23,129 research outputs found

    Algebraic Solutions of the Lam\'e Equation, Revisited

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    A minor error in the necessary conditions for the algebraic form of the Lam\'e equation to have a finite projective monodromy group, and hence for it to have only algebraic solutions, is pointed out. [See F. Baldassarri, "On algebraic solutions of Lam\'e's differential equation", J. Differential Equations 41 (1981), 44-58.] It is shown that if the group is the octahedral group S_4, then the degree parameter of the equation may differ by +1/6 or -1/6 from an integer; this possibility was missed. The omission affects a recent result on the monodromy of the Weierstrass form of the Lam\'e equation. [See R. C. Churchill, "Two-generator subgroups of SL(2,C) and the hypergeometric, Riemann, and Lam\'e equations", J. Symbolic Computation 28 (1999), 521-545.] The Weierstrass form, which is a differential equation on an elliptic curve, may have, after all, an octahedral projective monodromy group.Comment: 20 pages, elsart document class, no figure

    Explicit formula for the generating series of diagonal 3D rook paths

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    Let ana_n denote the number of ways in which a chess rook can move from a corner cell to the opposite corner cell of an n×n×nn \times n \times n three-dimensional chessboard, assuming that the piece moves closer to the goal cell at each step. We describe the computer-driven \emph{discovery and proof} of the fact that the generating series G(x)=n0anxnG(x)= \sum_{n \geq 0} a_n x^n admits the following explicit expression in terms of a Gaussian hypergeometric function: G(x) = 1 + 6 \cdot \int_0^x \frac{\,\pFq21{1/3}{2/3}{2} {\frac{27 w(2-3w)}{(1-4w)^3}}}{(1-4w)(1-64w)} \, dw.Comment: To appear in "S\'eminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

    New Fundamental Symmetries of Integrable Systems and Partial Bethe Ansatz

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    We introduce a new concept of quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras. The quantum quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras being simple but non-trivial deformations of ordinary algebras of monodromy matrices realize a new type of quantum dynamical symmetries and find an unexpected and remarkable applications in quantum inverse scattering method (QISM). We show that applying to quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras the standard procedure of QISM one obtains new wide classes of quantum models which, being integrable (i.e. having enough number of commuting integrals of motion) are only quasi-exactly solvable (i.e. admit an algebraic Bethe ansatz solution for arbitrarily large but limited parts of the spectrum). These quasi-exactly solvable models naturally arise as deformations of known exactly solvable ones. A general theory of such deformations is proposed. The correspondence ``Yangian --- quasi-Yangian'' and ``XXXXXX spin models --- quasi-XXXXXX spin models'' is discussed in detail. We also construct the classical conterparts of quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras and show that they naturally lead to new classes of classical integrable models. We conjecture that these models are quasi-exactly solvable in the sense of classical inverse scattering method, i.e. admit only partial construction of action-angle variables.Comment: 49 pages, LaTe

    A Characterization of Reduced Forms of Linear Differential Systems

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    A differential system [A]:  Y=AY[A] : \; Y'=AY, with AMat(n,kˉ)A\in \mathrm{Mat}(n, \bar{k}) is said to be in reduced form if Ag(kˉ)A\in \mathfrak{g}(\bar{k}) where g\mathfrak{g} is the Lie algebra of the differential Galois group GG of [A][A]. In this article, we give a constructive criterion for a system to be in reduced form. When GG is reductive and unimodular, the system [A][A] is in reduced form if and only if all of its invariants (rational solutions of appropriate symmetric powers) have constant coefficients (instead of rational functions). When GG is non-reductive, we give a similar characterization via the semi-invariants of GG. In the reductive case, we propose a decision procedure for putting the system into reduced form which, in turn, gives a constructive proof of the classical Kolchin-Kovacic reduction theorem.Comment: To appear in : Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr