217 research outputs found

    Ensembles of choice-based models for recommender systems

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    In this thesis, we focused on three main paradigms: Recommender Systems, Decision Making, and Ensembles. The work is structured as follows. First, the thesis analyzes the potential of choice-based models. The motivation behind this was based on the idea of applying sound decisionmaking paradigms, such as choice and utility theory, in the field of Recommender Systems. Second, this research analyzes the cognitive process underlying choice behavior. On the one hand, neural and gaze activity were recorded experimentally from different subjects performing a choice task in a Web Interface. On the other hand, cognitive were fitted using rational, emotional, and attentional features. Finally, the work explores the hybridization of choice-based models with ensembles. The goal is to take the best of the two worlds: transparency and performance. Two main methods were analyzed to build optimal choice-based ensembles: uninformed and informed. First one, two strategies were evaluated: 1-Learner and N-Learners ensembles. Second one, we relied on three types of prior information: (1) High diversity, (2) Low error prediction (MSE), (3) and Low crowd error

    Hybrid Recommender for Online Petitions with Social Network and Psycholinguistic Features

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    The online petition has become one of the most important channels of civic participation. Most of the state-of-the-art online platforms, however, tend to use simple indicators (such as popularity) to rank petitions, hence creating a situation where the most popular petitions dominate the rank and attract most people’s attention. For the petitions which focus on specific issues, they are often in a disadvantageous position on the list. For example, a petition for local environment problem may not be seen by many people who are really concerned with it, simply because it takes multiple pages to reach it. Therefore, the simple ranking mechanism adopted by most of the online petition platforms cannot effectively link most petitions with those who are really concerned with them. According to previous studies online, petitions seriousness has been questioned due to the rare chance of succeeding. At most, less than 10% of online petitions get the chance to fulfill their causes. To solve this problem, we present a design of a novel recommender system (PETREC). It leverages social interaction features, psycholinguistic features, and latent topic features to provide a personalized ranking to different users. Hence, it can give users better petition recommendations fitting their unique concerns. We evaluate PETREC against matrix factorization collaborative filtering and content-based filtering with the bag of words (Bow) features as two baseline recommenders for benchmarking. PETREC prediction performance outperformed Matrix factorization collaborative filtering, Bow petition-based content filtering, and Bow user-based content filtering with 4.2%, 1.7%, and 2.8% respectively as improvements in Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The recommendation system described in this paper has potential to improve the user experience of online petition platforms. Thus, it is possible that it could encourage more public participation. Eventually, it will help the citizens to make a real difference through actively participating in online petitions that are matching their personalized concerns

    Enhanced Living Environments

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1303 “Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE)”. The concept of Enhanced Living Environments (ELE) refers to the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) that is more related with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Effective ELE solutions require appropriate ICT algorithms, architectures, platforms, and systems, having in view the advance of science and technology in this area and the development of new and innovative solutions that can provide improvements in the quality of life for people in their homes and can reduce the financial burden on the budgets of the healthcare providers. The aim of this book is to become a state-of-the-art reference, discussing progress made, as well as prompting future directions on theories, practices, standards, and strategies related to the ELE area. The book contains 12 chapters and can serve as a valuable reference for undergraduate students, post-graduate students, educators, faculty members, researchers, engineers, medical doctors, healthcare organizations, insurance companies, and research strategists working in this area

    Human and Artificial Intelligence

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    Although tremendous advances have been made in recent years, many real-world problems still cannot be solved by machines alone. Hence, the integration between Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence is needed. However, several challenges make this integration complex. The aim of this Special Issue was to provide a large and varied collection of high-level contributions presenting novel approaches and solutions to address the above issues. This Special Issue contains 14 papers (13 research papers and 1 review paper) that deal with various topics related to human–machine interactions and cooperation. Most of these works concern different aspects of recommender systems, which are among the most widespread decision support systems. The domains covered range from healthcare to movies and from biometrics to cultural heritage. However, there are also contributions on vocal assistants and smart interactive technologies. In summary, each paper included in this Special Issue represents a step towards a future with human–machine interactions and cooperation. We hope the readers enjoy reading these articles and may find inspiration for their research activities

    Linking Research and Policy: Assessing a Framework for Organic Agricultural Support in Ireland

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    This paper links social science research and agricultural policy through an analysis of support for organic agriculture and food. Globally, sales of organic food have experienced 20% annual increases for the past two decades, and represent the fastest growing segment of the grocery market. Although consumer interest has increased, farmers are not keeping up with demand. This is partly due to a lack of political support provided to farmers in their transition from conventional to organic production. Support policies vary by country and in some nations, such as the US, vary by state/province. There have been few attempts to document the types of support currently in place. This research draws on an existing Framework tool to investigate regionally specific and relevant policy support available to organic farmers in Ireland. This exploratory study develops a case study of Ireland within the framework of ten key categories of organic agricultural support: leadership, policy, research, technical support, financial support, marketing and promotion, education and information, consumer issues, inter-agency activities, and future developments. Data from the Irish Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc), and other governmental and semi-governmental agencies provide the basis for an assessment of support in each category. Assessments are based on the number of activities, availability of information to farmers, and attention from governmental personnel for each of the ten categories. This policy framework is a valuable tool for farmers, researchers, state agencies, and citizen groups seeking to document existing types of organic agricultural support and discover policy areas which deserve more attention

    Algorithmic governance

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    Algorithmic governance as a key concept in controversies around the emerging digital society highlights the idea that digital technologies produce social ordering in a specific way. Starting with the origins of the concept, this paper portrays different perspectives and objects of inquiry where algorithmic governance has gained prominence ranging from the public sector to labour management and ordering digital communication. Recurrent controversies across all sectors such as datafication and surveillance, bias, agency and transparency indicate that the concept of algorithmic governance allows to bring objects of inquiry and research fields that had not been related before into a joint conversation. Short case studies on predictive policy and automated content moderation show that algorithmic governance is multiple, contingent and contested. It takes different forms in different contexts and jurisdictions, and it is shaped by interests, power, and resistance