement goal factorial structure due to academic specialization. The study sample consisted of (558) students from Qassim University. Two measures were applied to the sample, the first was2x2 achievement goal questionnaire and the second was 3x2 achievement goal questionnaire. The Structural Equation Model was used to analysis data, and the results are as the following; 1 – The best representation model for achievement goals structure was the 2x2 model. Which confirms that each theoretically assumed goals represent real independent structure. 2 – That the corresponding Goodness of fit indices for all theoretically assumed structure of achievement goals in light of the (3x2) model don't achieve acceptable fit indices. 3 – Goodness of fit indices corresponding to the (2x2) model or the (3x2) model do not differ between males and females. 4 – Goodness of fit indices corresponding to the (2x2) model or the (3x2) model do not differ according to students nature of study

    The Customer-Centered B2C Literature through the Lens of Activity Theory: A Review and Research Agenda

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    A multitude of published research studies investigate the B2C phenomenon from the customer point of view. At this point, making sense of such a large number of studies is a difficult task. The aim of this paper is to organize the literature to provide a clear depiction of what we know and what we don\u27t know about it in order to identify specific areas where future research efforts are needed. A review of the B2C literature of the past seven years yielded 115 papers investigating the phenomenon from the user/customer perspective, 74 of these were empirical. This literature is organized according to the Activity Theory framework, allowing for an enhanced understanding of the phenomenon through a social context perspective. Future research directions are identified and discussed

    Essays on text mining for improved decision making

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    Interorganizational IT governance : an exploratory research

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    This research project aimed to better understand how IT governance supports organizations in their business exchanges with other organizations. A model for interorganizational IT governance was synthesized based on literature from network governance streams. Through interviews with senior interorganizational IT governance committee members and IT executives, the critical IT governance factors and tactics employed that bring about successful interorganizational relationships were identified. These factors included IT governance structures, process tools and participants when undertaking interorganizational relationships, as well as interorganizational maturity. Identifying these factors allowed for the creation of a strategic model of interorganizational IT governance. Patterns of interorganizational IT governance constructs were analyzed against the success of interorganizational relationships. Emergent interorganizational IT governance construct classes were identified from the gathered data: emergent structure categories included outsourced form, networked form and value-chain form; emergent process focus included inward and outward focuses; emergent participant groups included unilateral, bilateral and committees; and emergent maturity stages included market, network and hierarchy

    Measuring Factors That Influence the Success of E-government Initiatives

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    The success of e-government initiatives is contingent upon its citizens \u27 willingness to use the services. Citizens are more likely to use e-government services if they believe that they get better value than from the conventional government services. Understanding how citizens value e-government services is critical to the success of these initiatives. This study utilizes two concepts from the field of decision analysis. These are mean-ends chains and value-focused thinking. The research that follows describes the development of a model to identify factors that influence value judgments of citizens. Based on the data of 21 0 responses from e-government service users, two instruments were developed to measure perceived e-government value. They were means objectives and fundamental objectives. What is important to e-government users are the fundamental objectives. Means objectives help to achieve the fundamental objectives. The study results suggested a 4-factor 20-item instrument that measures means objectives in terms of public trust, information access, public accessibility, and quality of services. The results also suggested a 4-factor 18-item instrument that measures fundamental objectives in terms of time savings, efficiency of service, service to citizen, and social awareness. The study also showed evidence of content validity, construct validity, and reliability

    Impacto das características do portal e dos consumidores online na satisfação, confiança e lealdade à marca Booking.com

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Marketing Relacional apresentada à Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.As relações “cliente - fornecedor” são cada vez mais valiosas e menos consistentes, sobretudo no contexto online. Assim, o fornecedor procura tornar um visitante do website num cliente satisfeito e um cliente satisfeito num cliente leal, como condição para se tornar mais competitivo. Compreender o que determina a lealdade de um cliente online e o papel da satisfação e da confiança nessa relação é o principal objetivo desta investigação. Assim, com base na informação recolhida através de questionário numa amostra de 104 clientes do portal Booking.com, efetuou-se o estudo quantitativo, transversal e de natureza exploratória, com a finalidade de estudar a relação entre as variáveis: características do portal, personalidade dos consumidores online, e-satisfação, e-confiança e a lealdade à marca Booking.com Os resultados evidenciaram que a personalidade dos clientes do portal Booking.com tem capacidade para explicar a sua confiança e lealdade, enquanto as características do website têm capacidade para explicar a e-satisfação, sendo esta um determinante da e-confiança e da e-lealdade dos clientes à marca Booking.com. Tendo em conta estes resultados, no final do presente estudo, serão apresentadas as contribuições do mesmo e recomendações direcionadas aos gestores de websites e de marcas no âmbito eletrónico

    Uncertainty in consumer online search and purchase decision making

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    Consumers´ online pre-purchase information search is an essential part of their buying and decision-making process. Pre-purchase search is an activity that most consumers engage in frequently to extract up-to-date information for a purchase decision. Search is an interesting topic from the practical and academic point of view. We approach the topic by observing the information needs through the concept of uncertainty. Uncertainty has been identified as a major determinant shaping consumer search and buying behaviour. The ubiquity of uncertainty in everyday choices is reflected in its prevalence in economic theories. Despite the acknowledged importance of uncertainty, however, the actual content of the concept is far from clear, for uncertainty has rarely been the focus of research. The empirical study of this dissertation focuses on uncertainty in consumer online search and buying behavior, and uncertainty in the decision making process. Firstly, we link consumer online purchasing process into a search theory base, uncertainty and the general decision making literature. Secondly, we will study the validity and the structural relationship of the uncertainty constructs and consumer pre-purchase search strategies. The combined effects of search strategy and uncertainty on consumer buying process effectiveness will be studied. Thirdly, our study is aimed at developing and validating an instrument to measure consumer uncertainty in different decision making phases. Measurement scales for the four dimensions of uncertainty were developed and tested for reliability and validity by studying the uncertainty constructs via extended decision making phases described by Simon. Further, the role of uncertainty is tested in consumer decision making. We will take a look at external search determinants influence on uncertainty. Finally, we test the effect of various concepts of uncertainty on consumer perceived satisfaction of purchase. In this dissertation, our findings support earlier observations about the aforementioned uncertainties markedly influencing the consumer search behavior, yet, we found them affecting search differently than has been previously reported. We chart the dimensions of uncertainty in consumer decisions by applying the generalized model of decision making put forth by Herbert Simon. We propose that uncertainty has four dimensions in consumer decision context: knowledge uncertainty, evaluation uncertainty, choice uncertainty, and implementation uncertainty. Against previous wisdom, evaluation and implementation uncertainties seem to exercise stronger impact on consumer decisions than the other varieties of uncertainty in electronic commerce context

    Re-examining the Measurement Models of Success for Internet Commerce

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    In an effort to understand the value of Internet commerce, Keeney interviewed over 100 individuals and proposed two sets of variables: means and fundamental objectives for Internet shopping. The first help businesses deliver what is important for customers so that the customers\u27 objectives are achieved. Fundamental objectives represent ultimate values that customers care about and will influence their overall satisfaction. Using a sample of 620 responses in a two-phase exploratory study, two of the authors previously developed a 5-factor 21-item instrument to measure means objectives and a 4-factor 16-item instrument to measure fundamental objectives. They also proposed a second-order model of the fundamental objectives as a measure of overall customer satisfaction. The new study described here examined the two hypothesized measurement models and the proposed second-order model using a sample of 331 responses. Results confirm factor structures of the two models and suggest a more parsimonious instrument for each; a 5-factor 15-item scale for means objectives and a 4-factor 8-item scale for fundamental objectives. Goodness-of-fit indices for putative models of factor structures and the second-order model are presented