2 research outputs found

    A Survey of e-Commerce Recommender Systems

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    Due to their powerful personalization and efficiency features, recommendation systems are being used extensively in many online environments. Recommender systems provide great opportunities to businesses, therefore research on developing new recommender system techniques and methods have been receiving increasing attention. This paper reviews recent developments in recommender systems in the domain of ecommerce. The main purpose of the paper is to summarize and compare the latest improvements of e-commerce recommender systems from the perspective of e-vendors. By examining the recent publications in the field, our research provides thorough analysis of current advancements and attempts to identify the existing issues in recommender systems. Final outcomes give practitioners and researchers the necessary insights and directions on recommender systems

    Sparse online collaborative filtering with dynamic regularization

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    Abstract(#br)Collaborative filtering (CF) approaches are widely applied in recommender systems. Traditional CF approaches have high costs to train the models and cannot capture changes in user interests and item popularity. Most CF approaches assume that user interests remain unchanged throughout the whole process. However, user preferences are always evolving and the popularity of items is always changing. Additionally, in a sparse matrix, the amount of known rating data is very small. In this paper, we propose a method of online collaborative filtering with dynamic regularization (OCF-DR), that considers dynamic information and uses the neighborhood factor to track the dynamic change in online collaborative filtering (OCF). The results from experiments on the MovieLens100K, MovieLens1M, and HetRec2011 datasets show that the proposed methods are significant improvements over several baseline approaches