8,119 research outputs found

    Zolotarev Quadrature Rules and Load Balancing for the FEAST Eigensolver

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    The FEAST method for solving large sparse eigenproblems is equivalent to subspace iteration with an approximate spectral projector and implicit orthogonalization. This relation allows to characterize the convergence of this method in terms of the error of a certain rational approximant to an indicator function. We propose improved rational approximants leading to FEAST variants with faster convergence, in particular, when using rational approximants based on the work of Zolotarev. Numerical experiments demonstrate the possible computational savings especially for pencils whose eigenvalues are not well separated and when the dimension of the search space is only slightly larger than the number of wanted eigenvalues. The new approach improves both convergence robustness and load balancing when FEAST runs on multiple search intervals in parallel.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    A joint time-invariant filtering approach to the linear Gaussian relay problem

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    In this paper, the linear Gaussian relay problem is considered. Under the linear time-invariant (LTI) model the problem is formulated in the frequency domain based on the Toeplitz distribution theorem. Under the further assumption of realizable input spectra, the LTI Gaussian relay problem is converted to a joint design problem of source and relay filters under two power constraints, one at the source and the other at the relay, and a practical solution to this problem is proposed based on the projected subgradient method. Numerical results show that the proposed method yields a noticeable gain over the instantaneous amplify-and-forward (AF) scheme in inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels. Also, the optimality of the AF scheme within the class of one-tap relay filters is established in flat-fading channels.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    CayleyNets: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Complex Rational Spectral Filters

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    The rise of graph-structured data such as social networks, regulatory networks, citation graphs, and functional brain networks, in combination with resounding success of deep learning in various applications, has brought the interest in generalizing deep learning models to non-Euclidean domains. In this paper, we introduce a new spectral domain convolutional architecture for deep learning on graphs. The core ingredient of our model is a new class of parametric rational complex functions (Cayley polynomials) allowing to efficiently compute spectral filters on graphs that specialize on frequency bands of interest. Our model generates rich spectral filters that are localized in space, scales linearly with the size of the input data for sparsely-connected graphs, and can handle different constructions of Laplacian operators. Extensive experimental results show the superior performance of our approach, in comparison to other spectral domain convolutional architectures, on spectral image classification, community detection, vertex classification and matrix completion tasks

    A new family of high-resolution multivariate spectral estimators

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    In this paper, we extend the Beta divergence family to multivariate power spectral densities. Similarly to the scalar case, we show that it smoothly connects the multivariate Kullback-Leibler divergence with the multivariate Itakura-Saito distance. We successively study a spectrum approximation problem, based on the Beta divergence family, which is related to a multivariate extension of the THREE spectral estimation technique. It is then possible to characterize a family of solutions to the problem. An upper bound on the complexity of these solutions will also be provided. Simulations suggest that the most suitable solution of this family depends on the specific features required from the estimation problem

    Likelihood Analysis of Power Spectra and Generalized Moment Problems

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    We develop an approach to spectral estimation that has been advocated by Ferrante, Masiero and Pavon and, in the context of the scalar-valued covariance extension problem, by Enqvist and Karlsson. The aim is to determine the power spectrum that is consistent with given moments and minimizes the relative entropy between the probability law of the underlying Gaussian stochastic process to that of a prior. The approach is analogous to the framework of earlier work by Byrnes, Georgiou and Lindquist and can also be viewed as a generalization of the classical work by Burg and Jaynes on the maximum entropy method. In the present paper we present a new fast algorithm in the general case (i.e., for general Gaussian priors) and show that for priors with a specific structure the solution can be given in closed form.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Convergence analysis of a family of robust Kalman filters based on the contraction principle

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    In this paper we analyze the convergence of a family of robust Kalman filters. For each filter of this family the model uncertainty is tuned according to the so called tolerance parameter. Assuming that the corresponding state-space model is reachable and observable, we show that the corresponding Riccati-like mapping is strictly contractive provided that the tolerance is sufficiently small, accordingly the filter converges