157 research outputs found

    The Design and Analysis of Hash Families For Use in Broadcast Encryption

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    abstract: Broadcast Encryption is the task of cryptographically securing communication in a broadcast environment so that only a dynamically specified subset of subscribers, called the privileged subset, may decrypt the communication. In practical applications, it is desirable for a Broadcast Encryption Scheme (BES) to demonstrate resilience against attacks by colluding, unprivileged subscribers. Minimal Perfect Hash Families (PHFs) have been shown to provide a basis for the construction of memory-efficient t-resilient Key Pre-distribution Schemes (KPSs) from multiple instances of 1-resilient KPSs. Using this technique, the task of constructing a large t-resilient BES is reduced to finding a near-minimal PHF of appropriate parameters. While combinatorial and probabilistic constructions exist for minimal PHFs with certain parameters, the complexity of constructing them in general is currently unknown. This thesis introduces a new type of hash family, called a Scattering Hash Family (ScHF), which is designed to allow for the scalable and ingredient-independent design of memory-efficient BESs for large parameters, specifically resilience and total number of subscribers. A general BES construction using ScHFs is shown, which constructs t-resilient KPSs from other KPSs of any resilience ≤w≤t. In addition to demonstrating how ScHFs can be used to produce BESs , this thesis explores several ScHF construction techniques. The initial technique demonstrates a probabilistic, non-constructive proof of existence for ScHFs . This construction is then derandomized into a direct, polynomial time construction of near-minimal ScHFs using the method of conditional expectations. As an alternative approach to direct construction, representing ScHFs as a k-restriction problem allows for the indirect construction of ScHFs via randomized post-optimization. Using the methods defined, ScHFs are constructed and the parameters' effects on solution size are analyzed. For large strengths, constructive techniques lose significant performance, and as such, asymptotic analysis is performed using the non-constructive existential results. This work concludes with an analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of BESs based on the constructed ScHFs. Due to the novel nature of ScHFs, the results of this analysis are used as the foundation for an empirical comparison between ScHF-based and PHF-based BESs . The primary bases of comparison are construction efficiency, key material requirements, and message transmission overhead.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Computer Science 201

    Anonymous Traitor Tracing: How to Embed Arbitrary Information in a Key

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    In a traitor tracing scheme, each user is given a different decryption key. A content distributor can encrypt digital content using a public encryption key and each user in the system can decrypt it using her decryption key. Even if a coalition of users combines their decryption keys and constructs some ``pirate decoder\u27\u27 that is capable of decrypting the content, there is a public tracing algorithm that is guaranteed to recover the identity of at least one of the users in the coalition given black-box access to such decoder. In prior solutions, the users are indexed by numbers 1,,N1,\ldots,N and the tracing algorithm recovers the index ii of a user in a coalition. Such solutions implicitly require the content distributor to keep a record that associates each index ii with the actual identifying information for the corresponding user (e.g., name, address, etc.) in order to ensure accountability. In this work, we construct traitor tracing schemes where all of the identifying information about the user can be embedded directly into the user\u27s key and recovered by the tracing algorithm. In particular, the content distributor does not need to separately store any records about the users of the system, and honest users can even remain anonymous to the content distributor. The main technical difficulty comes in designing tracing algorithms that can handle an exponentially large universe of possible identities, rather than just a polynomial set of indices i[N]i \in [N]. We solve this by abstracting out an interesting algorithmic problem that has surprising connections with seemingly unrelated areas in cryptography. We also extend our solution to a full ``broadcast-trace-and-revoke\u27\u27 scheme in which the traced users can subsequently be revoked from the system. Depending on parameters, some of our schemes can be based only on the existence of public-key encryption while others rely on indistinguishability obfuscation

    Ad Hoc (Decentralized) Broadcast, Trace, and Revoke

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    Traitor tracing schemes [Chor–Fiat–Naor, Crypto ’94] help content distributors fight against piracy and are defined with the content distributor as a trusted authority having access to the secret keys of all users. While the traditional model caters well to its original motivation, its centralized nature makes it unsuitable for many scenarios. For usage among mutually untrusted parties, a notion of *ad hoc* traitor tracing (naturally with the capability of broadcast and revocation) is proposed and studied in this work. Such a scheme allows users in the system to generate their own public/secret key pairs, without trusting any other entity. To encrypt, a list of public keys is used to identify the set of recipients, and decryption is possible with a secret key for any of the public keys in the list. In addition, there is a tracing algorithm that given a list of recipients’ public keys and a pirate decoder capable of decrypting ciphertexts encrypted to them, identifies at least one recipient whose secret key must have been used to construct the said decoder. Two constructions are presented. The first is based on obfuscation and has constant-size ciphertext, yet its decryption time is linear in the number of recipients. The second is a generic transformation that reduces decryption time at the cost of increased ciphertext size. A lower bound on the trade-off between ciphertext size and decryption time is shown, indicating that the two constructions achieve all possible optimal trade-offs, i.e., they fully demonstrate the Pareto front of efficiency. The lower bound also applies to broadcast encryption and is of independent interest

    Fully Collusion Resistant Trace-and-Revoke Functional Encryption for Arbitrary Identities

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    Functional Encryption (FE) has been extensively studied in the recent years, mainly focusing on the feasibility of constructing FE for general functionalities, as well as some realizations for restricted functionalities of practical interest, such as inner-product. However, little consideration has been given to the issue of key leakage on FE. The property of FE that allows multiple users to obtain the same functional keys from the holder of the master secret key raises an important problem: if some users leak their keys or collude to create a pirated decoder, how can we identify at least one of those users, given some information about the compromised keys or the pirated decoder? Moreover, how do we disable the decryption capabilities of those users (i.e. traitors)? Two recent works have offered potential solutions to the above traitor scenario. However, the two solutions satisfy weaker notions of security and traceability, can only tolerate bounded collusions (i.e., there is an a priori bound on the number of keys the pirated decoder obtains), or can only handle a polynomially large universe of possible identities. In this paper, we study trace-and-revoke mechanism on FE and provide the first construction of trace-and-revoke FE that supports arbitrary identities, is both fully collusion resistant and fully anonymous. Our construction relies on a generic transformation from revocable predicate functional encryption with broadcast (RPFE with broadcast, which is an extension of revocable predicate encryption with broadcast proposed by Kim and J. Wu at ASIACRYPT\u272020) to trace-and-revoke FE. Since this construction admits a generic construction of trace-and-revoke inner-product FE (IPFE), we instantiate the trace-and-revoke IPFE from the well-studied Learning with Errors (LWE). This is achieved by proposing a new LWE-based attribute-based IPFE (ABIPFE) scheme to instantiate RPFE with broadcast

    A New Cryptosystem Based On Hidden Order Groups

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    Let G1G_1 be a cyclic multiplicative group of order nn. It is known that the Diffie-Hellman problem is random self-reducible in G1G_1 with respect to a fixed generator gg if ϕ(n)\phi(n) is known. That is, given g,gxG1g, g^x\in G_1 and having oracle access to a `Diffie-Hellman Problem' solver with fixed generator gg, it is possible to compute g1/xG1g^{1/x} \in G_1 in polynomial time (see theorem 3.2). On the other hand, it is not known if such a reduction exists when ϕ(n)\phi(n) is unknown (see conjuncture 3.1). We exploit this ``gap'' to construct a cryptosystem based on hidden order groups and present a practical implementation of a novel cryptographic primitive called an \emph{Oracle Strong Associative One-Way Function} (O-SAOWF). O-SAOWFs have applications in multiparty protocols. We demonstrate this by presenting a key agreement protocol for dynamic ad-hoc groups.Comment: removed examples for multiparty key agreement and join protocols, since they are redundan

    Efficient Public Trace and Revoke from Standard Assumptions

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    We provide efficient constructions for trace-and-revoke systems with public traceability in the black-box confirmation model. Our constructions achieve adaptive security, are based on standard assumptions and achieve significant efficiency gains compared to previous constructions. Our constructions rely on a generic transformation from inner product functional encryption (IPFE) schemes to trace-and-revoke systems. Our transformation requires the underlying IPFE scheme to only satisfy a very weak notion of security -- the attacker may only request a bounded number of random keys -- in contrast to the standard notion of security where she may request an unbounded number of arbitrarily chosen keys. We exploit the much weaker security model to provide a new construction for bounded collusion and random key IPFE from the learning with errors assumption (LWE), which enjoys improved efficiency compared to the scheme of Agrawal et al. [CRYPTO'16]. Together with IPFE schemes from Agrawal et al., we obtain trace and revoke from LWE, Decision Diffie Hellman and Decision Composite Residuosity

    Hardness of Non-Interactive Differential Privacy from One-Way Functions

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    A central challenge in differential privacy is to design computationally efficient non-interactive algorithms that can answer large numbers of statistical queries on a sensitive dataset. That is, we would like to design a differentially private algorithm that takes a dataset DXnD \in X^n consisting of some small number of elements nn from some large data universe XX, and efficiently outputs a summary that allows a user to efficiently obtain an answer to any query in some large family QQ. Ignoring computational constraints, this problem can be solved even when XX and QQ are exponentially large and nn is just a small polynomial; however, all algorithms with remotely similar guarantees run in exponential time. There have been several results showing that, under the strong assumption of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), no efficient differentially private algorithm exists when XX and QQ can be exponentially large. However, there are no strong separations between information-theoretic and computationally efficient differentially private algorithms under any standard complexity assumption. In this work we show that, if one-way functions exist, there is no general purpose differentially private algorithm that works when XX and QQ are exponentially large, and nn is an arbitrary polynomial. In fact, we show that this result holds even if XX is just subexponentially large (assuming only polynomially-hard one-way functions). This result solves an open problem posed by Vadhan in his recent survey

    Collusion Resistant Trace-and-Revoke for Arbitrary Identities from Standard Assumptions

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    A traitor tracing scheme is a multi-user public-key encryption scheme where each user in the system holds a decryption key that is associated with the user\u27s identity. Using the public key, a content distributor can encrypt a message to all of the users in the system. At the same time, if a malicious group of users combine their respective decryption keys to build a pirate decoder, there is an efficient tracing algorithm that the content distributor can use to identify at least one of the keys used to construct the decoder. A trace-and-revoke scheme is an extension of a standard traitor tracing scheme where there is an additional key-revocation mechanism that the content distributor can use to disable the decryption capabilities of compromised keys. Namely, during encryption, the content distributor can encrypt a message with respect to a list of revoked users such that only non-revoked users can decrypt the resulting ciphertext. Trace-and-revoke schemes are challenging to construct. Existing constructions from standard assumptions can only tolerate bounded collusions (i.e., there is an a priori bound on the number of keys an adversary obtains), have system parameters that scale exponentially in the bit-length of the identities, or satisfy weaker notions of traceability that are vulnerable to certain types of pirate evolution attacks. In this work, we provide the first construction of a trace-and-revoke scheme that is fully collusion resistant and capable of supporting arbitrary identities (i.e., the identities can be drawn from an exponential-size space). Our scheme supports public encryption and secret tracing, and can be based on the sub-exponential hardness of the LWE problem (with a super-polynomial modulus-to-noise ratio). The ciphertext size in our construction scales logarithmically in the size of the identity space and linearly in the size of the revocation list. Our scheme leverages techniques from both combinatorial and algebraic constructions for traitor tracing

    Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing

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    We construct the first fully collusion resistant tracing traitors system with sublinear size ciphertexts and constant size private keys. More precisely, let NN be the total number of users. Our system generates ciphertexts of size O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) and private keys of size O(1)O(1). We build our system by first building a simpler primitive called private linear broadcast encryption (PLBE). We then show that any PLBE gives a tracing traitors system with the same parameters. Our system uses bilinear maps in groups of composite order

    White Box Traitor Tracing

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    Traitor tracing aims to identify the source of leaked decryption keys. Since the traitor can try to hide their key within obfuscated code in order to evade tracing, the tracing algorithm should work for general, potentially obfuscated, decoder programs. In the setting of such general decoder programs, prior work uses black box tracing: the tracing algorithm ignores the implementation of the decoder, and instead traces just by making queries to the decoder and observing the outputs. We observe that, in some settings, such black box tracing leads to consistency and user privacy issues. On the other hand, these issues do not appear inherent to white box tracing, where the tracing algorithm actually inspects the decoder implementation. We therefore develop new white box traitor tracing schemes providing consistency and/or privacy. Our schemes can be instantiated under various assumptions ranging from public key encryption and NIZKs to indistinguishability obfuscation, with different trade-offs. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first work to consider white box tracing in the general decoder setting