8 research outputs found

    The Influence of Services Marketing Mix (7 Ps.) and Subjective Norms on Customer’s Satisfaction in Islamic Banks of Palestine

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between services marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence) on customer Satisfaction. Additionally, this study also explored the role of subjective norms towards customer satisfaction in Islamic Banks of Palestine. Customer satisfaction is one of the essential factors for the success of a company. In order to achieve the high customer satisfaction, companies must know when and how their customers are satisfied about the products and services. The majority of companies follow a conventional marketing strategy, but some companies choose to follow a religious or spiritual marketing strategy such as the Islamic marketing strategy. Conventional marketing strategies satisfy the customers based on the current needs of the customer, whereas, Islamic marketing strategies satisfy the customers based on the human values, marketing cultures, and Islamic rules and regulations (shariah laws). Structural equation model was used for the testing of hypothesized relationships. Finally, study concluded that marketing mix and subjective norm significantly influence on customer satisfaction in Islamic Banking context. Keywords: Services marketing mix (7Ps), Subjective Norms, Customer Satisfactio

    Self Calibrated Wireless Distributed Environmental Sensory Networks

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    Recent advances in sensory and communication technologies have made Wireless Distributed Environmental Sensory Networks (WDESN) technically and economically feasible. WDESNs present an unprecedented tool for studying many environmental processes in a new way. However, the WDESNs’ calibration process is a major obstacle in them becoming the common practice. Here, we present a new, robust and efficient method for aggregating measurements acquired by an uncalibrated WDESN, and producing accurate estimates of the observed environmental variable’s true levels rendering the network as self-calibrated. The suggested method presents novelty both in group-decision-making and in environmental sensing as it offers a most valuable tool for distributed environmental monitoring data aggregation. Applying the method on an extensive real-life air-pollution dataset showed markedly more accurate results than the common practice and the state-of-the-art

    Kesan rebakan bandar terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat di Bandaraya Johor Bahru

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    The impact of urban sprawl on the community in Johor Bahru City is still unclear. This study involves four objectives of study, namely to analyze the psychometric level of the local lifestyle before the urban sprawl, to identify the level of urban sprawl related to the psychometric scenario of the local lifestyle of the present day, to determine the psychometric differences in the lifestyle of the community in Johor Bahru City as a result of urban sprawl, and to determine the current lifestyle psychometric differences based on the background of the community of Johor Bahru City. A survey was conducted on the head of household amongst these original inhabitants aged 45 years and over with a total of 500 respondents. This study uses descriptive analysis, T test and one way ANOVA. The findings as a whole illustrate that respondents' lifestyles are still good today that involve the constructs of value, interests, desires, beliefs, activities and overall lifestyle psychographic. However, the slight deterioration of lifestyle is the self-attitude and self-view of the people in Johor Bahru City. However, lifestyle as a whole as well as based on every lifestyle construct nowadays remains at a good level, but it has slowed down to a satisfactory level by mean value compared to before the urban sprawl. This is evidenced by the inferential statistical analysis of T test also found that the overall lifestyle aspect of the community in Johor Bahru City shows a difference between the present and the before as a result of the urban sprawl for all lifestyle constructs and overall aspects of the lifestyle itself. In the context of the respondent's background, the study found that the different factors of race, income, occupation, religion and the level of education have led to a difference in lifestyle and not to someone’s age. This study suggests that people who have lived long in the city need to jointly improve the value of lifestyle that involves self-value, self-attitudes, self-views, self-interest, self-determination, self-esteem, self-activities or daily routine and overall lifestyle psychographic

    Lawyer Regulation Stakeholder Networks and the Global Diffusion of Ideas

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    This Article is a companion article to Laurel S. Terry, Global Networks and the Legal Profession, 53 Akron L. Rev. 137 (2019), https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3620399. That article explained why global networks are useful for lawyers and the clients they represent, introduced some of the scientific literature about networks, cited prior literature about (mostly domestic) legal profession networks, and then identified ways in which lawyers and their employers, including law firms, participate in global legal profession networks, as well as domestic networks. This Article focuses on a subset of global legal profession networks, which are the global networks of lawyer regulation stakeholders. Section 1 sets forth ten different categories of lawyer regulation stakeholders, explains and distinguishes these categories, and provides examples from each stakeholder category. The ten categories are: 1) those on whose behalf regulations are adopted; 2) traditional U.S. lawyer regulators; 3) groups that represent, and are primarily comprised of, traditional U.S. lawyer regulators; 4) groups that purport to offer expert balanced advice to traditional U.S. lawyer regulators; 5) other U.S. regulators whose actions directly affect lawyer regulation; 6) those who do not have “hard law” regulatory authority over lawyers, but interact with lawyers and may be able to enforce regulatory-like rules or compliance; 7) those who are directly affected by lawyer regulation provisions (but are not the population for whose benefit lawyer regulations are adopted); 8) additional individuals or entities within the United States that may be affected by, or care about, U.S. lawyer regulation issues; 9) foreign governments, intergovernmental organizations, and international dispute resolution bodies that have adopted policies or rules that may directly or indirectly affect U.S. lawyer regulation; and 10) additional individuals or entities outside the United States that may be affected by, or care about, U.S. lawyer regulation. Section 2 sets forth five ways in which U.S. stakeholders might interact with global stakeholders, or be exposed to global perspectives. These opportunities arise as a result of: 1) in-person meetings and conferences; 2) virtual meetings and events; 3) literature written about, or influenced by, global developments and perspectives; 4) law reform initiatives, such as those in Utah, California, Arizona, and Illinois; and 5) membership in “domestic” groups that likely include global perspectives. For each of the five identified opportunities, this Article provides several examples that illustrate how U.S. lawyer regulation stakeholders are connected to global networks. In addition to the lawyer regulation reform initiatives cited above, the examples include global connections within groups such as the NCBE, CCJ, NOBC, ABA, AALS, APRL, ICLR, IBA, and IAOLE, among others. Section 3 of this Article refers to literature about the diffusion of ideas and tipping points. After summarizing the broad impact that global networks can have, this Article concludes that global networks, and the perspectives they bring, should now be viewed as a regular part of U.S. lawyer regulation stakeholder conversations. This Article was written before the explosive growth of COVID-19, but that outbreak confirms the importance of global networks and the power that exponential growth within networks can have

    Marketing Mix Bancario y su Relación con la Lealtad del Cliente de Financiera Confianza Chiclayo 2021

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    En la búsqueda de poder mantener una cartera de clientes que exhiba mayores niveles de lealtad, las entidades financieras deben desarrollar un sinnúmero de estrategias que le permitan alcanzar este propósito. En ese contexto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la relación entre el marketing financiero y la lealtad percibida por el cliente de la Financiera Confianza en Chiclayo 2021. Se consideró un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional y de diseño no experimental y transversal. Se abordó a una muestra de 261 clientes de la entidad financiera, utilizando el cuestionario de Abrham (2019) aplicado con la técnica de encuesta. Se encontró que clientes leales estaban relacionados con el marketing mix en sus dimensiones producto, precio, lugar, promoción, personas y procesos. No se halló relación con la dimensión evidencias físicas

    Termal turizmde hizmet kalitesi boyutlarının analitik hiyerarşi süreci yöntemi ile önceliklendirilmesi

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    xiii, 103 sayfatablo, şekil : 29 cm. 1 CDÖZETTermal turizm, kişilerin dinlenme ve yenilenme ile ilgili isteklerinin sağlıkla buluştuğu alternatif bir turizm çeşididir. Diğer turizm hizmetlerinde olduğu gibi termal turizm için de hizmet kalitesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Burada sadece bir turizm hizmeti değil aynı zamanda bu turizm faaliyetine katılanların sağlıklarına yönelik hizmet de sunulmaktadır.Turizmde ve özellikle termal turizmde hizmet kalitesi ile ilgili yapılmış çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da hizmet kalitesi boyutlarının önem dereceleri belirlenmek istenmektedir. Diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak, önem derecelerinin belirlenmesi için istatistiksel metotların yerine çok kriterli karar verme tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Termal turizm faaliyetine katılan müşteriler, turizm akademisyenleri ve termal turizm işletmeleri çalışanlarının katıldığı bir araştırma yapılmış ve elde edilen verilerle hizmet kalitesi boyutlarının önem dereceleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.ABSTRACTThermal tourism is an alternative type of tourism where people's wishes about rest and renewal meet health. As in other tourism services, the service quality is of great importance for thermal tourism. There is not only a tourism service but also a service for the health of those who participate in this tourism activity.There are studies on the service quality in tourism and especially in thermal tourism. In this study, it is aimed to determine the importance of service quality dimensions. Unlike other studies, multi-criteria decision making techniques were used instead of statistical methods in order to determine their importance. Customers who participated in thermal tourism activities, tourism academicians and employees of thermal tourism enterprises participated in the study and with the data obtained from the participants, prioritization of service quality dimensions were determined