9 research outputs found

    A Fast Approach to Creative Telescoping

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    In this note we reinvestigate the task of computing creative telescoping relations in differential-difference operator algebras. Our approach is based on an ansatz that explicitly includes the denominators of the delta parts. We contribute several ideas of how to make an implementation of this approach reasonably fast and provide such an implementation. A selection of examples shows that it can be superior to existing methods by a large factor.Comment: 9 pages, 1 table, final version as it appeared in the journa

    Denominator Bounds and Polynomial Solutions for Systems of q-Recurrences over K(t) for Constant K

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    We consider systems A_\ell(t) y(q^\ell t) + ... + A_0(t) y(t) = b(t) of higher order q-recurrence equations with rational coefficients. We extend a method for finding a bound on the maximal power of t in the denominator of arbitrary rational solutions y(t) as well as a method for bounding the degree of polynomial solutions from the scalar case to the systems case. The approach is direct and does not rely on uncoupling or reduction to a first order system. Unlike in the scalar case this usually requires an initial transformation of the system.Comment: 8 page

    Polynomial solutions of algebraic difference equations and homogeneous symmetric polynomials

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    This article addresses the problem of computing an upper bound of the degree d of a polynomial solution P(x) of an algebraic differ- ence equation of the form Gx)(P(x −τ1), . . . , P(x −τs) + G0(x) = 0 when such P(x) with the coefficients in a field K of character- istic zero exists and where G is a non-linear s-variable polynomial with coefficients in K[x] and G0 is a polynomial with coefficients in K. It will be shown that if G is a quadratic polynomial with constant coefficients then one can construct a countable family of polynomi- als fl(u0) such that if there exists a (minimal) index l0 with fl0(u0) being a non-zero polynomial, then the degree d is one of its roots or d ≤ l0, or d < deg(G0). Moreover, the existence of such l0 will be proven for K being the field of real numbers. These results are based on the properties of the modules generated by special fami- lies of homogeneous symmetric polynomials. A sufficient condition for the existence of a similar bound of the degree of a polynomial solution for an algebraic difference equation with G of arbitrary total degree and with variable coefficients will be proven as well

    Using morphism computations for factoring and decomposing linear functional systems

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    Within a constructive homological algebra approach, we study the factorization and decomposition problems for general linear functional systems (determined, under-determined, over-determined). Using the concept of Ore algebras of functional operators (e.g., ordinary/partial differential operators, shift operators, time-delay operators), we first concentrate on the computation of morphisms from a finitely presented left module MM over an Ore algebra to another one MM', where MM (resp., MM') is a module intrinsically associated with the linear functional system Ry=0R \, y=0 (resp., Rz=0R' \, z=0). These morphisms define applications sending solutions of the system Rz=0R' \, z=0 to the ones of Ry=0R \, y=0. We explicitly characterize the kernel, image, cokernel and coimage of a general morphism. We then show that the existence of a non-injective endomorphism of the module MM is equivalent to the existence of a non-trivial factorization R=R2R1R=R_2\,R_1 of the system matrix RR. The corresponding system can then be integrated in cascade. Under certain conditions, we also show that the system Ry=0R \, y=0 is equivalent to a system Rz=0R'\, z=0, where RR' is a block-triangular matrix of the same size as RR. We show that the existence of projectors of the ring of endomorphisms of the module MM allows us to reduce the integration of the system Ry=0R\,y=0 to the integration of two independent systems R1y1=0R_1 \, y_1=0 and R2y2=0R_2 \, y_2=0. Furthermore, we prove that, under certain conditions, idempotents provide decompositions of the system Ry=0R\,y=0, i.e., they allow us to compute an equivalent system Rz=0R'\, z=0, where RR' is a block-diagonal matrix of the same size as RR. Many applications of these results in mathematical physics and control theory are given. Finally, the different algorithms of the paper are implemented in a Maple package Morphisms based on the library OreModules