29 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Protograph LDPC Codes over Large-Scale MIMO Channels with Low-Resolution ADCs

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    ยฉ 2013 IEEE. Protograph LDPC (P-LDPC) codes and large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (LS-MIMO) are cornerstones of 5G and future wireless systems, thanks to their powerful error-correcting capability and high spectral efficiency. To alleviate the high complexity in signal detection/decoding that dramatically grows with the number of antennas (in the order of tens or even hundreds), low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and joint detection and decoding using factor graph have recently attracted paramount interest. Unlike high-resolution ADCs, by using a small number of bits to quantize the received signal, low-resolution ADCs help reduce the hardware cost and power consumption of the RF circuit of practical LS-MIMO transceivers. Such a very much desirable reduction comes at the cost of additional quantization noise, introduced by low-resolution ADCs. This work aims to provide a unified framework to analyze the impact of the low-resolution ADCs on the performance of P-LDPC codes in practical LS-MIMO systems. It is worth noting that the previous analytical tools that have been used to evaluate the performance of P-LDPC codes do not account for the quantization noise effect of the low-resolution ADCs and the fact that the covariance of quantization noise depends on the fading channels. This article addresses this shortcoming by first leveraging the additive quantization noise model. We then derive the expression of extrinsic information for the belief-propagation LS-MIMO detector. The mutual information functions, which are the core elements of our proposed protograph extrinsic information transfer (PEXIT) algorithm, are analyzed for LS-MIMO communication systems. Our proposed PEXIT algorithm allows us to analyze and predict the impact of the low-resolution ADCs on the performance of P-LDPC codes, considering various input parameters, including the LS-MIMO configuration, the code rate, and the maximum number of decoding iterations, and the code structure. Based on our extensive analytical and simulation results, we found that the performance of 3-bit and 4-bit ADC systems only have a small gap to that of the unquantized systems. Especially when the 5-bit ADC scheme is applied, the performance loss is negligible. This finding sheds light on the practical design of LS-MIMO systems using P-LDPC codes

    Near-capacity fixed-rate and rateless channel code constructions

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    Fixed-rate and rateless channel code constructions are designed for satisfying conflicting design tradeoffs, leading to codes that benefit from practical implementations, whilst offering a good bit error ratio (BER) and block error ratio (BLER) performance. More explicitly, two novel low-density parity-check code (LDPC) constructions are proposed; the first construction constitutes a family of quasi-cyclic protograph LDPC codes, which has a Vandermonde-like parity-check matrix (PCM). The second construction constitutes a specific class of protograph LDPC codes, which are termed as multilevel structured (MLS) LDPC codes. These codes possess a PCM construction that allows the coexistence of both pseudo-randomness as well as a structure requiring a reduced memory. More importantly, it is also demonstrated that these benefits accrue without any compromise in the attainable BER/BLER performance. We also present the novel concept of separating multiple users by means of user-specific channel codes, which is referred to as channel code division multiple access (CCDMA), and provide an example based on MLS LDPC codes. In particular, we circumvent the difficulty of having potentially high memory requirements, while ensuring that each userโ€™s bits in the CCDMA system are equally protected. With regards to rateless channel coding, we propose a novel family of codes, which we refer to as reconfigurable rateless codes, that are capable of not only varying their code-rate but also to adaptively modify their encoding/decoding strategy according to the near-instantaneous channel conditions. We demonstrate that the proposed reconfigurable rateless codes are capable of shaping their own degree distribution according to the nearinstantaneous requirements imposed by the channel, but without any explicit channel knowledge at the transmitter. Additionally, a generalised transmit preprocessing aided closed-loop downlink multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is presented, in which both the channel coding components as well as the linear transmit precoder exploit the knowledge of the channel state information (CSI). More explicitly, we embed a rateless code in a MIMO transmit preprocessing scheme, in order to attain near-capacity performance across a wide range of channel signal-to-ratios (SNRs), rather than only at a specific SNR. The performance of our scheme is further enhanced with the aid of a technique, referred to as pilot symbol assisted rateless (PSAR) coding, whereby a predetermined fraction of pilot bits is appropriately interspersed with the original information bits at the channel coding stage, instead of multiplexing pilots at the modulation stage, as in classic pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM). We subsequently demonstrate that the PSAR code-aided transmit preprocessing scheme succeeds in gleaning more information from the inserted pilots than the classic PSAM technique, because the pilot bits are not only useful for sounding the channel at the receiver but also beneficial for significantly reducing the computational complexity of the rateless channel decoder

    Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Constructed from Protographs

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    In this paper, we construct protograph-based spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes by coupling together a series of L disjoint, or uncoupled, LDPC code Tanner graphs into a single coupled chain. By varying L, we obtain a flexible family of code ensembles with varying rates and frame lengths that can share the same encoding and decoding architecture for arbitrary L. We demonstrate that the resulting codes combine the best features of optimized irregular and regular codes in one design: capacity approaching iterative belief propagation (BP) decoding thresholds and linear growth of minimum distance with block length. In particular, we show that, for sufficiently large L, the BP thresholds on both the binary erasure channel (BEC) and the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC) saturate to a particular value significantly better than the BP decoding threshold and numerically indistinguishable from the optimal maximum a-posteriori (MAP) decoding threshold of the uncoupled LDPC code. When all variable nodes in the coupled chain have degree greater than two, asymptotically the error probability converges at least doubly exponentially with decoding iterations and we obtain sequences of asymptotically good LDPC codes with fast convergence rates and BP thresholds close to the Shannon limit. Further, the gap to capacity decreases as the density of the graph increases, opening up a new way to construct capacity achieving codes on memoryless binary-input symmetric-output (MBS) channels with low-complexity BP decoding.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Signal optimization for Galileo evolution

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    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are present in our daily lives. Moreover, new users areemerging with further operation needs involving a constant evolution of the current navigationsystems. In the current framework of Galileo (GNSS European system) and especially within theGalileo E1 Open Service (OS), adding a new acquisition aiding signal could contribute to providehigher resilience at the acquisition phase, as well as to reduce the time to first fix (TTFF).Designing a new GNSS signal is always a trade-off between several performance figures of merit.The most relevant are the position accuracy, the sensitivity and the TTFF. However, if oneconsiders that the signal acquisition phase is the goal to design, the sensitivity and the TTFF havea higher relevance. Considering that, in this thesis it is presented the joint design of a GNSS signaland the message structure to propose a new Galileo 2nd generation signal, which provides ahigher sensitivity in the receiver and reduce the TTFF. Several aspects have been addressed inorder to design a new signal component. Firstly, the spreading modulation definition must considerthe radio frequency compatibility in order to cause acceptable level of interference inside the band.Moreover, the spreading modulation should provide good correlation properties and goodresistance against the multipath in order to enhance the receiver sensitivity and to reduce theTTFF. Secondly, the choice of the new PRN code is also crucial in order to ease the acquisitionphase. A simple model criterion based on a weighted cost function is used to evaluate the PRNcodes performance. This weighted cost function takes into account different figures of merit suchas the autocorrelation, the cross-correlation and the power spectral density. Thirdly, the design ofthe channel coding scheme is always connected with the structure of the message. A joint designbetween the message structure and the channel coding scheme can provide both, reducing theTTFF and an enhancement of the resilience of the decoded data. In this this, a new method to codesign the message structure and the channel coding scheme for the new G2G signal isproposed. This method provides the guideline to design a message structure whose the channelcoding scheme is characterized by the full diversity, the Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) andthe rate compatible properties. The channel coding is essential in order to enhance the datademodulation performance, especially in harsh environments. However, this process can be verysensitive to the correct computation of the decoder input. Significant improvements were obtainedby considering soft inputs channel decoders, through the Log Likelihood Ratio LLRs computation.However, the complete knowledge of the channel state information (CSI) was usually considered,which it is infrequently in real scenarios. In this thesis, we provide new methods to compute LLRlinear approximations, under the jamming and the block fading channels, considering somestatistical CSI. Finally, to transmit a new signal in the same carrier frequency and using the sameHigh Power Amplifier (HPA) generates constraints in the multiplexing design, since a constant orquasi constant envelope is needed in order to decrease the non-linear distortions. Moreover, themultiplexing design should provide high power efficiency to not waste the transmitted satellitepower. Considering the precedent, in this thesis, we evaluate different multiplexing methods,which search to integrate a new binary signal in the Galileo E1 band while enhancing thetransmitted power efficiency. Besides that, even if the work is focused on the Galileo E1, many ofthe concepts and methodologies can be easily extended to any GNSS signa

    ์ƒˆ๋กœ์šด ์†Œ์‹ค ์ฑ„๋„์„ ์œ„ํ•œ ์ž๊ธฐ๋™ํ˜• ๊ตฐ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ ๋ฐ ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ์ ‘์† ๋ณต๊ตฌ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๋ฐ ์ผ๋ฐ˜ํ™”๋œ ๊ทผ ํ”„๋กœํ† ๊ทธ๋ž˜ํ”„ LDPC ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ์˜ ์„ค๊ณ„

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    ํ•™์œ„๋…ผ๋ฌธ (๋ฐ•์‚ฌ)-- ์„œ์šธ๋Œ€ํ•™๊ต ๋Œ€ํ•™์› : ๊ณต๊ณผ๋Œ€ํ•™ ์ „๊ธฐยท์ปดํ“จํ„ฐ๊ณตํ•™๋ถ€, 2019. 2. ๋…ธ์ข…์„ .In this dissertation, three main contributions are given asi) new two-stage automorphism group decoders (AGD) for cyclic codes in the erasure channel, ii) new constructions of binary and ternary locally repairable codes (LRCs) using cyclic codes and existing LRCs, and iii) new constructions of high-rate generalized root protograph (GRP) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes for a nonergodic block interference and partially regular (PR) LDPC codes for follower noise jamming (FNJ), are considered. First, I propose a new two-stage AGD (TS-AGD) for cyclic codes in the erasure channel. Recently, error correcting codes in the erasure channel have drawn great attention for various applications such as distributed storage systems and wireless sensor networks, but many of their decoding algorithms are not practical because they have higher decoding complexity and longer delay. Thus, the AGD for cyclic codes in the erasure channel was introduced, which has good erasure decoding performance with low decoding complexity. In this research, I propose new TS-AGDs for cyclic codes in the erasure channel by modifying the parity check matrix and introducing the preprocessing stage to the AGD scheme. The proposed TS-AGD is analyzed for the perfect codes, BCH codes, and maximum distance separable (MDS) codes. Through numerical analysis, it is shown that the proposed decoding algorithm has good erasure decoding performance with lower decoding complexity than the conventional AGD. For some cyclic codes, it is shown that the proposed TS-AGD achieves the perfect decoding in the erasure channel, that is, the same decoding performance as the maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. For MDS codes, TS-AGDs with the expanded parity check matrix and the submatrix inversion are also proposed and analyzed. Second, I propose new constructions of binary and ternary LRCs using cyclic codes and existing two LRCs for distributed storage system. For a primitive work, new constructions of binary and ternary LRCs using cyclic codes and their concatenation are proposed. Some of proposed binary LRCs with Hamming weights 4, 5, and 6 are optimal in terms of the upper bounds. In addition, the similar method of the binary case is applied to construct the ternary LRCs with good parameters. Also, new constructions of binary LRCs with large Hamming distance and disjoint repair groups are proposed. The proposed binary linear LRCs constructed by using existing binary LRCs are optimal or near-optimal in terms of the bound with disjoint repair group. Last, I propose new constructions of high-rate GRP LDPC codes for a nonergodic block interference and anti-jamming PR LDPC codes for follower jamming. The proposed high-rate GRP LDPC codes are based on nonergodic two-state binary symmetric channel with block interference and Nakagami-mm block fading. In these channel environments, GRP LDPC codes have good performance approaching to the theoretical limit in the channel with one block interference, where their performance is shown by the channel threshold or the channel outage probability. In the proposed design, I find base matrices using the protograph extrinsic information transfer (PEXIT) algorithm. Also, the proposed new constructions of anti-jamming partially regular LDPC codes is based on follower jamming on the frequency-hopped spread spectrum (FHSS). For a channel environment, I suppose follower jamming with random dwell time and Rayleigh block fading environment with M-ary frequnecy shift keying (MFSK) modulation. For a coding perspective, an anti-jamming LDPC codes against follower jamming are introduced. In order to optimize the jamming environment, the partially regular structure and corresponding density evolution schemes are used. A series of simulations show that the proposed codes outperforms the 802.16e standard in the presence of follower noise jamming.์ด ๋…ผ๋ฌธ์—์„œ๋Š”, i) ์†Œ์‹ค ์ฑ„๋„์—์„œ ์ˆœํ™˜ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ์˜ ์ƒˆ๋กœ์šด ์ด๋‹จ ์ž๊ธฐ๋™ํ˜• ๊ตฐ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ , ii) ๋ถ„์‚ฐ ์ €์žฅ ์‹œ์Šคํ…œ์„ ์œ„ํ•œ ์ˆœํ™˜ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๋ฐ ๊ธฐ์กด์˜ ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ์ ‘์† ๋ณต๊ตฌ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ(LRC)๋ฅผ ์ด์šฉํ•œ ์ด์ง„ ํ˜น์€ ์‚ผ์ง„ ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ์ ‘์† ๋ณต๊ตฌ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ์„ค๊ณ„๋ฒ•, ๋ฐ iii) ๋ธ”๋ก ๊ฐ„์„ญ ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์„ ์œ„ํ•œ ๊ณ ๋ถ€ํšจ์œจ์˜ ์ผ๋ฐ˜ํ™”๋œ ๊ทผ ํ”„๋กœํ† ๊ทธ๋ž˜ํ”„(generalized root protograph, GRP) LDPC ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๋ฐ ์ถ”์  ์žฌ๋ฐ ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์„ ์œ„ํ•œ ํ•ญ์žฌ๋ฐ ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ๊ท ์ผ (anti-jamming paritally regular, AJ-PR) LDPC ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ๊ฐ€ ์—ฐ๊ตฌ๋˜์—ˆ๋‹ค. ์ฒซ๋ฒˆ์งธ๋กœ, ์†Œ์‹ค ์ฑ„๋„์—์„œ ์ˆœํ™˜ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ์˜ ์ƒˆ๋กœ์šด ์ด๋‹จ ์ž๊ธฐ๋™ํ˜• ๊ตฐ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ๋ฅผ ์ œ์•ˆํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ์ตœ๊ทผ ๋ถ„์‚ฐ ์ €์žฅ ์‹œ์Šคํ…œ ํ˜น์€ ๋ฌด์„  ์„ผ์„œ ๋„คํŠธ์›Œํฌ ๋“ฑ์˜ ์‘์šฉ์œผ๋กœ ์ธํ•ด ์†Œ์‹ค ์ฑ„๋„์—์„œ์˜ ์˜ค๋ฅ˜ ์ •์ • ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๊ธฐ๋ฒ•์ด ์ฃผ๋ชฉ๋ฐ›๊ณ  ์žˆ๋‹ค. ๊ทธ๋Ÿฌ๋‚˜ ๋งŽ์€ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ ์•Œ๊ณ ๋ฆฌ์ฆ˜์€ ๋†’์€ ๋ณตํ˜ธ ๋ณต์žก๋„ ๋ฐ ๊ธด ์ง€์—ฐ์œผ๋กœ ์ธํ•ด ์‹ค์šฉ์ ์ด์ง€ ๋ชปํ•˜๋‹ค. ๋”ฐ๋ผ์„œ ๋‚ฎ์€ ๋ณตํ˜ธ ๋ณต์žก๋„ ๋ฐ ๋†’์€ ์„ฑ๋Šฅ์„ ๋ณด์ผ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋Š” ์ˆœํ™˜ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ์—์„œ ์ด๋‹จ ์ž๊ธฐ ๋™ํ˜• ๊ตฐ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ๊ฐ€ ์ œ์•ˆ๋˜์—ˆ๋‹ค. ๋ณธ ์—ฐ๊ตฌ์—์„œ๋Š” ํŒจ๋ฆฌํ‹ฐ ๊ฒ€์‚ฌ ํ–‰๋ ฌ์„ ๋ณ€ํ˜•ํ•˜๊ณ , ์ „์ฒ˜๋ฆฌ ๊ณผ์ •์„ ๋„์ž…ํ•œ ์ƒˆ๋กœ์šด ์ด๋‹จ ์ž๊ธฐ๋™ํ˜• ๊ตฐ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ๋ฅผ ์ œ์•ˆํ•œ๋‹ค. ์ œ์•ˆํ•œ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ๋Š” perfect ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ, BCH ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๋ฐ ์ตœ๋Œ€ ๊ฑฐ๋ฆฌ ๋ถ„๋ฆฌ (maximum distance separable, MDS) ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ์— ๋Œ€ํ•ด์„œ ๋ถ„์„๋˜์—ˆ๋‹ค. ์ˆ˜์น˜ ๋ถ„์„์„ ํ†ตํ•ด, ์ œ์•ˆ๋œ ๋ณตํ˜ธ ์•Œ๊ณ ๋ฆฌ์ฆ˜์€ ๊ธฐ์กด์˜ ์ž๊ธฐ ๋™ํ˜• ๊ตฐ ๋ณตํ˜ธ๊ธฐ๋ณด๋‹ค ๋‚ฎ์€ ๋ณต์žก๋„๋ฅผ ๋ณด์ด๋ฉฐ, ๋ช‡๋ช‡์˜ ์ˆœํ™˜ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๋ฐ ์†Œ์‹ค ์ฑ„๋„์—์„œ ์ตœ๋Œ€ ์šฐ๋„ (maximal likelihood, ML)๊ณผ ๊ฐ™์€ ์ˆ˜์ค€์˜ ์„ฑ๋Šฅ์ž„์„ ๋ณด์ธ๋‹ค. MDS ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ์˜ ๊ฒฝ์šฐ, ํ™•์žฅ๋œ ํŒจ๋ฆฌํ‹ฐ๊ฒ€์‚ฌ ํ–‰๋ ฌ ๋ฐ ์ž‘์€ ํฌ๊ธฐ์˜ ํ–‰๋ ฌ์˜ ์—ญ์—ฐ์‚ฐ์„ ํ™œ์šฉํ•˜์˜€์„ ๊ฒฝ์šฐ์˜ ์„ฑ๋Šฅ์„ ๋ถ„์„ํ•œ๋‹ค. ๋‘ ๋ฒˆ์งธ๋กœ, ๋ถ„์‚ฐ ์ €์žฅ ์‹œ์Šคํ…œ์„ ์œ„ํ•œ ์ˆœํ™˜ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๋ฐ ๊ธฐ์กด์˜ ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ์ ‘์† ๋ณต๊ตฌ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ (LRC)๋ฅผ ์ด์šฉํ•œ ์ด์ง„ ํ˜น์€ ์‚ผ์ง„ ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ์ ‘์† ๋ณต๊ตฌ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ์„ค๊ณ„๋ฒ•์„ ์ œ์•ˆํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ์ดˆ๊ธฐ ์—ฐ๊ตฌ๋กœ์„œ, ์ˆœํ™˜ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ ๋ฐ ์—ฐ์ ‘์„ ํ™œ์šฉํ•œ ์ด์ง„ ๋ฐ ์‚ผ์ง„ LRC ์„ค๊ณ„ ๊ธฐ๋ฒ•์ด ์—ฐ๊ตฌ๋˜์—ˆ๋‹ค. ์ตœ์†Œ ํ•ด๋ฐ ๊ฑฐ๋ฆฌ๊ฐ€ 4,5, ํ˜น์€ 6์ธ ์ œ์•ˆ๋œ ์ด์ง„ LRC ์ค‘ ์ผ๋ถ€๋Š” ์ƒํ•œ๊ณผ ๋น„๊ตํ•ด ๋ณด์•˜์„ ๋•Œ ์ตœ์  ์„ค๊ณ„์ž„์„ ์ฆ๋ช…ํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ๋˜ํ•œ, ๋น„์Šทํ•œ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ•์„ ์ ์šฉํ•˜์—ฌ ์ข‹์€ ํŒŒ๋ผ๋ฏธํ„ฐ์˜ ์‚ผ์ง„ LRC๋ฅผ ์„ค๊ณ„ํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์—ˆ๋‹ค. ๊ทธ ์™ธ์— ๊ธฐ์กด์˜ LRC๋ฅผ ํ™œ์šฉํ•˜์—ฌ ํฐ ํ•ด๋ฐ ๊ฑฐ๋ฆฌ์˜ ์ƒˆ๋กœ์šด LRC๋ฅผ ์„ค๊ณ„ํ•˜๋Š” ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ•์„ ์ œ์•ˆํ•˜์˜€๋‹ค. ์ œ์•ˆ๋œ LRC๋Š” ๋ถ„๋ฆฌ๋œ ๋ณต๊ตฌ ๊ตฐ ์กฐ๊ฑด์—์„œ ์ตœ์ ์ด๊ฑฐ๋‚˜ ์ตœ์ ์— ๊ฐ€๊นŒ์šด ๊ฐ’์„ ๋ณด์˜€๋‹ค. ๋งˆ์ง€๋ง‰์œผ๋กœ, GRP LDPC ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ๋Š” Nakagami-mm ๋ธ”๋ก ํŽ˜์ด๋”ฉ ๋ฐ ๋ธ”๋ก ๊ฐ„์„ญ์ด ์žˆ๋Š” ๋‘ ์ƒํƒœ์˜ ์ด์ง„ ๋Œ€์นญ ์ฑ„๋„์„ ๊ธฐ๋ฐ˜์œผ๋กœ ํ•œ๋‹ค. ์ด๋Ÿฌํ•œ ์ฑ„๋„ ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์—์„œ GRP LDPC ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ๋Š” ํ•˜๋‚˜์˜ ๋ธ”๋ก ๊ฐ„์„ญ์ด ๋ฐœ์ƒํ–ˆ์„ ๊ฒฝ์šฐ, ์ด๋ก ์  ์„ฑ๋Šฅ์— ๊ฐ€๊นŒ์šด ์ข‹์€ ์„ฑ๋Šฅ์„ ๋ณด์—ฌ์ค€๋‹ค. ์ด๋Ÿฌํ•œ ์ด๋ก  ๊ฐ’์€ ์ฑ„๋„ ๋ฌธํ„ฑ๊ฐ’์ด๋‚˜ ์ฑ„๋„ outage ํ™•๋ฅ ์„ ํ†ตํ•ด ๊ฒ€์ฆํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋‹ค. ์ œ์•ˆ๋œ ์„ค๊ณ„์—์„œ๋Š”, ๋ณ€ํ˜•๋œ PEXIT ์•Œ๊ณ ๋ฆฌ์ฆ˜์„ ํ™œ์šฉํ•˜์—ฌ ๊ธฐ์ดˆ ํ–‰๋ ฌ์„ ์„ค๊ณ„ํ•œ๋‹ค. ๋˜ํ•œ AJ-PR LDPC ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ๋Š” ์ฃผํŒŒ์ˆ˜ ๋„์•ฝ ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์—์„œ ๋ฐœ์ƒํ•˜๋Š” ์ถ”์  ์žฌ๋ฐ์ด ์žˆ๋Š” ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์„ ๊ธฐ๋ฐ˜์œผ๋กœ ํ•œ๋‹ค. ์ฑ„๋„ ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์œผ๋กœ MFSK ๋ณ€๋ณต์กฐ ๋ฐฉ์‹์˜ ๋ ˆ์ผ๋ฆฌ ๋ธ”๋ก ํŽ˜์ด๋”ฉ ๋ฐ ๋ฌด์ž‘์œ„ํ•œ ์ง€์† ์‹œ๊ฐ„์ด ์žˆ๋Š” ์žฌ๋ฐ ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์„ ๊ฐ€์ •ํ•œ๋‹ค. ์ด๋Ÿฌํ•œ ์žฌ๋ฐ ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์œผ๋กœ ์ตœ์ ํ™”ํ•˜๊ธฐ ์œ„ํ•ด, ๋ถ€๋ถ„ ๊ท ์ผ ๊ตฌ์กฐ ๋ฐ ํ•ด๋‹น๋˜๋Š” ๋ฐ€๋„ ์ง„ํ™” (density evolution, DE) ๊ธฐ๋ฒ•์ด ํ™œ์šฉ๋œ๋‹ค. ์—ฌ๋Ÿฌ ์‹œ๋ฎฌ๋ ˆ์ด์…˜ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๋Š” ์ถ”์  ์žฌ๋ฐ์ด ์กด์žฌํ•˜๋Š” ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์—์„œ ์ œ์•ˆ๋œ ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ๊ฐ€ 802.16e์— ์‚ฌ์šฉ๋˜์—ˆ๋˜ LDPC ๋ถ€ํ˜ธ๋ณด๋‹ค ์„ฑ๋Šฅ์ด ์šฐ์ˆ˜ํ•จ์„ ๋ณด์—ฌ์ค€๋‹ค.Contents Abstract Contents List of Tables List of Figures 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Overview of Dissertation 1.3 Notations 2 Preliminaries 2.1 IED and AGD for Erasure Channel 2.1.1 Iterative Erasure Decoder 2.1.1 Automorphism Group Decoder 2.2. Binary Locally Repairable Codes for Distributed Storage System 2.2.1 Bounds and Optimalities of Binary LRCs 2.2.2 Existing Optimal Constructions of Binary LRCs 2.3 Channels with Block Interference and Jamming 2.3.1 Channels with Block Interference 2.3.2 Channels with Jamming with MFSK and FHSS Environment. 3 New Two-Stage Automorphism Group Decoders for Cyclic Codes in the Erasure Channel 3.1 Some Definitions 3.2 Modification of Parity Check Matrix and Two-Stage AGD 3.2.1 Modification of the Parity Check Matrix 3.2.2 A New Two-Stage AGD 3.2.3 Analysis of Modification Criteria for the Parity Check Matrix 3.2.4 Analysis of Decoding Complexity of TS-AGD 3.2.5 Numerical Analysis for Some Cyclic Codes 3.3 Construction of Parity Check Matrix and TS-AGD for Cyclic MDS Codes 3.3.1 Modification of Parity Check Matrix for Cyclic MDS Codes . 3.3.2 Proposed TS-AGD for Cyclic MDS Codes 3.3.3 Perfect Decoding by TS-AGD with Expanded Parity Check Matrix for Cyclic MDS Codes 3.3.4 TS-AGD with Submatrix Inversion for Cyclic MDS Codes . . 4 New Constructions of Binary and Ternary LRCs Using Cyclic Codes and Existing LRCs 4.1 Constructions of Binary LRCs Using Cyclic Codes 4.2 Constructions of Linear Ternary LRCs Using Cyclic Codes 4.3 Constructions of Binary LRCs with Disjoint Repair Groups Using Existing LRCs 4.4 New Constructions of Binary Linear LRCs with d โ‰ฅ 8 Using Existing LRCs 5 New Constructions of Generalized RP LDPC Codes for Block Interference and Partially Regular LDPC Codes for Follower Jamming 5.1 Generalized RP LDPC Codes for a Nonergodic BI 5.1.1 Minimum Blockwise Hamming Weight 5.1.2 Construction of GRP LDPC Codes 5.2 Asymptotic and Numerical Analyses of GRP LDPC Codes 5.2.1 Asymptotic Analysis of LDPC Codes 5.2.2 Numerical Analysis of Finite-Length LDPC Codes 5.3 Follower Noise Jamming with Fixed Scan Speed 5.4 Anti-Jamming Partially Regular LDPC Codes for Follower Noise Jamming 5.4.1 Simplified Channel Model and Corresponding Density Evolution 5.4.2 Construction of AJ-PR-LDPC Codes Based on DE 5.5 Numerical Analysis of AJ-PR LDPC Codes 6 Conclusion Abstract (In Korean)Docto

    Sparse graph-based coding schemes for continuous phase modulations

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    The use of the continuous phase modulation (CPM) is interesting when the channel represents a strong non-linearity and in the case of limited spectral support; particularly for the uplink, where the satellite holds an amplifier per carrier, and for downlinks where the terminal equipment works very close to the saturation region. Numerous studies have been conducted on this issue but the proposed solutions use iterative CPM demodulation/decoding concatenated with convolutional or block error correcting codes. The use of LDPC codes has not yet been introduced. Particularly, no works, to our knowledge, have been done on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes adapted for the context described here. In this study, we propose to perform the asymptotic analysis and the design of turbo-CPM systems based on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes. Moreover, an analysis on the corresponding receiver will be done

    Network-coded MIMO-NOMA systems with FEC codes in two-way relay networks

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    This paper assumes two users and a twoโ€way relay network with the combination of 2ร—2 multiโ€input multiโ€output (MIMO) and nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA). To achieve network reliability without sacrificing network throughput, networkโ€coded MIMOโ€NOMA schemes with convolutional, Reedโ€Solomon (RS), and turbo codes are applied. Messages from two users at the relay node are networkโ€coded and combined in NOMA scheme. Interleaved differential encoding with redundancy (Rโ€RIDE) scheme is proposed together with MIMOโ€NOMA system. Quadrature phaseโ€shift keying (QPSK) modulation technique is used. Bit error rate (BER) versus signalโ€toโ€noise ratio (SNR) (dB) and average mutual information (AMI) (bps/Hz) versus SNR (dB) in NOMA and MIMOโ€NOMA schemes are evaluated and presented. From the simulated results, the combination of MIMOโ€NOMA system with the proposed Rโ€RIDEโ€Turbo networkโ€coded scheme in twoโ€way relay networks has better BER and higher AMI performance than conventional coded NOMA system. Furthermore, Rโ€RIDEโ€Turbo scheme in MIMOโ€NOMA system outperforms the other coded schemes in both MIMOโ€NOMA and NOMA systems