7,588 research outputs found

    On the use of the Rotation Minimizing Frame for Variational Systems with Euclidean Symmetry

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    We study variational systems for space curves, for which the Lagrangian or action principle has a Euclidean symmetry, using the Rotation Minimizing frame, also known as the Normal, Parallel or Bishop frame (see [1], [36]). Such systems have previously been studied using the Frenet–Serret frame. However, the Rotation Minimizing frame has many advantages, and can be used to study a wider class of examples. We achieve our results by extending the powerful symbolic invariant cal- culus for Lie group based moving frames, to the Rotation Minimizing frame case. To date, the invariant calculus has been developed for frames defined by algebraic equations. By contrast, the Rotation Minimizing frame is defined by a differential equation. In this paper, we derive the recurrence formulae for the symbolic invariant differentiation of the symbolic invariants. We then derive the syzygy operator needed to obtain Noether’s conservation laws as well as the Euler–Lagrange equations directly in terms of the invariants, for variational problems with a Euclidean symmetry. We show how to use the six Noether laws to ease the integration problem for the minimizing curve, once the Euler–Lagrange equations have been solved for the generating differential invariants. Our applications include variational problems used in the study of strands of pro- teins, nucleid acids and polymers

    Metric combinatorics of convex polyhedra: cut loci and nonoverlapping unfoldings

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    This paper is a study of the interaction between the combinatorics of boundaries of convex polytopes in arbitrary dimension and their metric geometry. Let S be the boundary of a convex polytope of dimension d+1, or more generally let S be a `convex polyhedral pseudomanifold'. We prove that S has a polyhedral nonoverlapping unfolding into R^d, so the metric space S is obtained from a closed (usually nonconvex) polyhedral ball in R^d by identifying pairs of boundary faces isometrically. Our existence proof exploits geodesic flow away from a source point v in S, which is the exponential map to S from the tangent space at v. We characterize the `cut locus' (the closure of the set of points in S with more than one shortest path to v) as a polyhedral complex in terms of Voronoi diagrams on facets. Analyzing infinitesimal expansion of the wavefront consisting of points at constant distance from v on S produces an algorithmic method for constructing Voronoi diagrams in each facet, and hence the unfolding of S. The algorithm, for which we provide pseudocode, solves the discrete geodesic problem. Its main construction generalizes the source unfolding for boundaries of 3-polytopes into R^2. We present conjectures concerning the number of shortest paths on the boundaries of convex polyhedra, and concerning continuous unfolding of convex polyhedra. We also comment on the intrinsic non-polynomial complexity of nonconvex polyhedral manifolds.Comment: 47 pages; 21 PostScript (.eps) figures, most in colo

    The Nitsche conjecture

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    The conjecture in question concerns the existence of a harmonic homeomorphism between circular annuli A(r,R) and A(r*,R*), and is motivated in part by the existence problem for doubly-connected minimal surfaces with prescribed boundary. In 1962 J.C.C. Nitsche observed that the image annulus cannot be too thin, but it can be arbitrarily thick (even a punctured disk). Then he conjectured that for such a mapping to exist we must have the following inequality, now known as the Nitsche bound: R*/r* is greater than or equal to (R/r+r/R)/2. In this paper we give an affirmative answer to his conjecture. As a corollary, we find that among all minimal graphs over given annulus the upper slab of catenoid has the greatest conformal modulus.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Expanded introduction and references; added discussion of doubly-connected minimal surface
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